
Once extremely popular, after the peak of his career withdrew from the entertainment industry, and now his face is still beautiful

author:EntertainIng Stone

If you want to be remembered in the entertainment industry, you should always be exposed. If there is no long working time, it will be forgotten by the public. What we want to introduce is the Chongqing actress, who was very famous 15 years ago, and later converted to Buddhism, she is Yu Xiaoxue.

Once extremely popular, after the peak of his career withdrew from the entertainment industry, and now his face is still beautiful

Today's society is a fast-paced world, the pace of life is very fast, even TV dramas can not escape this habit. Many TV series are now completed in a short period of time, but they are not very popular with the audience.

Once extremely popular, after the peak of his career withdrew from the entertainment industry, and now his face is still beautiful

But there are some classic works to remember, such as 2001's "The End", the actors are very dedicated. Classical drama is inseparable from excellent actors, the most well-known is the heroine Yu Xiaoxue, whose acting skills are admirable.

Once extremely popular, after the peak of his career withdrew from the entertainment industry, and now his face is still beautiful

Yu Xiaoxue's road to enter the entertainment industry is not easy, she became a model at the age of 16, she has a unique advantage and good appearance, after having a certain position in the modeling circle, she hopes to get progress, so she wants to go to the film and television circle. Yu Xiaoxue could only play small roles at first. Still, she wasn't discouraged, but she continued to practice her acting as she played those little roles. Not to be disappointed, Yu Xiaoxue's performance won the love of the audience.

Once extremely popular, after the peak of his career withdrew from the entertainment industry, and now his face is still beautiful

After the age of 2010, we rarely saw her on screen, and her career seemed to be over. She is said to have quit show business and converted to Buddhism. In fact, as early as Yu Xiaoxue was 6 years old, his mother had an indissoluble relationship at the Guanyin Temple in Chongqing.

Once extremely popular, after the peak of his career withdrew from the entertainment industry, and now his face is still beautiful

In 2000, Yu Xiaoxue officially became a disciple of the Buddha, and now after 17 years of conversion to Buddhism, she found a photo of Yu Xiaoxue, who traveled the world, experienced the beautiful scenery of the world, and enjoyed a good time. Now no longer young, she is still beautiful. Don't deliberately hype, but leave a classic picture, for her this is the meaning of life.