
Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

author:Fun in the pantry

Remember that paralyzed gymnast Sunland?

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

In 1998, as a rising star in the gymnastics world, Sunland participated in the Fourth Friendship Games in New York, and accidentally landed on the ground during warm-up training, resulting in complete spinal cord injury and paraplegia below the chest.

Sunland, 17, has never been able to stand up again.

Not only is the dream of winning an Olympic medal hopeless, but also a sad "unbearable injury" to return to the identity of ordinary people.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

But Sunland still laughs at the ordeal, and her optimism has touched and encouraged countless people.

I didn't think about it, and the subsequent series of "reversals" were jaw-dropping.

Some people called her a "liar" and deceived the public for 17 years.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

There are also people who stand firmly on her side.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Today, Sunland is 40 years old and has spent 23 years in a wheelchair.

The storm is far away, life continues, how is she doing?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="21" > that jump, regret for life</h1>

One day in June 1981, Sunland was born into an ordinary family in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province.

She started practicing gymnastics at the age of 6 and began to emerge at the age of 10.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

At the Zhejiang Provincial Games, Sunland won the high and low bars, vaulting, balance beam, free gymnastics, all-around, a total of five firsts.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

In 1993, the 12-year-old Sunland was selected for the national team, she was highly talented and good-looking, and won gold medals in women's gymnastics at the National Gymnastics Championships and the National Games, especially in vaulting, with gratifying results.

As an athlete, her future has endless possibilities.

However, a pre-match warm-up at the American Friendship Games completely ruined her sports career.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

On the evening of July 21, 1998, at the Long Island Gymnastics Gymnasium in New York, Sunland was relaxed and composed, just like thousands of previous exercises, running, jumping, taking off... All the action happens within a few seconds.

An accident happened!

Sunland, who was supposed to land on both feet, suddenly landed on his head and neck.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Sunland fell to the ground and could not move, although the gymnastics team and the United States used various methods to rescue.

But the tragedy was already doomed, and the 17-year-old Sunland was paraplegic and unconscious from the chest down.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Zhao Yuxin, the leader of the Chinese gymnastics team, remembers that after 7 hours of surgery, the first sentence Sunland said when she woke up and saw her was: When can I practice?

Her parents flew to New York to take care of her, and her mother, Chen Xiufeng, said that Sunland had never cried in front of anyone, and that she had secretly cried alone at night. When facing everyone, Sunland is smiling.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Countless people were touched by the strong Sunland, the American "People" magazine selected her as the hero of the year in 1998; the then US President Clinton, former President Carter and Reagan wrote letters to Sunland one after another, praising her courage in the face of difficulties; "red fried chicken" Leonardo came to visit...

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

People who have come into contact with her say that Sunland is a very cheerful person.

But she knew in her heart that the road ahead was completely different from the previous plan, and how would she live in the future?

Sunland felt that he must learn knowledge.

After returning to China, Sunland entered Peking University to study and studied very hard.

After that, she also became the ambassador of the 2008 Olympic Games, writing books, hosting programs on Star TV, doing public welfare, and living a prosperous life.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Even if she can't live without a wheelchair in this life, Sunland's life has not stopped, and she firmly believes that the excitement will still belong to her.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="136" > a storm in a multinational lawsuit</h1>

On April 29, 2011, after 12 years, Sunland suddenly filed a transnational lawsuit, pointing out that his injuries were "not accidents but accidents" that year.

In her description, the warm-up was familiar to her and could never go wrong, and it was a romanian gymnastics coach who removed the mat, causing her to be injured.

Sunland took five U.S. institutions and Liu Guosheng and Xie Xiaohong, who took care of themselves, all in court, with a claim amount of 1.8 billion.

Sunland accused the Chinese Gymnastics Association of appointing Xie Xiaohong and his wife as designated guardians despite her parents' objections, controlling and abusing herself, deriving benefits from them, and even indecently assaulting her, which later escalated into a "sexual harassment case."

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Xie Xiaohong, a Chinese-American and honorary vice president of the Chinese Gymnastics Association, spent the first 3 months in the hospital during the 10 months that Sunland lived in the United States after her injury, and the last 7 months she cared for with her husband and her ex-husband's son, Xue Weisen.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Sunland had a good relationship with them and gave them the Athens Olympic Torch and the ticket for the opening ceremony of the 2008 Olympic Games.

