
Global Connection丨 Aiming at the Chinese market! Colombian high-quality coffee re-entered the Expo to participate in the exhibition


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After participating in the second China International Import Expo, Columbia Coffee Company will participate in the exhibition for the second time this year. In early November, the 4th China International Import Expo will be held in Shanghai, when Gordox Coffee will bring a variety of products to meet Chinese consumers.

Global Connection丨 Aiming at the Chinese market! Colombian high-quality coffee re-entered the Expo to participate in the exhibition

For more than 60 years, Costa's coffee products have become a household name in Colombia, with factories in Bogotá, Medellín, Santa Marta, Ibagué and many other places. Today, the coffee company takes the Expo as an opportunity to strive to provide more high-quality products to Chinese consumers.

Global Connection丨 Aiming at the Chinese market! Colombian high-quality coffee re-entered the Expo to participate in the exhibition

At this expo, Gordjie Coffee will show Chinese consumers the coffee products of high-end brand Matiz and Cordillera brand chocolates. These products are from traditional Colombian growing areas to fully guarantee the quality of the products.

Reporter: Gao Chunyu Dynasty

Editor: Xie Wentao

Produced by the Audio and Video Department of Xinhua News Agency

Produced by Xinhua News Agency's International Communication Integration Platform