
Dongxiang black feather green shell egg industry to achieve a contrarian upward trend

author:Nine factions view the world

Use the power of science and technology to build a characteristic brand

Dongxiang black feather green shell egg industry to achieve a contrarian upward trend

"In previous summers, it was the off-season for egg production and sales, and this year, in the face of the serious impact of the new crown epidemic, the company's egg production and sales were as durable as the current high temperature, egg production was more than 5 times that of the same period in the best year in history, and the county store business was hot for more than 8 months, and every day was in short supply." On September 9, Xu Jiansheng, general manager of Jiangxi Donghua Breeding Livestock and Poultry Co., Ltd., talked about the production and sales of Dongxiang black feather green shell eggs, and his joy was overflowing.

Dongxiang black feather green shell egg is a distinctive local iconic brand, which has obtained the national geographical indication certification for agricultural products, and in May this year, it was rated as the first batch of famous and excellent new agricultural products in the country. In recent years, Jiangxi Donghua Breeding Livestock and Poultry Co., Ltd. has made full use of the power of science and technology to build a characteristic brand, won the support of Wu Changxin, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, established the first academician workstation in the same industry in the province, and vigorously promoted black feather green shell eggs to become a pillar industry for farmers to increase income and rural revitalization. Through the long-term research of academicians and expert teams, the breeding "card neck" technology has been overcome, so that the black feather green shell eggs have reached "three rich and one low", that is, selenium-rich, vitamin-rich, amino acid-rich, and low-cholesterol. At present, the state invested 13.7 million yuan in the company to implement germplasm resources protection and utilization projects, with the support of relevant departments, the company also invested 60 million yuan from Germany, Russia to introduce the world's first-class modern automatic production line, the current production line has begun trial operation, the past 20 people's workload, now 1 person can easily get it, layer chicken production has also achieved automatic environmental control, automatic feeding, automatic egg picking, automatic manure cleaning, automatic alarm. Each egg will be sterilized by ultraviolet rays before packaging, and infrared scientific testing will be carried out. The automatic inkjet printer automatically codes to ensure that the product quality can be traced. The commerce department poured out services to promote the "two up and three advances" of Dongxiang black feather green shell eggs, that is, getting on the plane, getting on the high-speed rail, entering the airport, entering the high-speed rail station, and entering the gas station. Xu Jiansheng said that the Dongxiang black feather green shell egg industry can achieve a counter-trend rise in the case of a general downturn in international and domestic counterparts, and the power of science and technology is indispensable.

【Source: Fuzhou Municipal People's Government】

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