
Jindui Town, Huazhou District: Convey and study the spirit of the Second Party Congress in Huazhou District

author:Weinan Youth Network

On the afternoon of September 29, the Second Congress of the Communist Party of China in Huazhou District, Weinan City, was successfully concluded. On the afternoon of September 30, Jindui Town held an enlarged meeting of the party committee and a plenary meeting to convey the spirit of the second party congress of the study area and arrange the key work during the National Day. All leading cadres of the organs, secretaries of village (community) branches, first secretaries, and team members attended the meeting.

Jindui Town, Huazhou District: Convey and study the spirit of the Second Party Congress in Huazhou District

At the meeting, Sun Kai, deputy secretary of the jindui town party committee and mayor of Jindui Town, gave a report on "Holding High the Banner of the Revolutionary Spirit of the Weihua Uprising and Emancipating the Mind and Striving to Write a New Chapter in Huazhou's High-Quality Development" made by Wang Haifeng, secretary of the district party committee, at the second congress of Huazhou District of Weinan City, and Yang Chenglin, secretary of the District Discipline Inspection Commission, gave a report to the meeting on "Strengthening the Mission, Faithfully Performing Duties and Fulfilling Responsibilities, and Providing a Strong Guarantee for The High-Quality Development of Huazhou in the New Era," and the "On Building a New City of Modern Quality, Green Chemical industry, and New Materials Industrial Highland" adopted by the conference Ecological Pastoral City Model Cultural Tourism Integration Model The implementation opinions of striving to write a new chapter in the high-quality development of Huazhou District led everyone to do a careful and meticulous study, and made a key interpretation of the overall ideas of Huazhou District in the next five years proposed in the report. Among them, Jindui Town has accelerated the construction of independent industrial and mining areas, gradually improved industrial tourism and rural leisure tourism facilities, developed a number of boutique homestays, and concentrated on creating key contents such as "China's Molybdenum Capital, Shanshui Jindui".

Jindui Town, Huazhou District: Convey and study the spirit of the Second Party Congress in Huazhou District

The meeting pointed out that the convening of the second party congress of the district conscientiously summed up the achievements and experiences since the first party congress, deeply analyzed the opportunities and challenges facing the whole region, clearly put forward the work ideas for the next five years, and pointed out the direction of progress for us to achieve the current work and provided fundamental guidelines.

Jindui Town, Huazhou District: Convey and study the spirit of the Second Party Congress in Huazhou District
Jindui Town, Huazhou District: Convey and study the spirit of the Second Party Congress in Huazhou District

The meeting demanded that the whole town should take this party congress as an opportunity to unite its efforts and forge ahead. First, it is necessary to conscientiously study and comprehend the essence of the spirit and further enhance the driving force for development. Cadres throughout the town should regard the study, implementation, and implementation of the spirit of the district party congress as the most important task and the most important political task at present and for some time to come. The leaders of each package and the party representatives who went to the district went deep into 8 villages (communities) to quickly organize party members and cadres to convey the spirit of the study meeting, carefully read the original text of the report, summarize good experience and good practices, explore new methods and new paths, grasp the implementation of the spirit of the party congress with a high sense of political responsibility and mission, and create a strong atmosphere of study and publicity. Second, we must firmly grasp the direction of future progress and further enhance our determination in development. Party members and cadres should consciously unify their thoughts and actions with the decision-making and deployment of the district party committee and the district government, keep up with the pace of development of Huazhou District, green development is our main direction of attack, catching up and surpassing is our struggle posture, and common prosperity is our ultimate goal. Third, it is necessary to earnestly improve the level of work and services and further enhance the ability to develop. All levels of the town should embody the spirit of the district party congress in action, grasp the implementation of the tasks one by one with the spirit of nails, strive to make greater progress in all work, and contribute to the construction of a new golden pile that is satisfactory to the rich and beautiful people. (Li Xiang)