
The second 9/11 incident is not far away? The "Islamic State" has not been eliminated, and the American counter-terrorism efforts have been wasted

author:Professor Su Hao

The US government recently released heavy news, saying that the US mainland may be subjected to terrorist attacks within half a year. According to the latest assessment by intelligence agencies, the Afghan Islamic State will resume its ability to attack the United States within six months, and "they have the will to attack." This remark undoubtedly made many Americans wake up. After all, the events of 9/11, two decades ago, remain a lingering haze in the United States. Moreover, since the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan, the "Islamic State" has planned several suicide terrorist attacks in Afghanistan, indicating that it has obviously not been suppressed, and even has a lot of energy.

The second 9/11 incident is not far away? The "Islamic State" has not been eliminated, and the American counter-terrorism efforts have been wasted

Notably, the Pentagon has expressed concern about the Taliban's ability to fight the Islamic State. Earlier, US President Joe Biden also claimed that "intelligence gathering activities will be carried out in Afghanistan for the sake of national security." However, some US officials revealed that if there is no army stationed in Afghanistan, it will be "difficult to obtain intelligence in the sky", which also means that the US military's goal of dismantling terrorist organizations is difficult to achieve.

The second 9/11 incident is not far away? The "Islamic State" has not been eliminated, and the American counter-terrorism efforts have been wasted

Clearly, in this regard, the intention of the US government has been made clear, that is, it wants to re-establish military forces in Afghanistan or establish military bases in its neighbors. As we all know, although the United States has shifted its strategic focus to the Asia-Pacific region, it will not give up its interests in the Middle East. Therefore, "active terrorist organizations" have always been the best reason for the United States to intervene in the situation in the Middle East.

The second 9/11 incident is not far away? The "Islamic State" has not been eliminated, and the American counter-terrorism efforts have been wasted

However, the Afghan Taliban has long made it clear that it "will not cooperate with the United States in combating extremist groups." Earlier, in the meeting between the US government and the Taliban, the US side expressed its willingness to help suppress terrorist organizations in Afghanistan, but was sternly rejected by the Taliban. Judging from the vigorous "anti-terrorism road" of the United States in the past two decades, American-style counter-terrorism will only become more and more anti-terrorist. Not to mention that the United States, under the banner of "counter-terrorism", has brought unspeakable disasters to the Afghan people, and the two sides are far from reaching the stage of "laughing and hating each other".

The second 9/11 incident is not far away? The "Islamic State" has not been eliminated, and the American counter-terrorism efforts have been wasted

In addition, outside analysis believes that the growth of the power of the Terrorist Organization in Algeria is indispensable to the impetus during the us military stationing. In short, it is a joke that the United States, which has a bad reputation in Afghanistan, wants to "fight terrorism" with the Taliban.

The second 9/11 incident is not far away? The "Islamic State" has not been eliminated, and the American counter-terrorism efforts have been wasted

In addition, not long ago, the US media disclosed that the United States wants to deploy air bases in Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan. However, as soon as the news was announced, the spokesman of uzbekistan said that he had never received a proposal from the UNITED States, which was "illegal" in Uzbekistan and would never happen in such a situation. Of course, this is not necessarily an empty wind, and the United States is most likely to exert information pressure on the Ukrainian side in advance, or intend to throw stones to ask for directions. For other countries, however, the United States is like a cancer, and wherever it goes, chaos and disaster will follow. Therefore, Uzbekistan almost wrote "you don't want to come" on its face, and Kyrgyzstan, which has its back to Russia, also resolutely rejected the United States...

The second 9/11 incident is not far away? The "Islamic State" has not been eliminated, and the American counter-terrorism efforts have been wasted

It can be seen from the successive bitter rejections of the US government that the countries of the Middle East will not be led by the nose of the United States. Therefore, the White House can only send out the signal of "urgent need for counter-terrorism" while constantly looking for new targets, which shows that the United States has not learned from the collapse of Afghanistan and has repeatedly tried to promote its hegemonism around the world. The ancients said, "Although the country is big, it will perish if it is belligerent." The future of America speaks for itself.

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