The couple is annoyed by Sunland's behavior, Xie Xiaohong believes that her purpose is to get a visa to the United States, and Liu Guosheng feels that it is an extortion.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Later, Sunland dropped the charges against Liu Xie and his wife, saying that he only wanted to defend his rights at that time, and pointed out that the "sexual assault" was proposed under the "misleading" of lawyer Haiming, and he was very aggrieved by the accusations of netizens.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

And the lawyer Haiming also repeatedly complained, claiming that Sunland affected his reputation, "do not pay lawyer fees, do not pay court fees and expenses, and even do not pay rent, really white-eyed wolf."

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

However, earlier, he had sworn in an interview that he would not charge lawyers' fees for representing Sunland in the case.

Later, Haiming publicly apologized to Liu Xie and his wife for their mistakes and compensated for the losses, saying that he regretted it and should not take Sunland's case.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

The relationship between Sunland and Liu Xie and his wife, as well as lawyer Haiming, completely broke down, but she was still satisfied with the outcome of the lawsuit - as desired, the American Gymnastics Association and three insurance companies reached a settlement.

The other side admitted that at the 1998 U.S. Friendship Games, Sunland's injury was not a personal error, and the insurance company paid $10 million for her treatment and rehabilitation in the United States.

This part has actually begun to pay out long ago, focusing on increasing Sunland's medical expenses in China.

What do you mean? That is to say, Sunland can do rehabilitation treatment in China three times a week after that, plus the cost of nanny, etc., and this money insurance is out.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

I thought that all the dust had settled, and suddenly the storm began to rise again in 2015.

An American expert analyzed Sunland's warm-up video that year and came to the conclusion that Sunland stepped on the wrong pedal that year, 20 centimeters ahead of the usual pedaling part, and it was this 20 centimeters that caused Sunland's lifelong disability.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Immediately after xinhua news agency also published an article entitled "Sunland's Fall Truth Investigation", pointing out that Sunland's accusations against Romanian gymnastics coach Octavian Belu (Octavian Belu) for "removing the mat" were not only unfounded, but even he was the first person to lend a helping hand after Sunland was injured, criticizing Sunland for lying for 17 years.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth
Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

A stone set off a thousand waves, Sunland's image of "smiling angel" changed overnight, from an idol to a liar with ulterior motives, during that time, Sunland and his family were exposed to the Internet almost every day.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

In the face of such a "truth", Sunland posted a long article on social platforms to fight back, pointing out that the author's motives were bad and it was "throwing dirty water".

Husband Huang Jian said that a video can not prove the problem, and the person who wrote the article has ulterior motives.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="144" > life is far more important than the truth</h1>

Now 6 years later, Sunland has long since come out of the storm.

After she was injured, she went through the retirement process, she and her agent Huang Jian had long-term contact, and love sprouted in each other's hearts. In September 2013, the two announced their marriage.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Huang Jian, a professional fencer, once had a marriage, and his marriage to Sunland has attracted many attention.

After marriage, Huang Jian took good care of Sunland.

He taught himself nail art, bought a whole set of tools, personally made Sunland's nails, and was a model husband, and he punched people who said that he and Sunland were married with practical actions.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

In the second year of marriage, the son of the two was born, named Huang Xiaobao, very healthy and lovely, and he is 7 years old this year.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

As a paraplegic patient, Sunland is full of joy at being able to become a mother, and regards taking care of the happy growth of children as a major event in life.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

Huang Jian also wants a second child, but he also said that it depends on Sunland's own physical condition. However, netizens basically opposed this, and Huang Jian later deleted the relevant blog posts.

And everyday life is always full of endless trivialities.

Sunland once told the media, even if you give me 10 billion, can I exchange my healthy body?

Many times, small things have to take a lot of time and energy, such as catheterization. Various tools must be prepared in advance, and it takes half an hour to 1 hour for a catheterization. In order to save money, Sunland uses catheters many times after disinfection.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

However, after so many years, Sunland has slowly adapted.

In December last year, Sunland participated in the variety show "Hello Mother", in which she showed daily details such as turning over, sitting up, and taking medicine.

Although he is forty years old, he still looks beautiful and slim.

Paralyzed at the peak of the gymnastics champion, in a wheelchair for 23 years, did she really lie for 17 years for 1.8 billion compensation? That jump, regret lifelong transnational litigation storm life is far more important than the truth

His son Huang Xiaobao also appeared on the show, and someone asked him: "What if the father is old and can't hold the mother?" ”

The little boy immediately replied firmly, "I'll come and hold my mother." ”

Sunland, who heard this answer, burst into tears.

After experiencing the wind and rain, Fang knew that peace and tranquility were not easy to come by, and it seemed that the truth of that year was no longer important.

If a person lives for one lifetime, does he not ask for a good life in this world?

Bless Sunland and her family with happiness for a long time.

Author: Finney

Editor-in-charge: Zeria

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