
Only do "soy milk king", Weiwei soy milk "unwilling"

author:The Tao always makes sense
Only do "soy milk king", Weiwei soy milk "unwilling"

The bloody rain and wind of the tea market have never stopped.

In front of Nai Xue, Xi Cha, and Mi Xue Ice City scrambled to the top of the milk tea chain, and those who wanted to enter the game in the back were like carp across the river, and a variety of competition methods randomly punched and killed the teacher. Recently, Weiwei Soy Milk, which has been silent for a long time, has also begun to be restless, not only cooperating with the Summer Palace to make handmade beverage stores, but also boasting to open tens of thousands of stores.

Even when the tea is in the sky, there is only one Mixue Ice City that has achieved tens of thousands of stores. The wave of consumption is rolling in, and there are countless traditional beverage brands that have been coldly patted on the beach for generations, and the example of wanting to turn over with the help of new tea drinks is not only Weiwei soy milk. These few years alone have been particularly lively:

In 2019, Wang Laoji set a goal for its tea brand "1828 Wang Laoji": 5,000 stores in 5 years; in the same year, Mengniu opened the first milk tea store "Nan Xiaobei";

In 2020, Wahaha announced: open 10,000 stores in 10 years;

In 2021, Vivi soy milk will not be small as soon as it debuts...

With the hit drama "Longing" of that year into thousands of households, Weiwei soy milk in the 1990s the popularity of comparable to the current Yuanqi Forest, by 1997, Weiwei soy milk sales directly soared to 1.3 billion yuan, the market share once reached 70%, and then won the first place for many years. Nowadays, zhu Yan resigned and changed the "human world".

Plant milk is on fire, but Vivi is "cold"?

At least a decade ago, soy milk had a slightly higher status than milk in the minds of consumers.

The survey shows that between 2002 and 2006, the sales of soy milk can reach 1,060 million yuan at the highest, and the lowest also exceeds 1,000 million yuan, and in the same period, the sales of dairy products are only 900 million yuan. At that time, several brands that had dominated supermarket shelves in the future came into being, and Weiwei soy milk was among them.

Only do "soy milk king", Weiwei soy milk "unwilling"

Perhaps because of the limited consumption capacity and the price-friendly plant milk, Wei Wei became the "soy milk king", and the rest was

Form a strong lineup of "South Coconut Tree, North Dew, West Weiyi, East Silver Heron". Even though these once-familiar brands have long since ceased to be glamorous, plant-based milk is still in the consumer market.

Some public reports describe the current situation of plant milk very clearly, in the nearly ten years from 2007 to 2016, the compound growth rate of plant protein beverages reached 23.3%, much higher than the revenue growth rate of the total soft drink category, and the proportion of the industry rose to 18.69%. By 2020, the popularity has increased unabated, the growth rate of the plant protein beverage market is as high as 800%, and the number of buyers has risen by 900%, ranking third in the entire beverage market.

Soy milk, oats, coconut water... Enough to support the appetite of foodies, as of now, there are more than 5,000 new brands of oat milk alone, and china's soy milk sales in 2020 will reach 10 billion yuan. In the view of the capital market, plant milk is promising, according to incomplete statistics, in the past two years, 10 plant milk brands have won a total of 17 rounds of financing.

As early as May 2019, Nongfu Spring had launched three plant yogurts; then Yili also launched three high-protein plant milk; in 2020, Mengniu hatched the oat milk brand "Yiduomai". It can be seen that the enthusiasm of consumers has not dissipated, but the times have changed, and the favor of capital or the preference of the market is destined to drift away from Weiwei.

According to the "2019-2025 China Plant Protein Beverage Industry Strategic Research Report", the market share of Weiwei soy milk, known as the "king", is only 0.51%, before that, the market share of Weiwei's peak was 80%. In fact, before making milk tea, Weiwei crossed the border extremely crazy, from the main business of soy milk to real estate, liquor, coal, tea all come and go.

In July this year, ST Weiwei issued an announcement showing that Xinsheng Group would acquire 216 million shares of the company held by Weiwei Group through the transfer of the agreement, accounting for 12.9% of the total share capital of the listed company. Wei Wei, who makes soy milk, has obviously become "not inferior", not only Wei Wei, although the plant milk is still in the air, but the traditional plant protein drink is mixed with one dismal.

In August last year, the net profits of Yangyuan Beverage, Chengde Lulu, Weiwei Shares, SDIC Zhonglu and Jilin Sengong in the first quarter were 526 million yuan, 182 million yuan, 92.21 million yuan, 1.03 million yuan and -79.48 million yuan, respectively. If you only look at the field of soy milk, the top three that overwhelm Weiwei are Bean Bean, Vita Milk and Weiyi, with a market share of 20.7%, 16.9% and 10.4%.

