
The opening of paid private classes in public schools is bound to breed "degeneration"

author:Parenting neighbors
The opening of paid private classes in public schools is bound to breed "degeneration"

Nurture neighborly dreams

Netizen question: Public primary schools use their own school buildings to invite external dance teachers to teach and charge for lessons, what do you think?

Reply: Paid private classes in public schools are bound to breed "depravity".

Compulsory education, which must be received by all school-age children and adolescents implemented by the state in a unified manner, is a public welfare undertaking that the state must guarantee. Compulsory education has mandatory [society, schools, and families have the obligation to ensure that school-age children and adolescents receive compulsory education], public welfare [clearly stipulates that "no tuition fees and miscellaneous fees" are collected], uniformity is "teaching standards, funding standards, construction standards, standards for students' public funds, etc.", and compulsory education is related to the healthy growth of hundreds of millions of children and adolescents, the development of the country, and the future of the nation.

Tang Li Yanshou's "Nanshi Chen Xuan Biography": "Soldiers can be used for a thousand days, and they cannot be prepared for one day." "Raising troops for a thousand days and using soldiers for a while means accumulating strength in peacetime and using them when necessary." Education is an inevitable product of human beings after entering the era of abstract language and writing civilization, it has the core values of cultural inheritance, teaching and solving puzzles, and growth and companionship, is the core grasp of human social civilization to be passed on from generation to generation, is the fundamental guarantee for everyone to acquire basic survival skills after birth, is a strong backing for the relief of modern families to solve the "worries" of fertility, and is the "cradle" for the prosperity and development of the country and the nation for generations. The biggest difference between education work and other human social production labor divisions is that education work does not directly produce social wealth that can be used by current human consumption, nor can it directly improve the efficiency of the current human society's production labor division and cooperation. Therefore, the fundamental goal of new education cannot be like other business practices, pointing to being able to make money instantly. However, the professional school education spawned by the industrial revolution of power machinery is trying to maximize commercial self-interest by taking advantage of the east wind of the free market economy, small shops, canteens, school uniforms, information fees, after-school care...

The opening of paid private classes in public schools is bound to breed "degeneration"

Basic education should be most far removed from economic self-interest

Public compulsory education schools, in essence, all school running expenses are the state public financial expenditure of the education services, school buildings are funded by the state finance, teaching facilities by the state finance unified purchase and sales, teaching staff salaries by the state finance unified distribution, that is to say, public school education belongs to the state, belongs to the people of the country. Language, mathematics, physics, music, sports, fine arts... With the exception of a very small number of remote rural schools, almost all school education teachers are fully equipped with the curriculum. Therefore, the opening of paid private classes in public schools is bound to breed "degeneration". Because:

1. Public schools are originally non-profit state institutions. However, once public schools use school buildings to offer private classes, how should the income generated by paid private classes be distributed? A long time ago, the state spent a lot of effort to cut the army to use barracks and other fields to provide paid services for the society, is it difficult for school teachers to have a higher consciousness than military personnel? Able to remain pure in the face of monetary economic interests?

2, public school education itself is equipped with a complete teaching teacher, if the school education teachers are not as good as outside the school, then the original teacher recruitment standards should not be adjusted? Assuming that the teachers of school education are of high quality, it is necessary to weigh up why good school teachers cannot teach children who receive after-school care services.

3. When the Internet legend was not prohibited in the early off-campus training, many teachers left the main course content to the paid training class. So, after the school starts to pay for private after-school services, can't teachers carry out differentiated teaching after class in a positive and bright way?

(4) In order to ensure the impartiality of public officials, the State has implemented a separation of income and expenditure in many public service areas. However, after the school offers paid private classes, the school teachers must know which students have applied for private classes. If school teachers are involved in the distribution of the proceeds of paid private lesson services, how can they be ensured that the teacher's normal teaching activities are not affected?

5. Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator in modern China, said: "Training educators is the same as planting flowers and trees, first of all, we must understand the characteristics of flowers and trees, distinguish between different situations to fertilize, water and cultivate education, which is called 'teaching according to aptitude'. "Every child has a completely different growth rhythm from others, and education must accurately grasp the relatively mainstream growth rhythm of children in order to "do more with less". The school's large class system cannot fully meet the "teaching according to aptitude", can the temporary paid private after-school service be solved?

A century-long plan, education-oriented. Teachers are the foundation of education and the source of education, and they bear the heavy responsibility of making every child grow up healthily and running a satisfactory education for the people. The core value of education work is the supervision of growth accompaniment, that is, the teacher uses his own words and behaviors to demonstrate the children's growth behavior. However, if public school education is related to paid private classes, the establishment of paid private classes in public schools is bound to breed "degeneration".

The opening of paid private classes in public schools is bound to breed "degeneration"

The mission of raising neighbors: to be a sparring partner and consultant on the road to children's growth.

The vision of nurturing neighbors: let there be no small and difficult old people in the world.

Nurturing neighbors: Promote social harmony with neighborhood friendliness, promote social moral education and indoctrination, and promote the healthy and happy growth of everyone. Explore a set of public welfare and inclusive education undertakings that solve the problem of "one-child syndrome + intergenerational education" in the form of neighborhood mutual assistance, and work with parents to "tailor" children's growth plans to provide children with games, cooperation and shared growth space... That is, the community neighborhood education service ecosystem.

The opening of paid private classes in public schools is bound to breed "degeneration"

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