
Who can carry the banner of the world's first in the eight masters of the sky? Needless to say, Qiao Feng is also

author:One person kyo drifting

Mr. Jin Yong's book

Tianlong Eight

Legend of the Archery Hero

Condor Heroes

Dragon Slayer

These four books can be described as closely linked

A lineage.

Who can carry the banner of the world's first in the eight masters of the sky? Needless to say, Qiao Feng is also

Revised Edition Tianlong Eight Parts

Each book creates a lot of heroes who can sing and cry

It also portrays many despicable and shameless adulterous masters

If you really evaluate a world first

It's a real brain drain

There are decent masters of the Eight Heavenly Dragons

Sweeping monk, Duan Yu, Xuan Zhu, Qiao Feng, etc

Who can carry the banner of the world's first in the eight masters of the sky? Needless to say, Qiao Feng is also

New version of A Zi

The evil sect masters of the Eight Heavenly Dragons are there

Sanlao, Ding Chunqiu, Murong Fu, Duan Yanqing, etc

Compared with the many heroic masters of the Tianlong Eight, who is the first in the world

I think only Qiao Feng

From three points, it can be proved that Qiao Feng's first truth is deserved

First point


Qiao Feng was a Khitan man

Grew up in the Central Plains

Back Joe Sanhuai parents raised adults

Shi Chengcai helped the leader Wang Jiantong

Learn the art of Shaolin High Monk Xuan Ku Master

Unfortunately, Xuan Ku was secretly attacked by Xiao Feng's father, Xiao Yuanshan

A slap shook the five internal organs and died

It is even more regrettable that it is bitter to death

They all thought that his killer was their beloved disciple Xiao Feng

Who can carry the banner of the world's first in the eight masters of the sky? Needless to say, Qiao Feng is also

Qiao Feng's martial arts were not complicated

There are three types

Dragon Catcher

Taizu long fist

Descend the Dragon Eighteen Palms

He had never used a weapon in decades

Never used the dog-fighting stick method

So here's a negligible way to beat the dog stick

A single descending dragon eighteen palms

Who can carry the banner of the world's first in the eight masters of the sky? Needless to say, Qiao Feng is also

Let the martial artists smell the wind and fear

That's because of Qiao Feng's innate physique

In today's parlance, people who are born to practice martial arts are born

Qiao Feng knew his origins

Back to Daliao

Became the King of the South Courtyard

If you change to Murong Fu's generation

It is certainly an inexhaustible amount of glory and wealth

Three wives and four concubines who can't sleep

But the hero Shen Wu's Qiao Feng

Unwilling to obey the holy will of the Liao Emperor

Unwilling to take the disease south to invade the Northern Song Dynasty

His sense of home and country is particularly heavy

The Northern Song Dynasty was the place where Qiao Feng was raised

Daliao is the fundamental home of Qiao Feng

Qiao Feng was miserable

Unwilling to see war

It is even more reluctant to see ordinary people displaced

He chose to give his life

In exchange for peace between the two countries

This alone

There is no hero Haojie who can stand with him

Although the martial arts of the sweeping monks are high

But hide Shaolin miscellaneous

Murong Bo's martial arts were high

Who can carry the banner of the world's first in the eight masters of the sky? Needless to say, Qiao Feng is also

But in order to restore the Great Yan bad things to do everything

The second point is from the explosive power of martial arts

The Shaolin Temple's Tibetan Scripture Cabinet was fought

Hatsuma's flame knife sneaks up on the sweeping monk

Who can carry the banner of the world's first in the eight masters of the sky? Needless to say, Qiao Feng is also

The three-foot qi wall of the swept monk was completely destroyed

However, Qiao Feng's Descending Dragon Eighteen Palms directly broke through the sweeping monk's three-foot qi wall

Broke the ribs of the sweeping monk

The sweeping monk spat out a mouthful of blood and said

The Eighteen Palms of the Descending Dragon are indeed the first in the world

The sweeping monk means that Qiao Feng is the first in the world

The third point is that people are loyal and love-oriented

Madame Ma's gifted beauty

Who can carry the banner of the world's first in the eight masters of the sky? Needless to say, Qiao Feng is also

Nowadays, many masters have fallen under the pomegranate skirt

Only Qiao Feng did not face Madame Ma squarely at the beggars meeting

Even the iron-boned White Mirror has no place to live in beauty

So much so that later there was remorse

Qiao Feng's dedication to love is respected

He was for his future wife, Arjun

Go find the Tianshan Snow Lotus elixir

To give up all glory and wealth is to save Arjun

Such a figure is also difficult to find now

Synthesize the above three points

I think Qiao Feng is the first in the world

Do not conform to argue

Who can carry the banner of the world's first in the eight masters of the sky? Needless to say, Qiao Feng is also

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