
From "fallen grandfather" to "first shareholder", how did he own millions of family properties within a few months?

author:One Innovative Business

Speaking of Yang Million, many old investors may have heard of it.

Yang Million's original name was Yang Huaiding, which not only left a strong mark in the history of Chinese securities, but also on the road of china's capital market development, Yang Million's life experience has become a model for countless people to learn.

Why do so many people see Yang Million as one of the legends of China's stock market? How did he earn more than $1 million in less than a year?

From "fallen grandfather" to "first shareholder", how did he own millions of family properties within a few months?

Time back to thirty years ago, when Yang Million was not called Yang Million, his real name was Yang Huaiding, originally an unknown warehouse keeper, after resigning, I accidentally saw in the newspaper that China was going to open up the news of treasury bills trading, thought that this was an investment opportunity, and decided to buy treasury bills.

He rushed to the Shanghai Treasury Bills outlet early in the morning and bought a 3-year Treasury Bill with an annual interest rate of 15% of 20,000 yuan at an opening price of 104 yuan, which rose to 112 yuan in the afternoon of the same day. So he quickly sold it and earned 800 yuan a day.

Yang Huaiding, who tasted the sweetness, relied on more than 20,000 yuan of capital, frequently went to Hefei to buy treasury bills at a low price, and then returned to Shanghai to sell at a high price, just by virtue of the difference in price, from April 1988 to 1989, Yang Huaiding earned more than 1 million yuan, from which he sent the nickname "Yang Million".

More than three decades ago, China's capital market was still extremely unregulated, and the information was more asymmetrical. Although everyone wants to get rich, the vast majority of people do not dare to take risks and are cautious in their steps. And Yang Million proved with strength that people who can make money must not only be bold, but also have poisonous eyes.

From "fallen grandfather" to "first shareholder", how did he own millions of family properties within a few months?

You may not think that this Yang Million, who has a lot of weight in the Chinese stock market, only has a Chinese. Even if the education level is not high, Yang Huaimin has always been eager to learn.

In 1988, Yang Million resigned from the warehouse, and while he was unemployed at home, Yang Million had been browsing a large number of newspapers, and it was rumored that Yang Million was the clue to getting rich found in 26 newspapers.

In the new era, when A shares are slowly becoming the world of institutional players, they have been regarded as "stock market elders" with "Yang Millions", not only learning stock trading software by themselves, but also participating in investment and development of stock trading software, and even relying on this to obtain a lot of income.

When commenting on Yang Million, a reporter said: He is extremely diligent, studies hard, and especially always maintains sobriety and rationality.

Since the establishment of the securities market, A shares have experienced many sharp fluctuations, many rounds of bulls and bears, Yang Huaiding fortunately escaped several crises, and many shareholders worship it as a "god".

Behind the god, Yang Million still insists on watching the market every day after making a lot of money. Compared with the shareholders who play mahjong every day, Yang Million will browse the news every day before the market opens, especially the financial news. Day after day of summary and learning has laid the foundation for Yang Million lucky to have escaped many A-share crises.

From "fallen grandfather" to "first shareholder", how did he own millions of family properties within a few months?

In order to realize the dream of becoming rich, in addition to personal courage and insight, behind it is the support of the entire social system and the opportunities given to individuals by the times.

In 2013, Yang Million said in an interview with The Sichuan Economic Daily: "Every era has the opportunity to belong to you; I am old, and I especially want to tell young people that we must capture the opportunities that belong to your generation." ”

Losers often complain about the wrong times, but successful people are more willing to take the initiative to discover and seize opportunities.

Yang Huaiding's "road to wealth advancement" is essentially that he has seized the opportunity of reform time and again, and has been fortunate to become a "figure of the clouds".

Yang Million's road to prosperity is always worthy of our study, and the spirit of "making waves" of the times embodied in him is always worth learning. If you want to make money, you must be bold, have a poisonous vision, be steady and steady, continue to study, study hard, and firmly seize the opportunities given by the times.

#"China's first shareholder" Yang Million passed away ##Gangster #Legend ##Shareholder Exchange ##股票 #