
Zero Yang Town: "The right medicine for the symptoms" has revitalized the weak and scattered party organizations

author:Red Net

Red Net Moment Cili, November 17 (Correspondent Ye Wei) Recently, after three months of hard work, with the hard work of cadres at the town and village levels and the extensive participation of party members and the masses, the party committee of Zero Yang Town has "prescribed the right medicine" in the work of "one case and one rectification", and the three weak and scattered party organizations in Baigongcheng Community, Zero Creek Village, and Wanfu Village have been rejuvenated and added new vitality.

Since the launch of the rectification work of weak and sluggish party organizations, the party committee of ZeroYang Town has always insisted on putting the rectification work of party organizations in a prominent position to grasp, persisting in linking up and down from top to bottom, paying attention to the integration of resources, giving full play to the leading role of advanced models and demonstrations, and promoting the comprehensive progress and comprehensive excellence of the construction of grass-roots party organizations.

To rectify the weak and scattered village party organizations, the most important task is to find the root cause of the problem and find the "foci of the disease." In order to find out where the problems lie, the town and village levels have focused on the three conspicuous problems existing in the weak and scattered party organizations, and through soliciting opinions, visiting households, and holding discussions among mass deputies, they have "passed through the sieve" one by one, leaving no dead ends, sorting out 10 crux of the problem, establishing ledgers one by one, clarifying the road map, timetable, and mission statement for rectification, and promoting the implementation of rectification measures in an orderly and effective manner. At the end of June this year, the town party committee guided the "two committees" of the village (community) to formulate and issue the "Implementation Plan for the Rectification of Weak and Scattered Grass-roots Party Organizations", highlighting the problem orientation, focusing on weak links such as ineffective work in educating party members and the masses, and taking the tempering of party spirit of party members and the publicity of the rule of law of the masses as the center, and embarked on the "road of taking off the hat" of weak and scattered party organizations.

Educating party members and the masses to abide by discipline and the law is the primary task in implementing the work of "one case and one rectification." Party members and group leaders at the town and village levels who have a strong sense of organization, strong propaganda ability, strong sense of service, and a certain mass base are selected to serve as propagandists for legal education, go into households to carry out propaganda work, and mobilize party members and the masses to sign a "Letter of Commitment not to Involve In Organized Crime and Evil Forces." "Now, the atmosphere in our village has improved. If there is anything, the community will support us, everyone often thinks of ways together, encounters problems and works together to solve them, and the relationship between the party and the masses is becoming more and more harmonious. Dong Hongying, a party building specialist in Zero Creek Village, said.

Zero Yang Town: "The right medicine for the symptoms" has revitalized the weak and scattered party organizations

"The changes before and after the rectification are clear at a glance, and driven by the demonstration of party members, everyone is very concerned about the safe construction of the village!" How the role of party members is brought into play is directly related to the effectiveness of the rectification of weak party organizations. In order to tap the potential of party members, the party committee of Zhiyang Town helped the "two committees" of the branch village to improve the organizational life of grass-roots party organizations, the "three meetings and one lesson" system, the party member service commitment system, the non-working party members to set up posts and set responsibilities, and a series of systems, such as the management of party members' targets, star ratings, and party and mass councils, effectively solving the problem of some party members and cadres "not taking action and not taking the lead". The village (community) has also set up a volunteer service team for party members, carried out the "three advances" activities of policy publicity into households, laws and regulations into households, and good facts into peasant households, and implemented "village (community) team pairing and support" for groups with signs of ideological emergence and tendency, and selected "party member demonstration households", which stimulated the potential and vitality of party members.

"Now everyone's awareness of the legal system is getting stronger and stronger" and "the exemplary and leading role of party members is getting better and better." Through rectification, the changes in the three weak and sluggish grass-roots party organizations have been seen by the masses and happy in their hearts.

"The biggest change brought about by the rectification work of weak and sluggish grass-roots party organizations is not only to enhance everyone's awareness of the law, but more importantly, to enhance the spirit of village (community) residents and make people's hearts gather." Zhu Weiping, secretary of the party committee of Zeroyang Town, said. Today, the former weak and scattered grass-roots party organizations have been transformed and completed, and a grass-roots party organization that is full of cohesion and combat effectiveness and bursts with unprecedented staying power and vitality is rising.

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