
The one-day study life of the college entrance examination bully was exposed, and it turned out that the student bully was refined in this way

author:Bright Net


Tang Chuyue is the highest score in science in the 2020 Hubei Provincial College Entrance Examination. Once, she was also Hua Yiyu's bully. Today's speech is tang Chuyue's speech made two years ago on the occasion of the allocation of student examinations, and from her speech, we may be able to find the reason why the college entrance examination students have become the school bullies. Let's share it with you today!

The one-day study life of the college entrance examination bully was exposed, and it turned out that the student bully was refined in this way

Dear parents,

Good morning! I am Tang Chuyue from the second (25th) class of Huashi First Affiliated High School. I am very happy to stand here today and share with you my study life and some feelings in China In the past two years.

A day of study life

I believe that everyone and their children came to Huashi today to take the assigned student exam, just like me two years ago, my heart is full of expectations and excitement. Yearning for Huashiyi, of course, yearning for its top rate in the country, yearning for its good learning atmosphere and beautiful campus environment. Next, I will talk about Huashiyi from the perspective of a student, starting with my whole day of life.

At 6:30 a.m., the dormitory bell rings, gets up on time, washes and cleans with various styles of songs ordered by the students at the dormitory teacher, and leaves the dormitory at 6:50. When you get to the canteen, you have to struggle, is it to eat the few windows of the noodle nest bean skin fritters chicken crown dumplings glutinous rice chicken sandwich buns, or to eat three fresh noodles green pepper meat serpent noodles tomato egg noodles beef noodles and other noodles, or go a little further, to buy the popular hot dry noodles, or fresh steamed dumplings, steamed dumplings, roasted dumplings, just out of the pot of ravioli dumplings? Anyway my principle is at least not to repeat it with the previous day. If you want to solve it as soon as possible, you will carry a few small buns, buy a glass of milk at the fresh milk station, and go to the classroom. To add, I used to be particularly disliked drinking milk, but the school's milk station has close to twenty flavors, and then I drink it every day now.

When I got to the classroom, it was about 7:05, and there was still a while before the class, and I would usually do a copy of the language and look at the composition material or something. At 7:15, the English or Chinese class representative will lead everyone to start reading early. Of course, there is no shortage of big gods who rush in with breakfast and step on the 7:20 late line. From 7:45 a.m. until 12:00 p.m., it was a full morning of five classes and a large recess. Our class is usually the main class in the morning, watching the teachers with different personalities show their magic on the podium, which really makes the daily learning have different fun in the same topic.

After eating at noon, go back to the dormitory to rest, get up at 13:45 and enter the class at 14:00. From 14:00 to 14:20 this time, is the "noon time", our class Monday and Friday belongs to English, generally will listen to the BBC six-minute English listening material issued by the grade English group, each semester has a thick big book, let us contact the purest pronunciation, exercise our listening, can also learn some small knowledge, or each unit is finished, send a small word competition, after doing the class exchange to change the statistical excellence rate, use this small period of time for an effective review of fragmented knowledge Tuesday and Thursday belong to the language, Tuesday watch the video, the language class representatives and language teachers will find a variety of themes, such as the Chinese Poetry Conference and other poetry programs, let us immerse ourselves in the cultivation of poetry art, plain language and other programs, let us understand the country's political trend, the leader's governing philosophy, move China, but also let us admire these selfless heroes... Thursday's "news broadcast" is a major feature, and every week a pair of boys and girls in the class will stand on the podium with the PPT produced by the two, bringing a variety of news to the class. For the students who broadcast the news, this can exercise the ability to retrieve and screen information, as well as the ability to speak in public, for the following students who listen, we are exposed to the latest trends in the world, no longer the students in the traditional sense of the "ivory tower", in the understanding and thinking of current affairs, we have gradually cultivated our sense of responsibility for the society of our home country; Wednesday is the singing that most students are looking forward to, the literary and art committee is carefully organized, or the students go on stage to sing and show their style. Or watch music videos like the sound of the heart, the moving melody brings us a most comfortable relaxation.

The afternoon study is from 14:20 to 17:10, and the deputy university is arranged during this time, what sports, electives, art, technology, psychology, etc., are very much looking forward to by the students. In the evening, from 18:15 to 18:45, it is still the time for the Representative of the Chinese or English class to lead everyone to read late. After reading it, everyone began to study quietly and quietly. Do today's homework, or brush the competition book, or review and organize, more than an hour will soon pass. After doing the eye exercises at 8:50, everyone will go downstairs and run around the Minxing Ring Road of about 1,000 meters. Before I entered the school, I also heard the legend of "one circle of Wuhan University Huake and two circles of Fudan Jiaotong University and three circles of Tsinghua Peking University", but my highest record only ran two laps. At 20:30, the class bell rings, and then continue to study until 22:00, you can go back to the dormitory. However, the road can not be loud and noisy, because the senior students of the third year of high school do not leave class until half past ten. The lights went out at 10:30 in the dormitory, and I fell asleep upside down, and I was still able to maintain a good mental state the next day.

