
The first meeting of the Sixth Committee of the CppcC Heshan District was opened

author:Red Net Yiyang Station
The first meeting of the Sixth Committee of the CppcC Heshan District was opened
The first meeting of the Sixth Committee of the CppcC Heshan District was opened

The committee members attended the meeting with full political enthusiasm and a high sense of social responsibility.

Red Net Moment Yiyang, October 21 (Reporter Wang Xinfeng) On October 21, the first meeting of the Sixth Committee of the CppcC Yiyang Heshan District opened at the Heshan Grand Theater. The committee members attended the meeting with full political enthusiasm and a high sense of social responsibility, and earnestly fulfilled their duties and missions of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in and discussion of state affairs around major issues in the economic and social development of the whole region.

The meeting should have 259 members, 7 people on leave due to illness, and 252 actually, which is in line with the provisions of the "CPPCC Charter".

Entrusted by the Standing Committee of the Fifth Committee of the Heshan District Committee of Yiyang City, Chen Tiejun, chairman of the Heshan District CPPCC Committee, made a work report to the meeting. The report pointed out that in the past five years, under the strong leadership of the district committee, the Standing Committee of the Fifth CPPCC In Heshan District has held high the great banner of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, firmly grasped the new orientation of the CPPCC cause, united and led the vast number of CPPCC members to take the initiative to undertake new missions, and made positive contributions to the decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way and promoting high-quality regional development.

Since the first session of the Fifth CPPCC Session in Heshan District, the vast number of CPPCC members have submitted a total of 394 motions to the conference, of which 249 cases have been filed at the district level, 51 cases have been filed by the Municipal Motions Committee, 74 cases have been transferred to the Municipal Proposal Committee, 74 letters and visits have been transferred, and 20 cases have been transferred to social conditions and public opinions, with an average annual case filing rate of 76.1%. As of this meeting, the response rate, meeting rate and satisfaction rate of all case filing proposals are 100%. Through the efforts of all parties, the results of the proposal have been effectively applied, and many suggestions have been adopted by the party and government departments or become references for decision-making, contributing the wisdom of the CPPCC to promoting the economic development, improvement of people's livelihood, rural revitalization and social governance in Heshan District.

The report pointed out that in the next five years, the Heshan District CPPCC will take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, deeply practice General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thinking on strengthening and improving the work of the CPPCC, fully implement the spirit of the Sixth Party Congress of the District under the strong leadership of the district committee, focus on the "three highs and four new" strategy and the goal of "five districts and one highland", change ideas, methods, and styles, and strive to improve the level of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in and discussion of state affairs, so as to better gather consensus. Contribute more CPPCC forces to accelerating the construction of a modernized Xinheshan.

Zhou Weixing, secretary of the Heshan District CPC Committee, spoke at the meeting. He pointed out that in the past five years, the CPPCC Heshan District has firmly grasped the two major themes of unity and democracy, always focused on the work center of the district party committee and the district government, achieved fruitful results in consultation and discussion of state affairs, enhanced the effectiveness of democratic supervision, and extensively expanded unity and friendship. The vast number of CPPCC members have enthusiastically participated in the new era of high-quality development in Heshan, and have gathered strong forces and made outstanding contributions to the development of various undertakings in the whole region. The next five years will be the decisive period for Heshan to build "five districts and one highland," and it is hoped that the CPPCC Heshan Committee and the vast number of CPPCC members will, in accordance with the decision-making and deployment of the district committee and in light of their own characteristics, give full play to the political, organizational, intellectual, and channel advantages of the CPPCC, take the initiative to seek things, actively serve as officials, and strive to accomplish things, so as to make new contributions to promoting the economic and social development of the whole region.

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