
France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

author:Awang reads
France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

"I don't want to worry about you, give a home to those who love wandering, give the lonely people the truth, after all these years, do you still want me?" In fact, there is no need to answer, amorous people are always sad because they are ruthless, and why bother to cling to who is most sincere to whom..."

Amorous people are always ruthlessly hurt, since ancient times, it seems that the feelings of heaven-made union, in the end, but still all over the body, people can't help but feel sad, sigh!

Some people are affectionate, some people are ruthless, handsome but spending men, they can only make countless women heartbroken, but after you continue to hurt the feelings of others, can you really get happiness and happiness?

France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

As the "first beautiful man in France", Alain Deron looked back on his life and said: I have everything now, but I have no happiness.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > rebellious childhood</h1>

In 1935, a theater manager and a female staff member of the theater formed a family in Saul, France, and gave birth to Alain Deron.

However, the birth of love crystallization did not last long for this marriage, and when Alain Delon was four years old, the marriage of his parents broke down and parted ways.

He began to live with his mother, an elegant woman with romantic and artistic flavors, who also gave Alandron the earliest artistic enlightenment.

France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

But the mother's life is still very long, it is impossible to live only with him for a lifetime, but the remarriage of the mother makes him feel abandoned, in the mother's life, there is another man - stepfather, but his relationship with the stepfather is not good, and then he was sent to the host family, and the only one who accompanies him is an elderly nanny.

He is lonely, want to attract the attention of his mother, when he was young, we always thought that we were disobedient, always attracted a little attention and love from our families, but many times, the difference in thinking between the two generations will always make us misunderstand each other, and it will become an insurmountable gap.

He fights, pranks classmates, etc., always gets into trouble in school, repeatedly expelled from school, during his studies he has changed 17 schools in succession, but his mother is deeply guilty of sending him to boarding school, so she chooses to tolerate what he has done and will not blame him more.

France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

However, he felt that his mother did not care about him, and even indifferent to his deterioration, as if he were retaliating against his mother, he became more rampant, often playing with the in society, and so he grew up to the age of 17.

Or the stepfather really couldn't stand it and sent him to the Marine Corps, but in the rebellious age, we always couldn't properly understand the goodwill of others, and because of these years of free debauchery, he couldn't adapt to the life of the barracks, and the bad style made him sent home by the army.

He was not ashamed of this, but felt that he had regained his freedom, but he was a small, who could only crawl at the bottom of society, he had worked hard, worked as a hotel waiter, and even in the most depressed time, he had to rely on this handsome face to wait for the help of others.

Because of this, he realized that he could eat by the face, which was also his greatest capital.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > Congying falls in love with Princess Sisi</h1>

With this face, he quickly won the favor of a French actress, and with the help of the other party, he learned to act and began to rise in the show business circle.

In 1975, he became an idol and Prince Charming in the hearts of countless people with the role of a gentleman, charming, and swordsmanship in "Zorro".

France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

His stunning appearance captivated countless people, and Romey Schneider became famous for "Princess Sissi", and the two subsequently met in a 1958 romance film "When the Flower Moon Broke the Intestine".

Although Alain Deron became famous at this time, he was the first beautiful man in France, and the two played a pair of bitter lovers in the play, and the two had a love affair because of the drama, which extended the love in the play to the outside of the play.

At this time, Alain Delon was 23 years old, and Romey Schneider was only 20 years old, although Romey Schneider was 3 years younger than him, but their fame and social status were completely different at this time, but his beautiful face made Romei Schneider love himself.

France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

Even at the expense of giving up her great future in Germany, going to France with Alain Delon to develop, a woman who is overwhelmed by love, there is no reason at all, she only wants to guard her love and pursue her happiness, but is Alain Delon really her lover?

Romi Schneider came to France with Alain Deron at all costs, but in this strange loneliness, she also had to endure the language barrier, the huge differences in life and culture, and the career fell to the bottom, but she did not care, love is the driving force and source of everything she has.

But Alain Delong's career here is gradually flourishing, and his feelings for her are no longer as hot as before, as Zhang Ailing said: A man will not love a woman after he truly understands her.

France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

The gap between the two of them grew, and he began to circle between different women, although Romey Schneider sensed his ambiguity with other women, after all, as a pillow person, each woman was very sensitive, but how could she easily let go of her feelings that had been maintained for many years.

In the five years after the engagement, she lived in a foreign country for so long, paid so much, and everything was in vain? She couldn't do it, she couldn't do it, so she could only turn a blind eye and repeatedly embrace Alain Delon.

However, all that was exchanged was the intensification of Alain Delon's betrayal, and the relationship between the two was finally broken in the constant concessions of one and the continuous progress of the other.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > broken feelings, and can only end up alone</h1>

In 1963, the two finally broke up and dissolved the marriage contract, after breaking up with Alain Deron, in 1966 to 1975, during the nine years, Romey Schneider was married twice, but Alain Deron has always been her heart knot, so the two relationships are not smooth, the career has long been gone when she left Germany, one step wrong step, Romi Schneider's life can never go back to the past, in 1982, at the age of 44, she died of a heart attack.

France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

Alain Deron once said: "Many women are obsessed with my handsome appearance, and around them, I can always find a way to survive."

Therefore, after breaking up with Romey Schneider, he still had a very relaxed life, he once fell in love with a beautiful female model at first sight, became pregnant before marriage, and gave birth to a child.

Later, he married Natalie Barthélemy and gave birth to a son, and also had a relationship with the Dutch model Rosalie Van Brimen, who did not marry but gave birth to a pair of children.

France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

He had four children in his lifetime, but did not have a child with Romey Schneider, and the difference between his eldest son and the youngest child was 32 years, Alain Deron's life game flower bush, but also only a tragedy.

His people have won numerous awards and fall in love with many beauties, but in his later years, he was accompanied by his free and lonely self and a few dogs!

He said: I have done many things wrong in my life, and I know that I cannot forgive me, but I only want her (Romey Schneider) to scold me again, not to leave me.

France's first beautiful man Alandron, betrayed Princess Sisi and gave birth to a child out of wedlock, and in his later years he was alone with a dog as a rebellious childhood from the shadow and Princess Sisi fell in love with broken feelings, and could only end up alone

But life has never regretted medicine to eat, his regret for Romey Schneider can no longer be made up, the old man, in his home, built 36 cemeteries, set up tombstones for 35 dogs, the last one, he left to himself.

85-year-old he is not afraid of death, but his life is successful, but also a failure, he used a handsome face, deceived the hearts of countless women, in the end in the old age, but can only be lonely, with the dog as a companion, we are teasing the feelings of others at the same time, why not consume their own blessings?

When people treat others well, they are also treating themselves well!

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