
Interfering with daughter's love Bosnian Muslims were expelled

author:European Times

[European Times Kevin compilation] France has previously had a violent incident in which a Muslim family from Bosnia interfered with their daughter's freedom of love and forcibly shaved her hair. A few days ago, the court pronounced a verdict on the perpetrators, and the Ministry of the Interior expelled the five family members who committed violence as soon as the verdict was pronounced.

According to Agence France-Presse, the incident began with the forcible intervention of family members as a 17-year-old daughter of a Muslim family in the eastern city of Besançon, who fell in love with a Christian boy from Serbia. On August 17, the girl's parents and several other children shaved the girl's hair and humiliated her.

The French court recently sentenced the perpetrators to one year's imprisonment (including 4 months with a suspended sentence) and not to enter French territory for 5 years.

Interior Minister Damanan and Assistant Minister for Citizenship Hiapapa jointly issued a statement on the 24th, saying that the 5 family members who caused the incident had been deported to Sarajevo on the same day.

According to interior ministry sources, the family's parents and three children were evicted. After the judgment of the Besançon court on the 23rd, they were taken into custody that night, and then taken to the administrative detention center in Metz, and departed from Nancy for Sarajevo on the morning of the 24th.

In addition, the girl's uncle and aunt were sentenced to the same sentence, but currently enjoyed refugee status protection. Girls who are victims are cared for by child welfare agencies and will be granted residence permits when they reach adulthood.

Defence lawyers for the girl's parents expressed outrage at the Home Office's approach, saying she had no idea that law enforcement officers had arrived at the scene at the trial and that the deportation was "abnormal". She also acknowledged, however, that such expulsions were lawful and that it was legally impossible to object. According to her, the parents had previously applied for political refugee status but were rejected, and had signed documents before the case promising to return to their home countries, but were delayed due to the COVID-19 pandemic and administrative formalities.

Agence France-Presse said the case caused a lot of repercussions both inside and outside France, reminiscent of the shaving of thousands of women after The liberation of France in late World War II after they were accused of collaborating with the enemy.

In this trial, both the girl and her boyfriend's family identified her as being taken to a room during the August 17 incident, where she was molested by four adult men and shaved by her uncle. But her parents and aunt denied it, admitting only that they had slapped her "once or twice" and claiming that her father had shaved her hair in order to stop her from going out.

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