
Bucket List

author:Yaya la

If you can know how long you'll be out of this world,

Will you choose to know, or will you give up this opportunity?

Carter was a black auto mechanic who spent forty-five years lying under a small, dark car, earning money to support his family.

Bucket List

Edward was a rich man who "lived in a hundred flowers and leaves", and there were countless properties under his name. There were several short-lived marriages when he was young, and he was alone until he was old. They are people of two worlds and should not have any intersection. Due to various circumstances, the two were "imprisoned" in the same ward.

As a hospital owner, Edward had long since set the rule of "two patients, one ward". When it was his turn to fall ill, although he did not want to share the ward with others, he could only act according to the rules. Edward had just been pushed into the ward, and Carter had been treated for several months. The two men who met for the first time only had a few words of greeting.

Time caused the two to suffer similar pain: taking medicine, chemotherapy, observation, running to the toilet at night and vomiting, and shivering all over their bodies. The unspeakable pain of the disease wandered all over the body, and the two of them gradually developed a sense of pity for the same disease. Slowly, the two began to play cards together, exchange feelings of illness, and become good friends with each other.

Bucket List

One day, the nurse informed Carter that his treatment was in its final stages, and if the test results were not a big problem, then Carter could be discharged from the hospital.

At night, Edward chatted with Carter while watching a baseball game on TV, but Carter did not seem to be too attentive to respond to Edward's words, but was concentrating on what he was writing, and it turned out that he was making a list of things he wanted to do in the last time to form a "bucket list".

After a while, Edward's attending physician came to him and told him that he could live for up to 6 months.

Edward, whose temper had gradually been diluted, no longer had the initial complaints, and he seemed to accept this fact very calmly, but in fact he was secretly sad in his heart.

Bucket List

But the misfortune was not alone, Carter's inspection report came out, and he had less than a year left. He rolled up the unfinished bucket list into a ball of waste paper and threw it on the ground.

The next day Edward got up, picked up the paper ball, spread it out, and read it carefully, complaining that Carter's last wish was not fresh enough and challenging, so he added a few of them himself, including: "Skydiving" and "Kissing the Most Beautiful Girl in the World."

Let's see what's written in this bucket list:

1.Help a complete stranger for the good Out of kindness, help strangers

2.laugh until I cry laughs to tears

3. Witness something majestic witnessing grand spectacles

4. Drive a Mastang Shelby to drive a sports car

5.Skydiving skydive

6.Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world Kiss the most beautiful girl in the world

7.Get a tatto tattoo

8. Make a grab and shoot once

9. Hunt the big cat to kill a lion

Extreme sports are full of excitement to break through the limits and the possibility of embracing freedom, and kissing a girl is more humane and warm

Bucket List

When the list is completed, it is natural to be hindered before it is ready to go, but this does not stop the two "hearts that want to run amok when they are dying." ”

After the departure, the two first experienced skydiving and racing, and they competed with each other, competed and encouraged each other while playing these two sports, and seemed to have a better relaxation of their bodies and minds.

Bucket List

At the end of a crazy day, the two went to the seaside restaurant to enjoy dinner, Edward looked out the window at the beautiful view, remembering his daughter who had not interacted much with him.

Bucket List

Carter then pulled out the list and added an item to the list: "Contact your daughter." However, this move seems to touch Edward's minefield, and he is angry that Carter cannot treat himself like this, and the two quarrel.

Cruelly, time was running out, and five months later, Edward was out of this world, and his last wish could only be fulfilled by his personal assistant.

Bucket List

He ascended the Himalayas and buried two cans of coffee and a bucket list symbolizing Carter and Edward at the top of the mountain.

When they enter the countdown of life, get out of loneliness and loss, indulge once, wantonly, do their best in the limited, and live up to themselves.

Bucket List

Wishes and destinations may be important, but what is more important is to understand and know how to put away freely.

Whether we live or die, the wheels of fate will continue to spin, and we can't bring the future forward, so let's live every best present. There is a saying that goes: all encounters are predestined.

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