
Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

author:AoHe agricultural technology small back basket

Recently, several farmer friends complained to the small back basket of agricultural technology: the thrips pests in the vegetable field are really hateful toothache, and the hard work in the field to grow some vegetables is not enough for the thrips to give the scourge! And the thrips this pest is particularly hateful, it is not only small and difficult to find, the sun is strong during the day hidden and disappeared, wait until dark after night to jump out to wreak havoc, have the heart to control it, frequently play insecticides into the ground can not kill clean, can not get rid of insect pests, often after a few days of insecticide in the field and vegetables crawl full of thrips, if not to control it, the vegetables in the field can not be kept, to the time when the vegetables are ripe and harvested, there is no yield and no quality, a season of hard work to float!

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

In response to this situation, these vegetable farmers asked the agricultural technology basket, is there any good way to control the thrips on vegetables? At the same time, the insecticides commonly used in the past seem to kill thrips, can you recommend some insecticide drugs that have a better effect on killing thrips? In addition to the methods of drugging to control thrips, what other methods can effectively control thrips infestations?

It is no wonder that our vegetable farmer friends have a headache, because this small pest, the thrips, is indeed a pest that is very difficult to prevent and treat in agriculture, especially those thrips hidden in the flowers, which are particularly difficult to control.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

In order to help everyone control thrips infestation, today's agricultural technology small back basket will tell you how to effectively control thrips infestation, tell you what methods to take, what kinds of drugs to use to cleanly kill thrips pests in the field.

First, about the characteristics of thrips and insect pests

First of all, we should make it clear that thrips refer to more than just a pest, we often say that thrips are the general term for such pests as thrips, because there are many kinds of thrips, and there are two or three hundred types of thrips that have been found in China, such as melon thrips, onion thrips, rice thrips, etc., and different thrips also have different color colors, such as the color of thrips adults is mainly yellow, black, brown, etc., and the colors of thrips larvae are mainly white, yellow, orange and so on.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

Secondly, we must clarify the living habits of thrips, thrips can break out at any time throughout the year, and thrips pests can multi-generational rapidly reproduce in a year and the generations of pests accumulate superimposed hazards, of which spring, summer and autumn thrips infestation mainly occur on open crops, and winter thrips mainly occur in crops in greenhouses, and the spring of 4-6 months and district-level 9-11 months are the most serious periods of thrips infestation; in general, thrips like to live in a warm and dry environment. The most suitable environment for the growth and reproduction of thrips is the temperature of 23-28 degrees, humidity of 50-70%, of which the temperature of about 25 degrees, humidity of about 60% of the temperature and humidity environment is most conducive to the rapid reproduction of thrips and outbreak of insect pests.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

Third, we should clarify the insect infestation hazard characteristics of thrips, which are very harmful to all kinds of vegetable crops (such as beans, cucumbers, eggplant, green onions, etc.), food crops (such as corn, rice, wheat, etc.), cash crops (such as sugarcane, tobacco, cotton, strawberries, etc.), fruit tree crops (pears, peaches, grapes, apples, citrus, lychees, etc.). Because thrips have the characteristics of tenderness and sweetness, so after the occurrence of thrips infestation, the main objects of harm to thrips in crops are new leaves, young branches, new shoots, flowers, young fruits and other parts, resulting in slow growth of seedlings, new shoots and shoots shrinking, curling, deformity, leaves thinning and hardening and covered with gray spots and insect marks, flowers are stunted, wilted deformity, dry withering, flowers are not real, young fruits become smaller, harder, dry and shrunken, rough fruit insect marks, and in severe cases, it will also lead to a large number of flowers and young fruits on the crop. The fruit surface is heavily streaked, resulting in a significant reduction in the later yield and commodity value of the crop. In addition, because thrips are pests of the stinging mouth, it is also the source of the spread of many diseases (such as viral diseases, gray mold, etc.) on field crops.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

