
If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi

author:Five million marry a baby

I want to open my arms on the hillside, face the wind, face the sunset, and make a break with the past.

If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi

In the summer of 2006, the film "Legend of the Earth Sea" directed by Miyazaki's eldest son, Miyazaki Goro, was released.

If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi

When Miyazaki was looking for a singer for the theme song, the producer gave him a DEMO.

After listening to demo, he was immediately attracted by the cold and strange loneliness of the song.

Listening to her singing, he felt as if he were standing on a hill blowing in the breeze, feeling this nature in his voice.

So, almost at that moment, Miyazaki decided on the singer of the theme song, the 18-year-old Aoi Tezomaru.

Then, because the heroine of the play, Seru, will also have some singing scenes, and there is an interlude "テルーの呗" (Seru's song), and the loneliness in Tezama Aoi's voice is very compatible with Seru, and finally it is decided that Seru's voice will also be played by her.

The anime songs of Ghibli have received some attention throughout the ages, and almost all of them have been sung by singers with some seniority, but this time, this important task was entrusted to Aoi Tezomaru, who was only 18 years old and a newcomer to the music world.

As a result, the 18-year-old Aoi Tezama made her debut as a singer and voice actor in the summer of 2006.

If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi

In 2008, Aoi Teshima released her first all-English album "The Rose ~I Love Cinemas~", using her unique healing singing voice to cover nine classic songs from old movies.

In the same year, his third single "Rainbow" was released as the theme song for the movie "Death of the West Witch".

The Rose—Aoi Tei

Some people say that gentleness is not enough to hand a sunflower.

She has the feminine, warm veins of a typical Japanese woman.

The slow piano sound, the slow singing, the slow expression of their emotions.

Everything is so natural and natural.

The blossoming hillside of Yu beauty - farewell to summer

As the singer of the theme song "Song of Seru", the theme song of Miyazaki Goro's debut film "The Battle of the Earth and the Sea", in 2011, Aoi Teshima collaborated with Miyazaki Goro again.

Sing the theme song of the movie "The Hillside where Yu Meiren Blooms" directed by Miyazaki Goro , "Farewell to Summer".

If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi

If I call out to you in the setting sun, will I meet you who are gentle?

The movie is not well received, with a Douban score of 7.8.

Some people say that the style of painting is not right, the plot is too bloody, and the future of Studio Ghibli is worrying - after all, Miyazaki is old, and the two-dimensional world built by Miyazaki and his colleagues is the last fortress in the context of Pixar and 3D animation.

However, Miyazaki, like volkswagen, is a little disappointed in Miyazaki.

The film did not do well, but the song was very beautiful.

Her fans said: As soon as Aoi Teshima opened her mouth, there was no restriction on the national language, and for me who had not studied Japanese, I could not understand a word, but I still liked it, and I would imagine many beautiful and pure pictures with melodious setbacks in the melody.

If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi

Struggling to draw tomorrow

Now in a dream

The brilliance of the shapeless

Gently hug me.

I'm moving on.

In the struggle, we must also depict tomorrow, and now towards the dream, we will gently embrace the invisible brilliance into our arms and still move forward.

In 2016, Aoi Teshima sang the theme song for the hit Japanese drama "Remembrance of Ran"----------------------------------------------------------------------

That year, people said that if the moon had a sound, it must be Aoi Teshima's song.

If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi

Look, the lights of the Tokyo Building

Countless reasons why I can't sleep are twinkling.

I want to fix it before tomorrow comes.

Even the future with the kindness

Even eyes that are cloudy and invisible

If it's tears, you can wash it off softly.

Under the lights of high-rise buildings in Tokyo, countless reasons for insomnia are glittering.

Can tomorrow's sunrise be a little late? I haven't adjusted my mood yesterday yet.

The future has not been very cold.

If the blurred eyes are in tears, quietly rinse them off.

I don't know why, when I listened to this song, I thought of the picture of "Remembrance".

Thinking of the phrase "He will not go back, because when he goes back he will find that his dream has not come true." Tokyo is not a place to help you realize your dreams, Tokyo is a place where you will not notice that your dreams are not being realized. ”

And the current north drift and all kinds of drift, the essence is similar.

I heard in her voice: gorgeous place, not suitable for sensitive people, only suitable for people with dreams and blunt feelings.

If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi

In recent years, the healing song of "Soul Song Ji" Tsurugi Aoi has begun to tour China and has been warmly welcomed by Chinese fans.

Still that gentle voice, still that gentle her.

Standing beautifully in the center of the stage, gently interpreting many classic songs in Japanese and English for Chinese fans, the fresh style and unhurried rhythm bring fans into an indescribable perfect world.

If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi

Hua Chenyu has said many times that Aoi Teshima is a female singer of the healing department that he admires very much, and has recommended her "winter light", "rainbow" and many other healing songs. Presumably, her voice, Hua Chenyu also liked it.

The sound of the hand creak is like this, like a soft white cloud floating in the air, like the warm sun in the sky after the winter snow, which can give people the power to settle.

Her song is like a dandelion, floating in the bottom of our hearts. Like moonlight, it makes people feel that their hearts become bright.

As the saying goes: If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of Aoi Teshima.

If the moon has a sound, it must be the song of the hand aoi


WeChat public number: Twenty-three silk music

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