After almost two years, and staying in school for at least four hundred days, you may feel that we are stressed to study, will we get bored of repeating this life every day? Personally, this is not the case. Yes, the schedule is dead, and that's true at any school. However, choose what to eat today, what interesting knowledge will be learned, what good questions will be brushed, how cute or out of trouble the teachers, and which classmates will exchange feelings... All of this, every day, is different. So until now, I can still greet the next day of campus life with hope, and studying, seemingly boring and monotonous things, has become part of this different kind of fun.

The only way to learn

I think everyone pays more attention to the practical things in terms of learning. As a high school student, learning is of course the most important thing, and then I will talk about this aspect of Hua Shiyi from all angles.

First of all, the excellence of the whole school does not need to be repeated, the national middle school ranks first, nearly 100% of the rate, the scientific subject competition has gained a lot, etc., I believe everyone has heard about it. More specifically, the school has always advocated "teaching the method to the students and giving time back to the students", which is also evident from our nearly three hours of self-study time every day. There are only two major examinations at the end of the midterm of each semester, the third class every Thursday afternoon is the "independent homework" of physical and chemical students, and every Sunday night is the "independent homework" of the english rotation, and the environment of no one supervising the examination tests everyone's self-consciousness.

As far as I'm concerned, I've always paid little attention to these scores or anything, and the exam is nothing more than doing questions, and doing questions is the process of exposing problems. Low score, that means that this piece of knowledge needs to be seriously supplemented, the score is high, but also to see what details in the paper have not been implemented, to put it bluntly, they are all small training before the college entrance examination, and will not bring much burden to the study, but can let me check the omissions and fill in the gaps, but also maintain the feeling of doing the questions, and review the learning results in stages. There will be teachers answering questions in the study room on each floor between evening self-study classes, questions that you don't understand can be taken and asked, and the teachers are very good and will be very patient to answer your questions. Some people say that there is a lot of homework, in fact, I think it is okay, generally I will try to write today's homework before the second night self-study or even before the entire evening self-study, and then use the remaining time or write homework in advance, or review and organize, so that you can avoid the embarrassing situation of being dragged by homework and control your learning rhythm with ease.

Then we'll talk about our class. I have always believed that the teachers of our long-distance flight class are not only the top in terms of teaching level, but also have good personalities and other aspects, and there are endless interesting things that happen in the relationship with us. Careful lesson preparation, grading homework and examination papers, and commenting on summaries are the most basic behaviors of every teacher. And more characteristics, starting from our dearest homeroom teacher is also the Chinese teacher Teacher Fei. As a class teacher, she would enter the class almost every morning at 7:10, silently observe, and then arrest the late classmates and give a lecture; every day at 17 p.m.; 40 She also comes to class, sometimes talking to her classmates who are not in a good state, and sometimes sitting in the back to change her homework. In short, she is very concerned about the learning situation and psychological state of her classmates, and whenever she thinks it is critical, she will give us a summary, or inject motivation or peace of mind, and even say like a mother.

As a Chinese teacher, Ms. Fei is even more conscientious. Meticulous lesson plans, often innovative teaching design, follow the tone of the good, her class is always fascinating; every week to do a set of language papers, her correction can always pay attention to the different types of errors of each student, and then explain in the classroom; composition, exam papers, she is always the first time to change out, and then tell us about the model text, talk about the exam skills; she will also send some of her own carefully selected materials... In our class, Chinese has never been an important subject that does not seem to other schools to be important for mathematical, physical, and chemical students.

English teacher Chen, especially kind and simple, each lesson is full of board books, and let me talk about the last knowledge point of the forced extension of class time; every Time the English homework, who handed in, which people did not, have to feel clearly.

The math teacher fang used to be a competition coach, so he paid special attention to guiding students to think during class, proposing a variety of problem-solving ideas, and also letting students show their ideas on the blackboard. In her classroom, math is no longer stereotypical formulaic.

Physics teacher Xu I also especially like, he changed the paper, the next day will show a few sample papers in the class, a little bit of analysis of the student's answer steps are not standardized or very good, the class he will come up with a few example questions, with a variety of strange ways to randomly point students to do, not only test our mental endurance, but also let us in the board book to enlarge the usual problem solving steps to expose more problems and correct in time.

Teacher Xue of Chemistry is a very confident and beautiful teacher. She has always taught us to "use" ourselves fiercely, and she is so for herself. For each knowledge section she learned, she had a well-organized tutorial plan and a large number of supporting exercises, which were better than the teaching and auxiliary materials. She understands the pain points of her students very well, so her lectures are very targeted, and she likes to talk to us about the problems she encounters. Biology Teacher Li, dignified and elegant. Her rich metaphors and connections to life always bring to life the seemingly difficult knowledge of biology.