In addition, we also need to understand the reasons why thrips insect pests are difficult to control, and in this agricultural technology small back basket also summarizes the reasons for the difficulty of control: the first is a small head, good hiding (hidden in the back of leaves, flowers and young shoots, young leaves, petioles, soil crevices, etc.), it is difficult to find without careful observation, it is difficult to contact the insect body; the second is multi-generational reproduction a year and the reproduction speed is fast, the amount of reproduction is large, the generations are superimposed, the number of insect sources in the field is particularly large, and it is easy to burst into flooding; the third is parasitic plants (crops, Weeds, etc.) have a wide range, can alternately spread hazards, insect pests are not easy to be effectively controlled; the fourth is that the thrips lie out at night and come out in the evening, and at the same time, it has legs that can jump, wings can fly and is good at migrating and escaping, coupled with the increasing resistance of thrips, we farmers are naturally not easy to kill when they are sprayed in the field.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

Finally, it is also necessary to understand what kind of environment and field are most prone to outbreak of thrips infestation, thrips are the most prone to outbreaks of insect pests in a warm and dry environment (temperature of about 25 degrees, humidity of about 60%), spring and autumn are the peak of insect pest outbreaks, where the spring temperature is fast, autumn cooling is early, the climate is warm and less precipitation, air drying, water retention is poor, there are more weeds in the field and surrounding areas, excessive use of nitrogen fertilizer leads to seedlings young and vigorous, plant stems and leaves are dense and impermeable, long-term shallow rotation tillage without deep ploughing, Long-term heavy stubble planting, no matter what crops are planted, are prone to outbreaks of very serious thrips infestation, on the contrary, the thrips on the field crops will be relatively small and light, and the soil drought, high soil temperature environment will increase the incidence of thrips infestation.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

Second, on the integrated control method of thrips

1. Drug control method of thrips in the field

When using drugs to control thrips infestations, we usually use three main methods, one is to use insecticides to treat the soil, one is to use insecticides for seed mixing, and the other is the most commonly used pesticide for field spraying.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

In terms of drug recommendations for the prevention and control of thrips, all farmers who feel that it is more difficult to control thrips, we may wish to try the insecticide drug of cyanosomidamide bromo, which not only has the characteristics of internal aspiration, penetration and conduction, but also has the characteristics of fast insecticidal speed, high insecticidal rate, long duration of medicinal effect, and wide spectrum of insecticidal, not only the effect of controlling thrips on field crops is particularly good, but also can control and control pests such as chewing, prickly suction, lepidoptera, etc. For example, it can be used to control common crops such as whiteflies, aphids, leafminer flies, leafminer moths, cabbage moths, curly leaf borers, dimorphs, tsubaki, beetles, etc., in addition, bromocyanidine because of the relatively short time on the market in China, so the level of drug resistance of pests to it is medium and low, while bromocyanidine and other insecticides do not have interactive resistance, so it can be compounded with other insecticides to improve the effect of pest control.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

Bromocyanosamide on the market, which is a drug oil suspension, suspension emulsion, suspension agent and other types, can be used to treat the soil before sowing, can also be used to mix seeds before sowing, and can also be foliar spraying insecticide when thrips infestation occurs, the common active ingredient content is 10% bromocyanidamide, 19% bromocyanosamide and so on.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

(1) Drug treatment soil to control thrips infestation

Before crop sowing or before the planting of vegetable seedlings, the agricultural technology basket suggests that you can use 1.5 kg of 3% furazine granules or 1.5 kg of 5% thiamethoxine granules per mu, mix the insecticide with about 30 kg of decomposing organic fertilizer, and then spread the whole field or spread along the ditch or spread in the colonization hole on the planting ground, these insecticides sprinkled in the soil can not only effectively kill aphids, but also effectively kill aphids, whiteflies and other underground pests in the soil.

However, the agricultural technology small back basket recommends that everyone use the drug bromocyanidamide with less resistance and better control effect of thrips.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

(2) Drug treatment seeds for the control of thrips infestation

Before crop sowing, especially in the plots where field crops are planted, the agricultural technology basket suggests that everyone can use 40% bromoyl • thiamethoxam seed treatment suspension for medicinal solution seed mixing (or according to the dosage of 10 kg of drug seed mixing of about 12-18 grams), which can effectively control thrips, but also control pests such as nocturnal moths and ground tigers. In addition to 40% bromoyl • thiamethoxam, we can also use 8% furazine suspension seed coating agent to carry out liquid seeding before sowing the crop, and the ratio of drugs to seeds can be used according to about 150 grams to 200 grams per 10 kg of seeds, which can promote the prevention and control of thrips infestations at the seedling stage of crops, and can also control insect pests such as whiteflies, aphids, grubs, and golden needle worms in the field.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

