
Dalian stew - history and the taste of the sea stew, Dalian people's favorite stew history sweet potato powder is the first choice for making stews Must be a derivative of rich life Stew is the most delicious memory of childhood Stewed at the moment

author:Writer Crane

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="01" > stew, a favorite of Dalian people</h1>

Stew has a very good reputation in the hearts of the people of Dalian. In the minds of Dalian people, the best taste to eat the most missed is not only the taste of seafood, but also the taste of Dalian stew. In Dalian, stew is definitely the first snack.

It is said that the crowd is difficult to reconcile, but this problem does not exist in front of the stew.

It is said that during the Davos conference, guests from all over the world at home and abroad once set a record of eating 1,000 copies of stew, which shows that no matter what country or city people, Dalian stew is very fond of. If you encounter a buffet in Dalian, where there are people queuing up, they must be waiting for stew.

< h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="02" > the history of stews</h1>

Someone once said that stew has a history of more than three hundred years.

The raw material of Dalian stew is mainly sweet potato powder. According to historical records, sweet potatoes were introduced to China during the Ming Dynasty, and in the Qianlong period to cope with the famine and population surge and large-scale promotion of planting, industrious and wise Chinese will certainly try a variety of sweet potato eating methods like creating other Chinese cuisines, this kind of eating method called "fried powder" or "decoction paste powder", in fact, as early as the Tang and Song dynasties have appeared in many places.

Dalian stew - history and the taste of the sea stew, Dalian people's favorite stew history sweet potato powder is the first choice for making stews Must be a derivative of rich life Stew is the most delicious memory of childhood Stewed at the moment

The raw material of stewed seeds, powder is only made of powder blanks

But the name stew must have been a later thing.

The origin of stew must be related to the Shandong immigrants in Dalian. I have a good friend, Mr. Wang, who has been working on the study of Dalian seafood and gastronomic culture, and according to him, the stew was inadvertently created by the Men brothers of Zhifu Island in Yantai, Shandong Province.

More than a hundred years ago, the Men's brothers came to Yantai to do the processing of vermicelli business, one day just made the powder blank, but encountered rain, followed by a day of continuous rain, the sun did not come out, the vermicelli dried can not become, the good powder may become sour, thrown and really unfortunate, in a hurry, they had to knead the powder and mash it, put it in the frying pan to fry, to fry a layer of browned hard chromium, take it out, put it on the plate, they invited the neighbors to taste it. In order to prevent eating a bad stomach, the Men brothers deliberately pounded the garlic produced in Shandong into garlic sauce, drizzled in the steaming freshly fried flour blank, and immediately filled the room with incense, did not expect that this helpless move was actually praised by everyone.

Dalian stew - history and the taste of the sea stew, Dalian people's favorite stew history sweet potato powder is the first choice for making stews Must be a derivative of rich life Stew is the most delicious memory of childhood Stewed at the moment

Fry the braised

Everyone's praise for fried flour blanks inspired the door brothers, they no longer do vermicelli, but in the street to support the pot stove to sell fried flour blanks, attracting many diners, everyone while eating praise, after spreading, more and more people came to taste, everyone asked them what is the name of such a delicious snack, the thick door brothers thought about their last name, casually said "menzi", and later felt that this door was cooked in fire frying oil, so they added the fire word to the door word sideways, named "stewed", from then on, Delicious and invincible stews are born.

Dalian stew - history and the taste of the sea stew, Dalian people's favorite stew history sweet potato powder is the first choice for making stews Must be a derivative of rich life Stew is the most delicious memory of childhood Stewed at the moment

Fry the braised seeds

Dalian is a city of immigrants, more than a hundred years ago, Dalian opened a port to establish a city, across the sea shandong people across the sea, across the sea, to Dalian to break through, known as the Guandong. There are many descendants of Shandong people in Dalian, and at its peak, the population of Shandong accounted for about 60% or 70% of Dalian's total population. Many of these Shandong people who come to Dalian are engaged in the catering industry, and they bring Shandong dishes and various snacks to Dalian, including delicious stew.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="03" > Sweet potato powder is the first choice for stewing</h1>

The raw material of Dalian stew is mainly sweet potato powder, because sweet potato powder is the most powerful of all starches, with a biting head, and the fried stew tastes good. At the same time, sweet potato powder is cheap and economical, and the cost of making stews is low. Sweet potato flour is the lowest value of all starches, potato flour, corn flour, lotus flour, mung bean powder, etc. although white, good-looking, but no tendon strength, do stew taste is not good.

Dalian stew - history and the taste of the sea stew, Dalian people's favorite stew history sweet potato powder is the first choice for making stews Must be a derivative of rich life Stew is the most delicious memory of childhood Stewed at the moment

Braised snacks

Sweet potato powder is the best ingredient for making stews. After the stew spread to Dalian, this cheap and delicious snack was very popular, and many Shandong people seemed to have found a business opportunity after arriving in Dalian, and widely planted sweet potatoes in the surrounding areas of Dalian, making sweet potato starch and using it as raw materials for stewing. Dalian oceanic city, special sandy soil, oceanic climate, coupled with special wind, temperature, humidity, etc., for the growth of sweet potatoes to create a natural growth environment.

