
There are many parrots in the parrot park, and I know more than 3 species, which is worthy of the parrot breed of the old driver of the parrot world, the Nangong Parrot Park Bird Watching Boardwalk

author:The cook delayed by the parrot

Hello, hello everyone, I am a cook who was delayed by parrots, the last issue shared with you the first review of the draft revision of the Wildlife Protection Law was not passed, parrot farmers: on the shore to change the draft revision of the Wildlife Protection Law failed to pass, before introducing you to the Beijing Zoo, then Beijing is not the only Beijing Zoo can see parrots. There are also many places to raise parrots in Beijing, such as Beijing Nangong Parrot Park, there are many varieties of parrots, you can also interact closely, let's go with me to see what parrots there are.

There are many parrots in the parrot park, and I know more than 3 species, which is worthy of the parrot breed of the old driver of the parrot world, the Nangong Parrot Park Bird Watching Boardwalk

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Nangong Parrot Park</h1>

Nangong Wuzhou Botanical Paradise, located in the Nangong Scenic Area of Fengtai District, has an independent theme museum in the park, namely: 1, Parrot Garden, 2, Coconut Grove Fishing Hall, 3, Greenhouse Park. We love parrots, so the main thing is to go to the parrot park. The parrot park covers an area of 3150 square meters, with 3 fixed bird cages, a performance platform, 1 bird watching boardwalk, 1 stream, and the green area accounts for about 70%, mainly for viewing parrots. It is the first parrot park in the country and is said to have more than 700 species of parrots. I estimate that it is 700 parrots, and there are not 700 species of all species in The country adds up, I passed the bird watching boardwalk mainly by parrots placed on the shelf, so that tourists interact I think this is quite good.

There are many parrots in the parrot park, and I know more than 3 species, which is worthy of the parrot breed of the old driver of the parrot world, the Nangong Parrot Park Bird Watching Boardwalk

"Parrot performance" is even more refreshing, trained macaw, as long as the staff of a password, macaw climb a section of ladders, performance tightrope, turn over, swing and other skills, parrot wonderful performance won a burst of applause and laughter from tourists!

There are many parrots in the parrot park, and I know more than 3 species, which is worthy of the parrot breed of the old driver of the parrot world, the Nangong Parrot Park Bird Watching Boardwalk

<h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > bird-watching boardwalk parrot species</h1>

1, salmon cockatoo, alias: Molu plus cockatoo, cinnabar crown parrot, orange cockatoo, salmon crown sunflower parrot, feathers are mainly white, there are salmon crown feathers on the top of the head, we bird friends commonly known as red sunflower, body length of about 52 cm, life expectancy in 50 years to 70 years, red sunflower has the biggest disadvantage of cockatoo, that is, "feather powder" before the article has mentioned parrot feather powder, may be some novices do not know what feather powder is, feather powder is the secretion of parrot feathers, in the wild to protect the drying of feathers and other roles. What exactly it looks like, just a piece of fine powder similar to human dandruff. Bird friends who raise sunflower parrots have cleanliness, rhinitis, respiratory diseases at home, and I recommend not raising children.

There are many parrots in the parrot park, and I know more than 3 species, which is worthy of the parrot breed of the old driver of the parrot world, the Nangong Parrot Park Bird Watching Boardwalk

2, pink cockatoo, alias: pink batain parrot, pink cockatoo, rose cockatoo, pink parrot, rose sunflower parrot, body length 35-36 cm, weight 270-350 grams, pink bataan parrot personality docile, lively and curious, very like to be close to people, general speaking ability, not as noisy as large sunflower parrots, feather powder is not as large as much, relatively less. Life expectancy up to 40 years shorter than large parrot life span of ten years, some people can live 80 years, parrot age is mainly based on the owner feeding, we say age is the average age of captivity. Large sunflower parrots are prone to nerves, while small cockatoos such as the pink Bataan parrot are more easily tamed, which is one of the reasons why many people like to keep them.

There are many parrots in the parrot park, and I know more than 3 species, which is worthy of the parrot breed of the old driver of the parrot world, the Nangong Parrot Park Bird Watching Boardwalk

3. Blue-eyed big sunflower Batan parrot: body length 44-50 cm, weight 500-570 grams, life expectancy of 50 to 70 years, personality and most sunflower parrots are similar, advantages and disadvantages are the same, snow white feathers plus yellow crown let the first sight of pet lovers fascinated, many novice bird friends see sunflowers want to take home to raise, especially girls like sunflower parrots, I don't know why, sunflowers are so popular.

There are many parrots in the parrot park, and I know more than 3 species, which is worthy of the parrot breed of the old driver of the parrot world, the Nangong Parrot Park Bird Watching Boardwalk

4. Alexander parrot: is the largest long-tailed parrot in Asia, with a total of 5 subspecies, body length according to different subspecies is 56 ~ 62 cm, weight 198 ~ 258 g, lifespan of 20 years ~ 40 years. The ability to speak is average, the price is not high, it is easy to raise, the artificially bred Alexander parrot is good in all aspects, if it is Ono, it is easy to return to the wild, otherwise how is the nickname called the white-eyed wolf.

There are many parrots in the parrot park, and I know more than 3 species, which is worthy of the parrot breed of the old driver of the parrot world, the Nangong Parrot Park Bird Watching Boardwalk

5. Keck parrot: body length 22-23 cm, weight 155-165 g, lifespan of 25 years. Keck parrot is divided into two kinds, the distinction mainly depends on the head feathers, black for black Kai, yellow for Jin Kai, the price of Jin Kai is double or even triple the price of Hei Kai, depending on the appearance of Jin Kai. Jin Kai Hei Kai only has different appearances, the degree of intelligence is the same in all aspects, they are lively and active, and they are curious. Like jumping and walking, rabbit jumping, walking straight steps are common steps, Keck Parrot flight ability is extremely poor. Keck parrots are trained to master a lot of tricks, such as lying hands, being shot, shooting, throwing coins, spinning in circles, and so on. Keck's language learning ability can only be very average, most Keck can't speak, a few can't speak very clearly, and some Kecks are very good at talking (very few).

There are many parrots in the parrot park, and I know more than 3 species, which is worthy of the parrot breed of the old driver of the parrot world, the Nangong Parrot Park Bird Watching Boardwalk

Parrot knowledge: The last issue of Beijing Zoo introduced several kinds, this time parrots also have a lot of unintroduced, some parrots belong to the same family, the next few issues will be taken out separately, otherwise an article to write dozens of parrots, many bird friends also look more troublesome.

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