
Taking "The Wind in the Willows" as an example, it is important for fourth-grade parents to guide their children to read the whole book

author:Educate a little

Children play unabated during the holidays, which can be sad for parents. There are always more ways than difficulties, and parents grasp these four points to improve their children's reading level to a new level.

The process of guiding the reading of the entire book is in a sense the process of helping students discover or make connections. Although a large number of parents do not have the experience of reading the whole book, once they master these four points, they will play a multiplier effect on improving their children's overall reading level.

"The Wind in the Willow Forest" is a fairy tale with animals as the protagonists, which has hospitable and romantic water rats, timid and fearful but adventurous moles, toads that like to brag, show off, and pursue fashion, thick and honest otters, chivalrous and leaderly old badgers, etc., these small animals lead children into beautiful river banks, quiet forests, bustling roads, and share pleasures and difficulties in exciting adventures.

Taking "The Wind in the Willows" as an example, it is important for fourth-grade parents to guide their children to read the whole book

First, parents guide their children to read and grasp the characteristics of each animal. Parents should discuss with their children what the characteristics of moles, river rats, badgers and toads are, which animal do you like the most, why, whether there is your shadow in these animals, and how you should view their characteristics. Have you ever found a shadow of their characteristics in your loved ones? The most important thing is to guide children to recognize the imperfection of each animal itself, and to accept its imperfection, so as to reflect on themselves and treat themselves correctly. This process is the process of self-correction of children, and it is also the process of children's self-growth.

For example, the mole in "The Sound of the Willow Forest" is a well-behaved child that people expect, cautious and kind-hearted, but it needs to learn and master the necessary social rules, master the knowledge of survival and life, in order to grow up healthily. For example, the toad represents the personality image of a naughty boy (bad boy), representing the psychological tendencies and deep desires of all naughty children who do not want to follow the rules, including constructive positives and destructive negatives. Therefore, the personality tendencies of the toad must be integrated, and while reinforcing the positive factors, eliminate the negative factors, so as to strive for the realization of the ideal goal as best as possible.

Taking "The Wind in the Willows" as an example, it is important for fourth-grade parents to guide their children to read the whole book

Second, parents guide their children to read and straighten out the storyline. "The Sound of the Wind in the Willow Forest" is a children's novel with animals as the main narrative, observing and feeling nature and human society from the perspective of animals, reversing the traditional narrative of animals being objectified. The storyline can structure the entire book, and once the child sorts out the storyline, he can naturally grasp the structure of the whole book. Parents should guide their children to sort out the plots on the two lines in the story, help children form a complete memory chain, and truly cultivate their children's thinking. Parents should guide their children to tell interesting storylines and touching places, which can stimulate children's exploration of knowledge.

Third, parents guide their children to read and feel the charm of language. Although "The Sound of the Willow Forest" cannot present the real scene of nature, its exquisite language and rich and peculiar imagination depict a beautiful pastoral scenery that makes children have a strong interest and love for nature. The biggest language feature of "The Sound of The Wind in the Willows" is the lyrical and freehand prose brushwork, which implements the entire work, which is worth parents to let the children read aloud and let the children talk about the benefits of language. Only the child himself reads and writes with his heart, and the influence of the language of this book on the child is subtle.

Taking "The Wind in the Willows" as an example, it is important for fourth-grade parents to guide their children to read the whole book

Fourth, parents guide their children to grasp the theme of "The Sound of the Willow Forest". "The Sound of the Willows" has become the aesthetic subject of nature through the substitution of humans by animals, and which plots can see the friendship of animals, and this friendship is also the friendship of human beings. Through the perspective of these animals, let children directly experience the attachment of animals to nature and their sense of belonging in nature in the process of reading, let children have a deeper understanding of friendship, feel the emotional affinity between people and other animals, let children experience the breath and call of home for animals, so as to trace the homology between humans and animals, re-examine the survival meaning and life value of animals, reflect on the position of anthropocentrism, and extend the object of ethics and morality from people themselves to other animals. Even the entire biological community.

The best version of "The Sound of the Wind in the Willow Forest" is the reading series recommended by the People's Literature Publishing House, which is a well-deserved classic in children's literature in the world, and parents should closely communicate with the children around the above four points, so that the children can establish self-identity and obtain spiritual growth in reading.

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