
Why did Yang Yi commit suicide after killing Wei Yan? What is the truth?

author:Grocery store 01

After Zhuge Liang's death, why did Yang Yi kill Wei Yan and commit suicide? Let's see if the truth is the same as history.

Why did Yang Yi commit suicide after killing Wei Yan? What is the truth?

Yang Yi (?) –235), courtesy name Duke Wei, was a native of Xiangyang (襄阳, in modern Xiangyang, Hubei), and an official of the Shu Han Dynasty during the Three Kingdoms period. Initially, he was the master bookkeeper of Fu Qun of Jingzhou, and later defected to Guan Yu and served as Gong Cao. Guan Yu sent him to Chengdu, where he was greatly appreciated by Liu Bei and promoted to Shangshu. Because of his disagreement with Shang Shu, Liu Ba was transferred to Hongnong Taishou. In the third year of Jianxing (225), he served as a minister of the army, and has been fighting with Zhuge Liang ever since. Bright pawn, he deployed a safe retreat. Zhuge Liang made Jiang Huan succeed him before his death, and Yang Yi only worshiped the Chinese military division. In the thirteenth year of Jianxing (235), due to excessive complaints, he was stripped of his post and exiled to Hanjia County.

Zhuge Liang already had a secret song before his death, believing that Yang Yi was impatient and narrow-minded, and intended to let Jiang Huan take on a heavy responsibility, so Jiang Huan served as Shang Shu Ling and Yizhou Assassin. After Yang Yi arrived in the capital, he was appointed as a Chinese army division, with no subordinates, but only acted cheaply on his own. At first, Yang Yi served as Shangshu under the former lord, and Jiang Huan became ShangshuLang, and later although they all served as ministers to join the army commander Shi. Every time Yang Yi accompanied him, he undertook the heavy work in the army, thinking that he was older than Jiang Huan and could surpass Jiang Huan, so he often showed a resentful expression between his voices and colors, and reprimanded others for sighing his words from the heart. At that time, everyone was afraid of his inferiority and did not dare to associate with him, only the rear military master Fei Yi went to comfort him to visit him. Yang Yi expressed his resentment and anger toward Fei Yi, said many things about the past, and said to Fei Yi: "When The Former Prime Minister died, if I had killed the Wei clan before raising troops, how could I have fallen into such a field in today's life?" It's a shame. Fei Yi secretly reported these words upwards.

Why did Yang Yi commit suicide after killing Wei Yan? What is the truth?

At the same time, Yang Yi and Wei Yan were not at peace, and at the time of Zhuge Liang's Third Northern Expedition, they sent an army to Tunzha Valley. In the autumn, Zhuge Liang's illness worsened, and he secretly retired from the army after the death of Changshi Yangyi, Sima Feiyi, and the protector Jiang Wei, so that after Wei Yan was cut off, if he did not obey his orders, he would do as he pleased. Zhuge Liang was killed, and the secret was not mourned, and Yang Yi ordered Fei Yi to go to figure out Wei Yan's intentions. Wei Yan replied, "Although The Prime Minister is dead, but with me, how can the world be wasted because of the death of a person?" Besides, who was Wei Yan, and how could I be at the mercy of Yang Yi and be a general after the break? ”

The army slowly retreated with Yang Yi, and Wei Yan was furious, traveling day and night, rushing in front of Yang Yi's army, burning the Pavilion Road everywhere he walked. Both Yang Yi and Wei Yan went to each other to say that Liu Chan was plotting rebellion, and Liu Chan asked Dong Yun and Shi Jiangwan, the governor of the imperial palace, who really wanted to rebel, and both Dong and Jiang assured Yang Yi that Yang Yi suspected Wei Yan. Empress Wu held that "Yang Yi is a man of letters, and the minister of state entrusts him with the task of a long history, and must be available to others"; Jiang Huan also commented on Yang Yi, pointing out that although Yang Yi is too impatient to tolerate things, as for raising grain and grass, counselling military aircraft, and doing things with the minister for a long time, now that the minister is dying, he is entrusted with major affairs, and he is by no means a person who betrays the rebellion"; Dong Yun also believes that Yang Yi "is talented and sensitive, and if he is appointed by the minister, he will not rebel." Wei Yan first occupied Nangukou and led an army to attack Yang Yi's army, and Yang Yi ordered Wang Ping to defend Against Wei Yan in front. Wang Ping scolded Wei Yan's vanguard troops: "Zhuge Gong died, the bones are not cold, how dare you people do this!" Wei Yan's army knew that the fault lay with Wei Yan, and they did not listen to Wei Yan's orders, and they all dispersed. Only Wei Yan and several of his sons fled to Hanzhong, and Yang Yi sent Ma Dai to catch up with Wei Yan and behead him, sacrificing his head to Yang Yi, who trampled Wei Yan's head with his foot and scolded, "Yongnu! Can you do evil again? So he exterminated the Three Tribes of Wei Yan.

After Yang Yibao's coffin returned to Chengdu, Liu Chan made him a Chinese military division. However, Because Yang Yi was not willing to be subordinate to Jiang Huan, he often complained, and even said the declaration that "he would rather vote for Wei in the first place". Fei Yi secretly chen Yang Yi's words to the hou lord, who was furious and degraded Yang Yi to Hanjia County as a commoner. Yang Yi felt ashamed and eventually killed herself.

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