Delicious stew must work hard, stewed to become light yellow from the inside to the outside, the outside of the scorched yellow hard ga, the inside soft, the outside of the scorched inside, up and down have a layer of yellow brilliant ga, and then out of the pot, and then with salted garlic juice, diluted with water sesame sauce and soy sauce, stewed to eat while hot, so that the flavor of sesame sauce, garlic juice to evaporate out, delicious, good taste.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="04" > stew must be a derivative of affluent life</h1>

I've always thought that stews must be derivatives of affluent life. Think about it, stew is not a staple food, unlike steamed buns, pot stickers, bean buns, wontons, etc. can be full of hunger, stew is just a snack for idleness, so stew is known to be related to life affluence. If you think about it, for the Chinese people, the days of really eating a full meal and eating a good meal are only thirty years, let alone enjoying good food. Compared with the post-80s and post-90s attitude towards food, people born before the 1970s have more or less experienced the invasion of hunger, and have also had sweet and skin-to-skin memories of the yearning for delicious food.

Dalian stew - history and the taste of the sea stew, Dalian people's favorite stew history sweet potato powder is the first choice for making stews Must be a derivative of rich life Stew is the most delicious memory of childhood Stewed at the moment

Semi-finished product of stewed seeds

It is said that after the outbreak of the Pacific War in 1941, Dalian under Japanese colonial rule was in short supply, and various ingredients needed to be rationed, and stewed seeds once played a role as a staple food.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="05" > stew is the tastiest memory of childhood</h1>

When I was a child, I could see fried braised stalls everywhere on the street, and the most memorable thing is the scene of eating stews with a group of children holding small wire forks and sitting on the roadside braised stalls. I am delicious by nature, the ideal is to grow up to be a chef, wearing a clean white uniform, holding a stir-fry spoon in my hand, guarding the stove every day, under the stove is a strong blue flame, do what you want to eat, the kitchen knife three times two times the ground followed by the card to wipe the good material, apply oil, burst the pot, add vegetables, into the sauce, apply salt, suddenly the oil smoke is everywhere, the big spoon is up and down, immediately full of incense, pot, serving plates, knocking on the edge of the pot, delicious on the table, and then with small wine, how much to eat, how long to drink, how long to drink, sigh, What a wonderful life experience!

In my childhood memory, stew is the best delicacy. When the cheapest time was a five-cent dish, it later rose to five cents, a piece, and now five pieces, which are not expensive.

For a country that has experienced hunger, enjoying food is certainly not an important part of the content, mainly to solve the problem of food and clothing. However, the folk pursuit of food has never been broken, and the stew is still deeply remembered.

Dalian stew - history and the taste of the sea stew, Dalian people's favorite stew history sweet potato powder is the first choice for making stews Must be a derivative of rich life Stew is the most delicious memory of childhood Stewed at the moment

When I was a child, I ate a small fork for stewing

At the earliest in the bustling streets of Dalian, the vendors were pushing carts to sell stews, or set up a small shed of stew shops, stew stalls are simple, do not occupy the place, sometimes people who eat stew stand to eat, later, there is a snack street, in front of the Qingniwa Bridge, the big merchant New Mart and the children's cinema, there is a stew market, under the greenhouse, one after another stew stalls, two benches, a long table. It is almost every day that the popularity is booming, the earliest memory of the stew is made of plates, eating the stew is not with chopsticks and spoons, but with a small fork made of fine wire, whose stew is elastic, there is a ga, tahini thick, garlic juice is finely mashed, salty and moderate, whose stall is crowded with people.

I like to go shopping, I am tired of shopping, and the best reward for myself is to eat a plate of stew, which is the most beautiful taste in the depths of memory.

<h1 class="pgc-h-decimal" data-index="06" > the moment of the stew</h1>

Dalian people love to eat stew, has a wide base of the masses, it is precisely because of the special love of Dalian people for stew, many hotels have done the business of stewing in a down-to-earth manner, and the stew has finally been improved step by step, with seafood such as sea cucumber, conch, and prawns. Also called stew, under the transformation of the chef, it has become three fresh stews, seafood stews, and street snacks such as stews, which have finally boarded the hall of elegance, become the signature dish in the restaurant, and become the most popular dish at the party.

Dalian stew - history and the taste of the sea stew, Dalian people's favorite stew history sweet potato powder is the first choice for making stews Must be a derivative of rich life Stew is the most delicious memory of childhood Stewed at the moment

Braised has become the restaurant's signature dish

The rise in the status of stew is estimated to be a scene that the small vendors who pushed carts to sell stews in the early years did not dare to imagine.

Although Dalian stew is inconspicuous and not good-looking, from preparation, to preparation, to small fire slow boiling, to stall frying, to the overflowing incense floating stew in the bowl, the whole process does not have a hot and spicy impact scene, nor does it have the tall posture of his local food, can not be filmed to become a shocking picture of China on the tip of the tongue, can not show the good-looking and attractive Dalian stewed essence, but Dalian stew has always accompanied us, there is always someone passing on this craft. Stew it has no threshold, the process is simple, all it takes is patience and love, its price is heartfelt, from five cents to today's five yuan, always accompanied by Dalian people.

Stew continues the taste of the past, the taste of childhood, the taste of kindness and happiness, and those warm stories about stew are a memory of Dalian people, which have long been integrated into the folds of Dalian people's lives and years.

Stew is the eternal favorite in the hearts of Dalian people.

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