
The "Taiwan independence" bottom card has been lifted! The US special forces trained the Taiwan military, and Tsai Ing-wen said something unprecedented

author:Jiaodong observation

Recently, the US "Wall Street Journal" and the British "Economist" have revealed that the US military has secretly "stationed" in Taiwan to guide and train the Taiwan military to deal with the so-called "military attack" of the PLA, and relevant reports have also given the US military a secret "stationed in Taiwan" for more than a year. In response to the relevant revelations, the media on the island hyped up. Taiwan leader Tsai Ing-wen spoke about the issue in an exclusive interview with CNN on October 27, publicly confirming for the first time that U.S. troops exist in Taiwan. CNN noted that she became the first Taiwan leader in decades to recognize the presence of U.S. troops in Taiwan for training purposes.

The "Taiwan independence" bottom card has been lifted! The US special forces trained the Taiwan military, and Tsai Ing-wen said something unprecedented

According to the Global Network reported on October 28, Tsai Ing-wen would not disclose how many US military personnel are currently in Taiwan, but said that "not as many as people think." She also noted that Taiwan has extensive cooperation with the United States aimed at improving its defense capabilities.

The US media "Business Insider" website once disclosed the news of the US military's secret "stationing in Taiwan" in a report, and revealed the content of the so-called "green berets" of the US Army's special forces secretly training the Taiwan military. An officer of the First Special Forces Brigade of the "Green Berets" said that once war breaks out between the two sides of the strait, they will distract the attention of the Platon Army, and the "Green Berets" troops already deployed in the Taiwan area and neighboring countries in Chinese mainland will move first, thus buying valuable time for the United States and its allies to deploy their troops. But experts speculate that the task of special forces is very wide, such as preventing the Landing of the People's Liberation Army at the beachhead, fighting guerrilla warfare with the People's Liberation Army in cities, or protecting Taiwan's key administrative centers and military command centers from being occupied by the People's Liberation Army.

The "Taiwan independence" bottom card has been lifted! The US special forces trained the Taiwan military, and Tsai Ing-wen said something unprecedented

This report, which further reveals the training of the US military in Taiwan, is presumably also supported by the sources of so-called "sources" within the US military.

In view of the collusion between the United States and Taiwan, Ma Xiaoguang, spokesman for the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, stressed at a regular news conference on 27 October that behind the recent intensification of collusion and provocation between the United States and Taiwan, what is hidden is the evil intention of "using Taiwan to control China" and the calculation of "relying on the United States to seek independence." No matter how much they hook up, it is futile.

The "Taiwan independence" bottom card has been lifted! The US special forces trained the Taiwan military, and Tsai Ing-wen said something unprecedented

Ma Xiaoguang warned the US Government from four aspects not to challenge China's core interests, and if the DPP authorities continue to indulge in the dream of "relying on the United States for independence" and "seeking independence by force" and dare to take risks, they will surely suffer a catastrophe. The collusion between the United States and Taiwan is doomed to be futile and there is no way out.

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