Wei Wei lost miserably, but Wei Wei was not unaware of the problem, in order to save the deteriorating living space, Wei Wei launched a young series of canned soy milk, and also invited Gao Yuanyuan to endorse. As for making tea, according to Guosen Securities, the gross profit margin of Heytea in 2020 is as high as 62.1%, while the gross profit margin of soy milk is 20%.

Selling soy milk is naturally not as good as selling milk tea to make money, it is said that many wholesalers in the purchase of goods, soy milk industry unit price is not low Vitasoy 18 boxes of the purchase price is less than 30 yuan. From 2017 to 2019, the asset-liability ratio of Weiwei soy milk was 62.3%, 67.3% and 68.6%. Vivi has no money, but unfortunately milk tea may not be able to meet its ambitions.

Vivi making milk tea is also trapped in the "raw material"?

Chuancai Securities data show that in 2020, the size of the new tea market reached 113.6 billion yuan, is expected to reach 340 billion yuan in 2025, post-90s and post-00s consumers accounted for nearly 70%, willing to "throw thousands of dollars" for new-style tea drinks, the average monthly consumption of 200-400 yuan of consumers up to 30%.

It's no wonder everyone is hungry.

Interestingly, Even if Wei Wei makes milk tea, he can't forget his "old line", at the beginning of the opening of the first milk tea shop, the main soy milk milk tea aroused the freshness of some milk tea lovers. The tea industry has reached the point of life and death, and the innovation of each family can only go around in the raw materials of the tea base.

Weiwei still focuses on soy milk, coincidentally, in July 2020, Wahaha's first milk tea shop opened in Guangzhou, and most of the raw materials for the store's drinks are from Wahaha's own products AD calcium milk and calcium lactate milk. Admittedly, there are countless people who want to do milk tea business, but there are countless downfalls, especially in the past two years.

A reason that can not be ignored is that the raw materials of milk tea are rising steadily, and the survey shows that after the price of perfume lemons this year has increased by 4 to 5 times, the price of kumquats has soared to 25 to 30 yuan / kg because of the reduction in production, and the prices of grapefruit and pineapple commonly used in fruit tea are also high.

With the addition of fruits and tea bases and milk, the average cost of a cup of tea per cup will increase by 3% to 4%. The reason why net red milk tea can burst into flames is inseparable from some classic signature elements, such as Nai Xue with fire cheese, Bobo of Hey tea, and milk cap of Lele Tea. Today, the era of pearl and milk tea has passed, and the differentiation competition is on the verge of breaking out.

It is undeniable that the second half of the milk tea war is inseparable from raw materials, and the data of Xicha shows that among all the products on sale in 2020, the top 5 products most loved by consumers have four cheese fruit tea series, which are also the most costly series, which involves fresh fruit, dairy and tea three supply chains.

This summer, after the price increase of mainstream fruits, niche fruits suddenly became popular, with yellow peel in front and oranges in the back. On platforms such as Douyin, Weibo, and Xiaohongshu, the notes associated with "yellow peel tea" and "oil citrus" reached 30,000+ and 10,000+ respectively.

Sounds incredible duck fragrance in October also brushed a sense of existence, as of now, in the Weibo #Duck Fragrant Milk Tea in the end how delicious # topic has been 150 million reads, more than 35,000 people participated in the discussion, this is a kind of oolong tea, October 22, Nai Xue's tea action is rapid, immediately launched duck fragrance new products.

Only do "soy milk king", Weiwei soy milk "unwilling"

For milk tea lovers, raw materials represent more than just taste, iResearch survey shows that raw materials or ingredients account for 27.9% of the influencing factors of consumer purchase decisions, and even directly linked to health. Almost every once in a while, there will be a new "net red" in the milk tea industry, and this year, in addition to the niche yellow peel orange, the top is the coconut.

"2021 Q2 China Online High Growth Consumer Market White Paper" shows that coconut milk is the fastest growing beverage this year, in Tmall hit a sales of 169.443 million yuan, an increase of 67.5% year-on-year, according to the statistics of The Coffee Gate, from the beginning of February to the end of July this year, more than 160 new products of more than 20 beverage brands have used coconut elements.

Today, the taste of the entire beverage industry is transitioning to middle-class consumption, from the previous cup of soy milk is a childhood luxury, "2021 Beverage Industry Taste Trends" shows that this year's Blood Orange, Grapefruit, Passion Fruit, Tamarind and Fig Google searches increased by 22% from January to October. Last year's taste insight report showed that new products with white peach flavors increased by 63% globally, of which the Asia-Pacific region accounted for 83%.

Whether Wei Wei's soy milk can replicate the glory of the "predecessors" is still unknown.

