
Gradually became a luxury pickled pepper claw, it used to only take a few yuan to do at home

author:First cuisine

Hello everyone, I am the first gourmet Ah Fei, pay attention to Ah Fei has more home cooking for your reference!

I don't know if you have found that the pickled pepper claws in the supermarket are getting more and more expensive, more and more expensive! Obviously a bag of only one chicken claw can sell for seven or eight yuan, with a foodie exploration heart, found that raw chicken feet sometimes as long as 1 yuan or so can buy one, so today we make our own bubble pepper chicken claw.

Gradually became a luxury pickled pepper claw, it used to only take a few yuan to do at home

According to conscience, most of the taste of packaged pickled pepper claws is good, but the packaged cooked food is more or less psychologically unsafe to eat, so we make a goal at home, cheap, delicious, safe, and then we look at the specific methods.

Gradually became a luxury pickled pepper claw, it used to only take a few yuan to do at home

1. Prepare multiple chicken feet, remove all nails, and then chop the chicken feet into small pieces and put them in the basin for later.

Add water without passing the chicken feet, add a spoonful of white vinegar, put the chicken feet into the basin and soak for 4 hours, fully soak the blood in the chicken feet, so that the color of the chicken feet will not be black.

Gradually became a luxury pickled pepper claw, it used to only take a few yuan to do at home

After soaking the chicken feet in blood for 4 hours, rinse them again with water, then boil the water in the pot, boil the water and pour in the chicken feet, cook for 10 minutes on low heat.

After cooking, remove the chicken feet and pour them into cold water.

2. Make pickled pepper sauce

Boil the water in the pot, pour in the pickled pepper and then add salt, sugar, ginger slices, a spoonful of white vinegar, turn on the high heat to bring the water to a boil, turn off the heat and pour the boiling soup water into the basin and let it cool.

Remove the chicken feet from the cool water to dry out, put them into the pickled pepper soup, and refrigerate the entire soup bowl in the refrigerator for 24 hours.

After 24 hours, remove the chicken feet from the refrigerator and put them on the plate.

Gradually became a luxury pickled pepper claw, it used to only take a few yuan to do at home

Ah Fei has something to say;

1. When brewing chicken feet, do not forget to add white vinegar to avoid the black color of the chicken feet.

2. After boiling the water, the chicken feet and the soup water should be cooled before they can be put together.

The production process is very simple, but this is not a dish that can be eaten quickly, you need to wait patiently for a day in advance to eat, the taste can indeed meet our expectations, not to lose the packaged chicken feet!

Did you learn today's dish? I'm Ah Fei, we'll see you next time!

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