
Tenacious struggle and exemplary education - Suzhou Vocational College of Economics and Trade held the "100 Directors 100 Lectures" activity

author:Jintai information

Source: People's Daily - Jilin Channel

Recently, in the Integration Hall of Suzhou Vocational College of Economics and Trade, Chen Yanqing, olympic champion and deputy director of the Suzhou Municipal Sports Bureau, gave a vivid and touching and inspiring party lesson on party history study and education to all teachers and students of the Mechanical and Electrical Technology College of Suzhou Academy of Economics. Wang Ying, member of the Party Committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Su Academy, the party and government leadership team of the School of Mechanical and Electrical Technology, all the faculty members, party members, student party members, party activists and all the new students of the class of 2021 attended the event.

Tenacious struggle and exemplary education - Suzhou Vocational College of Economics and Trade held the "100 Directors 100 Lectures" activity

With the theme of "Inheriting and Promoting the Fighting Spirit of Fighting for Olympic Gold Medals", Chen Yanqing told the teachers and students about her growth from an ordinary athlete to a two-time Olympic champion, sharing her experiences and feelings during her studies, competition training, and participation in competitions, as well as the ups and downs of three comebacks and retirements, almost every comeback to win various weightlifting awards, and breaking world competition records and Olympic records many times. "There are no shortcuts in learning, only repeated practice on your own." Poor technical movements, only continuous practice, continuous improvement. "When encountering difficulties, we must learn to adjust our mentality, take the initiative to adapt to the environment, and obtain it through our own efforts." "We must resist at the most critical moments, cherish every opportunity, and seize every opportunity."

Chen Yanqing used his own personal experience to introduce to everyone the development, inheritance and spirit of China's sports industry over the past few decades, and the self-confidence, confidence and strength brought by a strong motherland. Chen Yanqing sent a message to all teachers and students to be grateful for the cultivation of the party and the state and the support of society, and bravely shoulder the heavy responsibility of the times. Strengthen ideals and beliefs, strengthen physical fitness, take the initiative, boldly innovate, and work together to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Wang Ying made a concluding speech, and the study and education of party history allowed teachers and students not only to hear the blood and youthful dreams of the Chinese Olympic athletes, but also to appreciate the Chinese sportsmanship and the timeless Olympic spirit that have been passed down from generation to generation. She issued an appeal to all party members, teachers and students that the Olympic spirit, as one of the spiritual genealogies of the Communist Party of China, should study and carry forward the fighting spirit of the Olympic champions who have repeatedly created brilliant achievements and competed for Olympic gold medals, and bravely move forward and live endlessly. The Olympic spirit is infiltrated with patriotic spirit, feel the greatness of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the leadership of the Communist Party of China, strengthen responsibility and responsibility, arm wisdom thinking with the thinking of the times, create a happy life with scientific struggle, and achieve a beautiful life with the feelings of home and country. It is necessary to apply the lofty spirit of Olympic champion Chen Yanqing, who is diligent in studying, skillful in studying, successfully working hard, stubbornly working hard, never giving up, and revolutionary and desperate communists, to his own work and study, so that he can study history and practice it.

"Today's party history study and education makes me very moved, and I am very shocked by Director Chen Yanqing's growth experience. I will not forget my original intention as a teacher, keep in mind the mission of educating people, be a good guide for the growth of students, and continue to make new contributions to cultivating socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intellectuality, physical fitness, beauty, and labor, and to comprehensively building a modern socialist country. Wang Kun, a party member teacher, said. Olympic champion Chen Yanqing's spirit of courage to endure hardships, tenacious struggle, pursuit of excellence and never giving up inspired me. In the future study and work, I will step on the difficulties, shoulder the responsibility, turn the ideal into practical work, and make unremitting efforts to realize the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Student party member Li Meichang said.

It has been learned that this special propaganda activity is an arrangement for Suzhou City to carry out in-depth "100 propaganda lectures by 100 bureau chiefs" in the course of party history study and education, so as to guide the broad masses of party members to persist in studying history in a clear and rational manner, increasing credibility in studying history, revering morality in history, and practicing the study of history, conscientiously enhancing the "four consciousnesses," strengthening the "four self-confidences," and achieving "two safeguards," so as to gather the strength to forge ahead for building a strong socialist modern city and creating the "most beautiful window" for displaying socialist modernization to the world. (Bai Kuolan Yang Fan)

Tenacious struggle and exemplary education - Suzhou Vocational College of Economics and Trade held the "100 Directors 100 Lectures" activity