The "national tide" is a brick, where it needs to be moved

As soon as The milk tea shop of Weiwei Soy Milk opened, the army of posting pictures in the social network followed the carnival, whether the milk tea was delicious or not was secondary, the focus was on the back of the Summer Palace, and the store revealed two words from the inside out, "shoot it". It is reported that the overall shape of the Store of Weiwei Milk Tea Shop is inspired by the seal of the Qianlong Emperor, and the Seventeen-Hole Bridge and Gallery of the Summer Palace are reflected in it.

It is not difficult to see that whether it is Weiwei soy milk or the Summer Palace, they are well versed in the current traffic routine.

In particular, there is a tea face pleasant color in front of the road, the brand LOGO of the tea face is the octagonal window in the beauty group fan cover, the name of each cup of tea is engraved with Chinese elegance, which seems to give Wei Wei a little confidence, the Chinese baking track on the ink mo mo dim sum bureau, hutou bureau also personally put the national style label on the brand.

Looking back at all walks of life, the national wind is wrapped in business opportunities and roaring, and any field is desperately injecting poetry into the product, Jiangnan smoke and rain. For example, in addition to the milk tea love to tie up with the national style, clothing, cosmetics are also not falling, Li Ning, Bosideng, peacebird on the clothes to outline the landscape pavilion more and more frequently.

A carved lipstick from Hua Xizi has fed the entire brand, and China's Li Ning has taken the theme of "Enlightenment" as the theme, from the twenty-four solar terms to the crane, xiangyun, mountains, rivers... It was able to return to the young market from the corner of the times. According to the Baidu 2021 Guochao Pride Search Big Data report, Guochao's attention has risen by 528% in the past decade.

According to the data of Station B, in the first quarter of 2020 alone, the number of Guofeng video submissions in Station B increased by 124% year-on-year, the number of Guofeng UP masters increased by 110% year-on-year, guofeng ancient rhyme is a virtual peach blossom source created by young people in the online world, and 44.5% of Chinese music users in 2020 prefer Chinese music variety shows with national style themes, accounting for the largest proportion.

On LOFTER, works related to #Guofeng Photography have more than 4 million views, works related to #Guofeng Art have been viewed more than 2 million times, and works related to #Guofeng Literature have been viewed 308,000 times. There are more than 40 million fans of pan-national style in Station B, which ranges from poetry and song to philosophy of life.

Young people pursue literary and artistic self-confidence, and being able to wear the glory of the past five thousand years on their bodies or hold them in their hands is not only an active explicit choice, but also a passive epidemic infection. When this sense of community spread from the streets to the business world, the value of the burst was immeasurable.

In 2020, Tmall opened the "National Tide Theme" for Double Eleven, and the Hanfu topic on Douyin played 51.5 billion times. The Summer Palace behind Weiwei soy milk is catching up with the museum fever, with its own attention, just on the consumer side, the Forbidden City opened 6 Taobao stores, data show that the number of people visiting the flagship store of the museum online is as high as 1.6 billion, equivalent to 1.5 times the annual number of people received by museums in the country.

This year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the Chinese style elements of the six evening parties are everywhere, since the sudden rise of Henan Satellite TV, cultural output instead of traffic fresh meat jumped to traffic password. "Tang Palace Night Banquet" became popular, with a single video playing more than 52 million, and the commercial value of Henan Satellite TV's series of evening parties climbed.

In September this year, Juhuasuan cooperated with Henan Satellite TV on "Divine Horse Wonderful Night", and in 2021, "Mid-Autumn Festival Fantastic Tour" won the title of Jindian Organic Milk and Millet. It can be said that with the empowerment of the national style, Henan Satellite TV is a true portrayal of the counterattack of second-line satellite TV. According to the official micro of "Tang Palace Night Banquet", Tang Palace Cultural Creation has developed 8 series of hundreds of products, and Tang Palace Cultural and Creative masks have sold more than 2 million masks, and sales have approached 3 million yuan.

Henan Museum's cultural and creative products are based on the Tang Palace Night Banquet actors as the prototype of the female band series of products, of which the unit price of 59 yuan, the whole set of 413 yuan blind box evaluation has accumulated more than 5700. The national tide has become a brick in the hands of merchants, and it will be moved wherever it is needed.

Whether Weiwei soy milk can help it open up a new territory in the field of tea drinking is still unknown, but it nakedly exposes the importance and ambition of Weiwei soy milk for the new cause, and whether it is successful or not, the new consumption field of tea drinking will be lively for a while.

The Tao is always reasonable, and has used the name Crooked Dao, the Internet and the new media in the science and technology circle. This article is an original article, and any form of reproduction without retaining the author's relevant information is not retained.