(3) Liquid spray to control thrips infestation

In the process of crop growth, if thrips infestation occurs on field crops, we should start spraying medicine to control thrips infestation early in the process. When controlling thrips infestations on field crops, we should no longer use drugs that have been used for a long time, used alone and have been resistant to thrips and cannot kill thrips (such as acetamidine, thiamethoxam, thiamethoxazine, etc.), and agricultural technology small back baskets recommend cyanoanthinamide suspension agents with small drug resistance, fast insecticidal speed and high insecticidal rate. The method of use can be sprayed according to the method of dilution of 40-50 ml of cypermide suspension per acre with 30 kg of water, or it can also be sprayed after dilution of 5000-6000 times of bromocyanidamide suspension with an active ingredient of 19%. In addition to the drug bromocyanidamide suspension, we can also use 1000-1500 times of 30% snail • furofuran amine suspension or 40% pyrazine • furofuran amine water dispersion granules or 2500-3000 times 60% alkene • furofuranamine water dispersible granules and other drugs for the control of thrips.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

However, when we are spraying in the field to prevent and control thrips, even the best drugs can not be used alone, and the agricultural technology small back basket suggests that everyone can choose 2-3 drugs for alternating use when spraying (for example, the drug formula of ethyl polyfenacide + furamidine + pimether can be used interchangeably when controlling thrips eggs and nymphs).

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

In addition to the above methods of drug control of thrips, in order to improve the drug control effect of thrips infestations, we should also pay attention to the following points when spraying: (1) it is recommended to add a small amount of drug auxiliaries (such as silicones, vegetable essential oils or sugar that can induce thrips to eat, etc.) ;(2) It is recommended to control thrips on the leaves at 5-6 pm or in the evening (in the evening, the thrips will change from hiding from light to active feeding), and the thrips in the flowers are recommended to be at 7-9 o'clock in the morning (when the flowers are open in the morning, If the afternoon spray should be sprayed before the flowers close) the sprinkler tilted upwards 45 degrees to spray, in a word, control foliar thrips in the evening, control flowers thrips in the morning. (3) When spraying, focus on spraying the back of the leaf surface, leaf sheath, new leaves, slight tops, flowers, ground, weeds and other parts.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

2. Agricultural pest control

(1) Reasonable fertilization, especially to strictly control the amount of nitrogen fertilizer (nitrogen fertilizer, young stems and leaves, easier to attract thrips to eat), to promote crop growth, thereby enhancing the ability of the crop itself to resist diseases and insect pests.

(2) Reasonable watering, frequent watering appropriately increase soil moisture, to avoid crop growth period soil is too arid, because the dry environment is conducive to the growth and reproduction of thrips, and the humid environment can effectively inhibit the spawning, hatching and survival of thrips, when the soil moisture reaches 80% and above, thrips will generally be difficult to survive.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

(3) Thoroughly clean up weeds, destroy the environmental conditions for the survival of thrips, and reduce the incidence of insect pests transferred from weeds to field crops.

(4) Increase the application of insect nets, it is recommended that 40-60 insect nets be added at the entrance of the greenhouse, the air outlet, etc., so as to block the adult thrips outside the shed from flying into the internal hazards.

(5) Mulch film laying mulch film planting can not only prevent thrips from pupating or overwintering, but also prevent thrips from pupating out of the soil and spreading, so that the number of thrips in the field and the incidence of insect pests can be effectively controlled.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

3. Physical control of thrips infestation

In the high incidence of thrips infestation, hang blue sticky oil plates in the field to trap adult thrips (thrips have blue tendencies), under normal circumstances, 30-40 blue sticky oil plates are suspended per acre, and the hanging height of the blue sticky oil plates should be flush with the top of the crop or about 10 cm higher than the top of the crop seedlings.

Small thrips in the field, big harm to agriculture! Thrips can't kill? Try these tricks

4. Natural enemies control thrips infestation

Protecting or releasing natural enemies that can prey on thrips in the field (such as small flower bugs, grasshoppers, spiders, etc.) can also effectively kill thrips pests in the field, which is more suitable for green ecological planting of fruits and vegetables.

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