
More than 10 million people watched, bringing 8.5 million yuan! Qingyuan's live broadcast festival scene is hot

author:South Plus client

Lianshan rice sold more than 100 bags in a few minutes, Liannan dried figs were favored by netizens, Qingyuan Hong Kong stars live broadcast with goods... The 2021 "Guangdong Trade Nation, Qingyuan on the Cloud" live broadcast festival hosted by the Qingyuan Municipal Government has attracted the attention of the majority of netizens since its opening on October 23. As of 10:00 a.m. on the 24th, the number of online live broadcast views exceeded 11 million, the number of live broadcast goods exceeded more than 100,000, and the amount of goods exceeded 8.5 million yuan, achieving a double harvest of popularity and wealth.

More than 10 million people watched, bringing 8.5 million yuan! Qingyuan's live broadcast festival scene is hot

On October 23, the 2021 "Guangdong Trade Nation, Qingyuan on the Cloud" live broadcast festival was officially opened. Courtesy of the correspondent

The live broadcast festival was well received online and offline

On the 23rd, in the atrium of Shunying Times Square in Qingyuan City, the goods in the 9 live broadcast rooms were dazzling, and the anchors were shouting at the camera.

Here is the main venue of the launching ceremony of the "Guangdong Trade Nation, Qingyuan on the Clouds" live broadcast festival. The 9 live broadcast rooms were claimed by Qingyuan City and 8 counties (cities, districts) for live broadcasts with different themes. In addition, the sub-venue is set up by each county (city, district) business to set up a live broadcast room for normalized live broadcasting, and the products with goods include agricultural products, clothing, furniture, beauty, jewelry, electrical appliances, electronic products, etc.

At the scene of the event, many citizens stopped to watch and placed orders online to open the "buy, buy, buy" mode, and even the dried figs in the south and the mushroom soup from the mountains of northern Guangdong were very popular.

The live broadcast room is also very lively. On the day of the opening ceremony, Qingyuan Hong Kong star Mai Changqing (Mai Bao) came to the event site with the operation team to call for the live broadcast of hometown products, and a Lianshan rice sold more than 100 bags in a few minutes.

The event also opened the exclusive topic of the event "#这就是清远" on Douyin, showing netizens the characteristics of Qingyuan Digital Economy E-commerce, Green Mountains and Green Water Ethnic Customs and Qingyuan's Good Goods and Good Life, the topic activity was opened on October 22 and has received more than 10 million views, which has been praised and concerned by the majority of netizens.

The event will last until November 11, and in addition to the three special live broadcast events, an e-commerce training will be held.

More than 10 million people watched, bringing 8.5 million yuan! Qingyuan's live broadcast festival scene is hot

Qingyuan Hong Kong star Mai Changqing (Mai Bao) called for the live broadcast of hometown products. Courtesy of the correspondent

Rural areas catch the "fast lane" of digital economy

Qingyuan has been working on the digital economy for a long time, taking rural e-commerce as the starting point to help crack the dual structure of urban and rural areas.

"The digital economy is becoming a new round of competition everywhere." The relevant person in charge of the Qingyuan Municipal Bureau of Commerce said that the use of the Internet platform for effective live broadcasting and e-commerce activities is conducive to stepping out of the homogenization road, promoting Qingyuan to strengthen the radiation effect based on the resources of the province and the city, and using new kinetic energy and creating new advantages.

In recent years, Qingyuan has combined traditional holidays and e-commerce festivals to carry out diversified e-commerce promotion activities according to local conditions, promote the integration of online and offline development, continuously enhance the endogenous power to promote consumption, and further create a consumption atmosphere. And vigorously promote Qingyuan commodities, elements and services to participate in the Guangdong and even domestic cycle, to accelerate the construction of a new development pattern to contribute.

At the same time, we will accelerate the development of rural e-commerce, starting from the cultivation of e-commerce talents, rural logistics construction, promoting the network sales of agricultural products and improving the rural market system, and make every effort to create an interconnected and interlocking county-level e-commerce ecological chain.

Just this year, Lianshan Zhuang Yao Autonomous County was awarded the "National E-commerce into Rural Comprehensive Demonstration County". Up to now, Qingyuan has a total of 3 national-level e-commerce into rural comprehensive demonstration counties, and 7 provincial-level e-commerce into rural comprehensive demonstration counties.

Qingyuan's digital economy continued to be active. According to incomplete statistics, from January to September this year, the city's online retail sales reached 3.25 billion yuan, an increase of 10.5% year-on-year; the online retail sales of agricultural products reached 730 million yuan, an increase of 28% year-on-year; the active anchors of major e-commerce platforms exceeded 800 people, and the number of live broadcasts exceeded 8,000.

[Reporter] Su Chen Huang Jin

[Correspondent] He Shaomin Xie Zhiyan

【Author】 Su Chen; Huang Jin

【Source】 Southern Press Media Group South + client

Source: South+ - Create more value