
Stew in Jiazhai, south of Zhengzhou

author:Childhood songs

Jing Jianli/Wen

Stew in Jiazhai, south of Zhengzhou

In the southern suburbs of Zhengzhou's Erqi District, every New Year's Festival meets the temple fair, holds a red and white wedding birthday feast, etc., generally to make such a dish: stew. The stew looks either black, yellow, or clear, not as white as rice peel, cool powder, transparent and transparent, it looks like it. Although the stew looks ugly, it is soft and delicious to eat.

Stew in Jiazhai, south of Zhengzhou

Jia Zhan Village, the administrative village of Erqi District, the intersection of Zhengping Highway and South Fourth Ring Road. Before the transformation, every winter on the streets and rural roads, there were wooden frames everywhere, pulling iron wires, and hanging freshly produced noodles hanging on them to dry, forming a unique beautiful production landscape of the farmhouse. Jiazhai is famous for its vermicelli and powdered mustard. The production process has a long history, many shops, excellent quality, to meet the needs of the villagers near and far.

Stew in Jiazhai, south of Zhengzhou

Making stews requires high-quality Jiazhai vermicelli and mustard. When I was a child, I bought Jiazhai vermicelli noodles to entrust acquaintances to friends. The family is going to have guests, and the mother will bury the pot on the first day to make all kinds of food to entertain the guests. Like the majority of villagers, my mother also had to make a few grates and stews.

The mother's stew is very simple, the main ingredients are nothing more than sweet potato noodles and sweet potato mustard. The noodles are put in boiling hot water and fished out with a fence, and the broth that has been boiled beforehand is poured on top and mixed well. Chop or not chop. Then place on top of the grate in the steamer. The grate should be covered with a cage cloth, and the stirred crushed noodles should be poured on top of the grate and placed in the steamer.

Stew in Jiazhai, south of Zhengzhou

After steaming for a while, open it and look at it again, and the vermicelli is completely fused into one. Fingers pressed, elastic do not stick to the hand, hot, porcelain solid, even if it is done. Pour on top of the board and remove the cage. At this time, you must not rush to use a knife to cut, you must wait until it becomes cool and hard, otherwise it will be deformed and even broken. The stew must be dried overnight, the village red and white celebration master fu to make stew, first of all, the big pot of grate, steamed out of the stew is naturally thick. The steamed braised seeds for red and white are generally meat stews, and the meat is stirred inside, and there is more chewy head. After the stew comes out of the basket, the crushed and stirred eggs are smeared on top and dried to turn yellow-brown. The stew has a soft and crispy texture.

Mother entertains guests, and like the majority of villagers, she must make a big pot of dishes at noon. Cauldron dishes are sometimes pork, vermicelli, roasted tofu, kelp, cabbage, fungus, enoki mushrooms, and winter melon when not using cabbage, but the stew is indispensable every time! The large pot of vegetables is served to the guests, black or yellow, square, soft, and shiny in the oil and water. Chopsticks clipped a piece, put it in the mouth, hot, soft, chewing particularly strong. Lunch and afternoon dinner. Sauté a few dishes and buckle up a few bowls. Braised seeds are still an indispensable dish. The stew is cut into pieces and diced, fried in oil and salt, shallots, ginger and garlic, and steaming on the table to eat. Although simple, it is also a strong taste, and it is a pleasure to take in the mouth and bathe on the tip of the tongue.

Make a bowl of stew, cut into slices, cubes. Place in a bowl neatly stacked and put in the cage drawer to steam. After cooking, pour over the soup that has been prepared. On the table, the guests move the chopsticks, or a large piece, or sandwiched into half a piece, soft and powerful, refreshing and enjoyable.

Stew in Jiazhai, south of Zhengzhou

Stew is a home-cooked dish in the countryside, the elderly and children like it, it is not difficult to bite with their teeth, and it is chewed in the mouth. When the guests are gone, there is generally a courtesy to return the favor. It's always embarrassing to take what you've brought, but if you go back to a piece of stew, everyone will laugh. The author's aunt is a native of Changyuan, Yudong, and when she saw this strange dish of stew, it was black and yellow-haired, and she was too scared to move her chopsticks. Her mother bitterly asked her to try her chopsticks, and as a result, she stayed at home for a few more days and had stews all the time. The author's aunt's family is from Xianyang, Shaanxi, and my cousin and aunt came to Zhengzhou to see my grandfather, and I couldn't get tired of eating, and I cooked a pot of vegetables every day, and I suddenly fell in love with the stew in the southern suburbs of Zhengzhou. Every New Year's Festival, my sister went to her house to visit relatives, pulled on, and must learn to make stews. Nowadays, stew has become an indispensable dish on the table in their home. In her words, stewing this Zhengzhou home-cooked dish is really the best dish!

Today, most of the villages in the erqi district of the southern suburbs have been renovated. Happy birthday banquet, there are small hotels and hotels, the villagers are accustomed to eating big fish and meat, or will see this home cooking that the townspeople can't get tired of.

Stew in Jiazhai, south of Zhengzhou

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