
Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

author:Rice circle entertainment

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > preface</h1>

From the first season of "Heartbeat Signal", Dad slowly liked the love variety show, love house and Wu, as long as there is a new love roundup on the line, will pay attention to it.

New love roundup "Witty Love" from the premiere to the present, has been abandoned and not abandoned in the entanglement, the plot of catching the horse makes people a little bit do not move CP, see the love of the comprehensive CP is equivalent to stir-fry vegetables without salt, tasteless ah.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

The most incredible thing is that "Witty Love" is always better offline than online, which is a major spectacle in the history of love.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > guests tear each other apart offline</h1>

When the show only aired two episodes, the female 3 Zhang Huixian was ridiculed by netizens because of the confusing behavior in the program, she did not choose to swallow her anger, but directly explained various explanations offline, and even accused the program group of malicious editing, and the guests in the live broadcast room were chaotic with the rhythm and so on.

It was the first time to see the ordinary guests of the love variety show and tear up with the program team impatiently.

After tearing up the program group, the guests began to tear each other apart.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

First Zhang Huixian liked and commented on the article that smeared Zhao Ruizhang, which led to Zhao Ruizhang directly @ Zhang Huixian was unfriendly, and then Wu Wenchang came forward to mediate, although they eventually apologized to each other, but there was no intersection.

Immediately after the strong demeanor of the female 5 meters who entered the middle of the way, people were dissatisfied, so Zhang Huixian, Wu Wenchang and Mimi tore from the line to the line, triggering netizens to watch.

I don't understand whether the guests are here to talk about love, or specially to fight, the eight words in the show are not skimmed, the offline has been jealous, and all kinds of hugging and double standard behavior are breathtaking.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

After the latest episode of the program was broadcast, it directly pushed the online and offline plot to a climax.

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Wang Jingzong bid a dignified farewell to Lu Shan</h1>

As we all know, Wang Jingzong likes Lu Shan, although he loves to be careful and clumsy, but what has been precipitated is decency and firmness.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

Lu Shan has a good feeling for Wang Jingzong, but since the appearance of male 6 Wulan, Lu Shan has wandered between the two boys, and was once ridiculed by netizens as a "female version of Ma Zijia".

However, in the new program, Lu Shan clearly expressed her inner thoughts to Wang Jingzong, she and Wang Jingzong were not on the same channel, and the person who was moved was Wulan.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

Silently paying finally got a response, although it was a refusal, Wang Jingzong still insisted on drawing a satisfactory end to his preference, so in the final dating session, Wang Jingzong invited Lu Shan to watch a car movie before Wulan.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

Wang Jingzong chose the movie "A Story More Sad Than Sad", and during the screening, Wang Jingzong sat in the car and looked at Lu Shan all the time, with a lonely expression and sad eyes that were heartbreaking.

Obviously, Wang Jingzong wanted to say a decent goodbye to Lu Shan.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Wulan robbed people and provoked Wang Jingzong</h1>

Unfortunately, all this was destroyed by the subsequent arrival of Ulan.

Wang Jingzong took Lu Shan away under his own eyes, and Wu Lan was obviously a little upset, so Wu Lan drove over with Jin Ziyi and Cui Yu.

After finding Wang Jingzong, Wulan first waved to Lu Shan in the car and signaled her to get off, but Lu Shan did not move, And Wu Lan called Lu Shan a few times again, and The response given by Lu Shan was to the effect that it was a bit difficult to get off now, after all, she was dating Wang Jingzong. Wang Jingzong also directly rolled up the car window. This feeling infuriated Ulan.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

Only to see him driving provocatively around Wang Jingzong's vehicle in a circle, and even directly crushing the movie projector.

This scene is really too catchy, which directly leads to Ulan being attacked by netizens madly, and they are constantly insulting on various social platforms.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > Ulan strongly resented netizens</h1>

Although Ulan immediately apologized to Wang Jingzong on the social platform after the program was broadcast, and explained,

At that time, it was because Jin Ziyi and Cui Yutong wanted to watch a car movie, so it passed, the program team asked him to find a parking space, he turned around, and the car hit the projector on purpose.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

However, netizens did not buy it, thinking that even if these actions were not intentional, but Ulan's eyes were obviously provocative, very scary scenes.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

Wulan is obviously not willing to show weakness, and directly rebukes netizens:

"Let's eat more trolls", "Another inferior dog", "Garbage aesthetics" and so on.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary
Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

The sharp words were shocking, and netizens questioned how the program group could invite such a male guest with worrying quality.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Ulan live rollover, self-detonation drunk driving</h1>

What is even more bizarre is that Wulan directly opened a live broadcast to connect with Wu Wenchang, which may be to make a more intuitive explanation of the behavior in the program.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

As a result, it became more and more smeared, and even Wu Wenchang kept reminding him: Let's not talk about this.

Let's take a look at what Ulan said:

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

Ulan said on DY live that Zhang Huixian had transformed his identity before he came.

Does this involve spoilers?

In the face of netizens questioning the horror of his eyes, Ulan explained that his last look of horror was because of slight drunkenness.

Oh my God, did this really hammer Ulan's drunk driving behavior during the recording?

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

In the face of netizens' questioning, Ulan read the comments contemptuously and said, "They say drunk driving, is there any evidence?"

Don't take it seriously at all.

Although the above kinds of bizarre behaviors have almost ruined the three views of netizens.

But Ulan still went his own way, leaving a message by himself, and I didn't bother to talk about it.

The gist is, you love me, anyway, I am such a person, what can I do.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

< h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > summary</h1>

Netizens really can't do anything about Ulan, after all, this is just a variety show, and it is just a drama to watch the drama in the face of the various confusing behaviors of the guests.

It's just a little painful for Lu Shan, although Ulan has the demeanor of a domineering president, but he really does not behave decently enough, he looks at Lu Shan's eyes are also vicious and fierce, and the desire to win or lose is so strong, will Lu Shan really be happy with Ulan?

The next episode of the show will cast an unwelcome guest, and Lu Shan has now been pointed to X lovers.

Witty love: Male 6 offline domineering back to intimidate netizens, live broadcast mouth without cover, blunt drunken driving foreword guests tear each other apart offline Wang Jingzong bid a decent farewell to Lu Shan to rob people, provoking Wang Jingzong Wulan to strongly rehabilitate netizens Ulan live broadcast overturning, self-detonation drunken driving summary

If Lu Shan left, it would alleviate the embarrassing situation of Wang Jingzong, Wu Lan and Lü Shan's love triangle.

I hope that after this online storm and live broadcast overturning incident, Ulan can also restrain and regain the goodwill of netizens with a correct attitude.