
Those things in the ICU (9) tears of despair

author:Xiao He classmate is me

Today brushed to a Weibo hot search, said that a frostbite patient hired to kill himself twice, looked at the heart is very uncomfortable, the news said that this patient can only rely on the eyes to type, and the muscles will continue to atrophy, until breathing difficulties, and the mind has been awake, this is how desperate, watching themselves step by step to the abyss but powerless.

What I want to share with you today is not a frostbite patient, but it is very similar to frostbite, which is the story of a high paraplegic patient.

The patient is an elderly man, because when working in the field, the head fell backwards, injured the cervical spine, the patient's consciousness was clear when he was sent, he said that his limbs could not move, the doctor in the emergency department checked the muscle strength for him, the limbs were all 0 (complete loss of muscle strength), learned that the patient had a history of trauma, checked the CT of the cervical spine, there was a fracture, but the position was not high, it is reasonable to say that the symptoms will not be so serious, but the patient's wife said that the patient has a history of ankylosing spondylitis, it seems that this injury is so serious and related to this.

Due to the serious illness, the patient was arranged into the eicu, when the doctor explained the condition to the family, the old lady has been shaking, the couple has a daughter, in the field, will not be able to come back tomorrow, we let the old lady go home first to rest.

Due to the fracture of the cervical vertebrae caused by spinal cord injury, soon affected the breathing, the grandfather on the ventilator the next day, but his consciousness has been very clear, although only above the neck can move, but every time we call him he will respond positively to us, it can be seen that the grandfather's desire to survive is very strong, but we all know in our hearts that once the spinal cord injury occurs, it is almost irreversible, from the patient's condition, although the consciousness is clear, but there is no independent breathing, all rely on the ventilator to maintain, the future results can also be imagined.

The doctor told the patient's daughter to explain these situations to her for consideration, the ventilator is difficult to remove, but our hospital does not have the conditions to treat spinal cord injury, and her daughter decided to bring her father back after a few days of consideration.

On the day of discharge, the patient's daughter and wife came, outside the ward door, the mother and daughter have been wiping tears, we told the patient that we can be discharged today, he seems to know everything, with tears in his eyes nodded to us, after extubation, he said thank you to us...

According to the nurse who sent him downstairs, the old man could not go downstairs, and his daughter and wife had been crying, eh, extremely sober to see themselves going to the end of the world, but there was no way to be desperate.

Before studying medicine, I thought that only cancer could not be cured, and after studying medicine, I found that there were only a few diseases that could be cured, and in the face of such a problem that medicine cannot solve now, I really don't know how to talk to my family, how to face patients who actively want to live, there is always a feeling that I do not kill Bo Ren, but Bo Ren died because of me...

The only thing we can do is to protect ourselves and protect our families from such accidents.

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