
Foreign game development

author:Ye Ting told stories indiscriminately

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In this issue, we talk about the follow-up development of foreign games. You gamers you find none. There are western developments abroad. Inseparable from These three games. Every appearance is a classic.Long-term domination of the major game lists.The next development direction will appear in which of these three? It seems to me that next time I may develop a game from Red Alert to dominate the list. Domestic planners don't know if you've ever considered this classic game. If abroad is developing. In research on this game. Are you going to put him in the development of mobile games?

If that's the case, I suggest you change the name of the profession of planning. "Copy Homework" is relatively good. At the very least you guys manage the game. I don't have to exert any effort. Copy the name. this....... Don't want to say it anymore .

You guys put the Red Alert piece under study. Can produce a good popular game. There is a Hundred Men War. Fifty Men Battle. Ten Man Battle. Duo Battle. Offensive and defensive warfare. Guild Wars. Can be archived. Designed to fight even a year's worth of war. There is entertainment. There are fast ones. There is a long term. Add all the continents of the earth to it. I want to make it simple for you planners.

In the next issue, we will talk about the development of foreign games "TWO"