
50 years old is a hurdle in life? After watching this movie, you will suddenly understand

author:Song mountain small stones

The educator Confucius said: Fifty know the Destiny of Heaven.

50-year-old physical function is gradually declining, children have established a family, and the workplace space has become narrow, is it really a hurdle in life?

A movie from 72 years ago made me realize.

In the 1949 film "Mourning Middle Age" directed by Sang Arc, the wife of the male protagonist Chen Shao died early, and he raised his three children alone with the Weibo income of the principal of the primary school. Time flies, the eldest son married the daughter of the bank manager, began to dislike his father's identity as a poor teacher, Shao Chang was forced to submit his resignation to the school, and on his fiftieth birthday, the son gave him a cemetery title deed, making him feel that his life was about to end here.

Soon, a colleague at school asked him to propose to Man Wah, but he found that Man Wah had always loved him. So he prepared to get married, but was resolutely opposed by everyone in the family. After they got married, they co-founded another elementary school next to the cemetery. On the day of the opening of the new school, they all felt the ubiquitous joy of the restart of life.

The dialogue in the movie is very realistic:

"Chinese care too much about what happens after death, but they care too much about those who are alive"

"Chinese except for youth is old age, but there is no middle age." Middle age is actually the most golden age for a person."

This film has "advanced" concepts in education, marriage, family, and career that are definitely beyond the world level at that time. It still looks amazing!

Although the school they founded was not large, it was a career platform and the fulcrum of his life. Marrying and having children with like-minded women has further despised life and strengthened his belief in creating the "second fifty years".

50 years old is a hurdle in life? After watching this movie, you will suddenly understand

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