
The 4K commemorative edition of the domestic art film classic "Tianshu Qitan" premiered in Shanghai


The 4K commemorative version of the classic animation blockbuster "Tianshu Qitan", produced by Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio and born in 1983, premiered in Shanghai on the 27th.

The 4K commemorative edition of the domestic art film classic "Tianshu Qitan" premiered in Shanghai

Qian Yunda (left) and Suda (right) communicate with the audience at the premiere. (Photo by Xinhua news agency reporter Ren Long)

"Very impressed! It's an honor and a pleasure. At the premiere scene, Qian Yunda, one of the directors of "Tianshu Qitan", who is more than ninety years old, smiled and sighed, but he was a little choked.

In the past 30 years or so, among the main creators who have worked together because of the creation of "Tianshu Qitan", a considerable number of old artists have gone to the west of the crane. Among them are Wang Shuchen, Bao Lei, Wu Yingju and other famous artists, as well as senior groups in the dubbing industry, Bi Ke and Shang Hua.

This classic in the hearts of "post-70s" and "post-80s" audiences will be released in theaters nationwide on November 5. Under the restoration of 4K Ultra HD technology, the 4K commemorative edition of "Tianshu Qitan" presents a clearer picture and sound that is more suitable for theatrical screening.

The 4K commemorative edition of the domestic art film classic "Tianshu Qitan" premiered in Shanghai

The scene of the protagonist of "Heavenly Book Strange Tan" "Egg Birth" is partial. (Courtesy of Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio)

"Tianshu Qitan" is one of the most popular domestic animated feature films in China after the reform and opening up. The film is adapted from the ancient Chinese legendary novel "The Legend of Ping You", which tells the story of the young "Egg Sheng" and the master "Yuan Gong" fighting wits and courage with the three fox demons, as well as benefiting the people.

The works not only have vivid and three-dimensional character images, but also integrate traditional cultural elements such as landscape painting, sculpture and opera, showing a distinctive artistic style.

"'Heavenly Book' has a deep cultural heritage and a unique aesthetic taste." Suda, director of the Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio, said, "We can't let it lie in the studio and be forgotten." This restoration is to use technology to revitalize the film and let it meet more young audiences. ”

The 4K commemorative edition of the domestic art film classic "Tianshu Qitan" premiered in Shanghai

The film's promotional posters draw viewers to stop. (Photo by Xinhua news agency reporter Ren Long)

Previously, Shanghai Fine Arts Film Studio has launched a restoration version of the animation film "The Haunting of the Heavenly Palace", and the next step will be to repair animation films such as "Black Cat Sheriff" and "Hulu Brothers" to make these classic works get a "new life".

Reporters: Wang Jingyuan and Xu Xiaoqing

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