
If you don't understand Napoleon's life, you don't know how much a person's life can burn

author:Fragment culture

Napoleon is a very comedic and controversial figure in history, he has promoted the progress of the whole history, and at the same time he has also been the emperor himself, and has carried out this historical regression, so the evaluation of him is quite complicated, but

His life can be summed up in one word——— [powerful] [thinking].

First of all, we must know that Napoleon was born on August 15, 1769, the second of five men and three women in his family, and Napoleon was not French, but belonged to Corsica.

The island was often ruled by the Italians, sometimes by the French, sometimes by the Germans, so the whole corsicans spoke Italian, and Napoleon considered himself Italian as a child, and the main revolt they did at that time was to rebel against the French.

Although the family conditions are not good, but fortunately Napoleon's father got a chance to become a Corsican nobleman, because he was a nobleman, he was rewarded by the government's two thousand hair salons, in addition, the children could go to school in France.

[Powerful] Therefore, Napoleon [a flash of inspiration] [a flash of inspiration] [a flash of inspiration] began to study in the military academy at the age of ten.

But according to the teacher's evaluation of Napoleon, napoleon said [give power] [give power] [give force] This child is not entertaining, introverted but hardworking, he loves all kinds of books. There was a small library in the area, a borrowing room for books, and he finished reading them, what kind of books did he read? He studied only those things that would be useful to him in the future, including The Principles of the Artillery, The Law of Historical Fortification, Plato's Ideal State, The Constitution of the Persian Athenians and Spartans, The History of England, The Conquest of Fettlie the Great, The Finances of France, The State and Customs of the Tatars and Turks, The History of Egypt and Carthage, The Overview of India, The Report of the British on Contemporary France, China, India, The History and Constitution of the Indian Empire, [Zan] [Zan] [Zan] [Zan] [Praise] "History of the Nobility", "Crimes of the Nobility", and so on, rich and diverse books, and then he also drew a map to understand the direction of this pattern of the Alps, and conscientiously made excerpts, and his own excerpts have a lot of very good writing and excerpts.

[Powerful] [Powerful] [Powerful] [Powerful] This paved the way for him to become a brilliant military man, and once someone told him that he needed to be the commander of the border guards and let him prepare, but he did not panic to say the whole logic clearly.

So, we also know why people go out almost everywhere [applause] [applause].

Therefore, Napoleon's burning lies in his large number of readings, almost to achieve quick thinking, to grasp all kinds of people's hearts and terrain in detail.

[Powerful] [Powerful] [Powerful] His family conditions are the same as most of us, and he only started reading at the age of ten, and the choice of books is still less than ours, so should we cherish time to read more?

[kiss] [kiss] [Kiss] So I want everybody to think of reading as a hobby, a lifelong hobby.

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