As teachers, they watch your growth, good or bad tests, impetuous or depressed, confused or helpless, which accompanies everything that comes with learning, and they are the most patient audience.

How to get along with classmates

The relationship between the classmates is also particularly harmonious. Some people may have such a misunderstanding, the long-distance flying class is a bully, and everyone must be thinking about competition and how to surpass others. The opposite is true, if you take a question that you don't understand, maybe find someone at random, and he can patiently give you an answer. Boys will have a fierce exchange for an exam question or a thinking question in class, and even discuss it in a red-faced manner, and some online language-style ridicule is actually a funny and motivating driving force. There are more than forty people in the class with very different personalities, some have excellent IQ, live leisurely every day, some study hard, pick the lights and fight at night, have any exam to see the score of high, there are also those who laugh at the score ranking...

But no matter what, follow the heart, stare at the grades, everyone is enjoying their most suitable learning life. The atmosphere throughout the class is always positive, urgent, laughing, and stressful. You may worry that if your child is very good, if you go to a better place, will you not be valued, will you lose confidence or something? Don't think of it that way. I had come to this class with the aura of a middle school entrance examination before, but I never wanted to grab the so-called first place throne. I have seen many people with high IQs, active thinking, and can learn any subject very well. The so-called loss of confidence is purely the cause of personal mentality. Why are we constantly on higher and larger platforms? Isn't it to see more people and things, worship others, and motivate yourself? The truth that there are people outside the people is indisputable. And when I realized that I wasn't smart enough, but I was still able to actively and optimistically try to learn this among a group of big guys, this is exactly what I gained about learning something valuable beyond learning. It is not necessary to be the best, but you must allow yourself to enjoy these three years of study life.

There is also a stereotype in terms of learning that I must clarify. The Long Flying Class, and even the entire HuaShiyi, is definitely not a place to study dead. I've never admired people who have nothing but academic performance. Much of our busyness comes from the balance of learning and activity. For example, the day before yesterday, I received a notice to write a speech, this Thursday and Friday to have an important mid-term exam, Saturday to take a certain test at Tsinghua, and in the next few weeks, I also have to prepare for the sports meeting after the middle exam, and the class will rehearse the performance of the opening ceremony of the sports meeting together... It's true that there's only so much time left, and I do feel tired. However, I think that this kind of tiredness is fulfilling, and it is a more meaningful existence than brushing up on the problem all day.

Speaking of which, I have to mention the colorful campus activities of Huashiyi. Hundred regiments war, social practice, sunshine bazaar, all kinds of competitions, HuaShiyi's activities have never stopped. In all kinds of big competitions, our class has always strived to be the first. From the first prize of the opening radio gymnastics competition, the first place of the red song competition, the first place of the recitation competition, and what drama performances, jump rope competitions, calligraphy competitions, etc., we have outstanding performances. In group competitions such as radio exercises, singing red songs, and recitations, what we learn is unity and cooperation. In the beginning, there will always be many difficulties and many discordant voices, but in the practice and run-in, we know what a united collective should look like, and we also witness the maximum energy she can release. In the long rope jumping competition, more than a dozen of our students were selected to train together every day to discuss the most appropriate posture, rope throwing rhythm, etc., and the rest of the students also jumped slowly next to us, or gave us advice and encouragement. From just over a hundred in the first minute to more than three hundred breakthroughs in the final game, we never gave up. When the sunshine bazaar was sold, everyone had a clear division of labor, some came up with ideas, some bought materials, some contributed to the sale of notes and other sales, some shouted and solicited business on the spot, each performing its duties, each doing its best, only then did our class collect donations for two consecutive years and was the first achievement in the school.

I tried to look back at the large and small activities I had participated in since the beginning of the school year, and found that I really couldn't list them. Hua Shiyi held these things not for the sake of making a show. In various activities, the full development of students is truly realized. Organizational skills, sense of collaboration, self-breakthrough, vision expansion, etc., are all things they can bring. In fact, I was not as generous and active as I am now, in the atmosphere of Huashiyi, I tried a lot of things that I had never thought of, accompanied by the class singing competition, participated in the school's model union club to go to Beijing for a meeting, the first time to perform a drama, the first anchor, participate in what swimming, calligraphy, long rope competition, etc., I have always challenged myself, do my best to contribute to class activities, and also exercise my ability in all aspects.

Speaking of myself, I can deeply feel the changes in myself in the past two years. I remember when I first started school to introduce myself, I stood on the stage cowering, my voice was very small, and I was stumbling, but under the exercise of not knowing how many speeches, hosting class meetings and other public speaking opportunities, I could stand in front of the parents very freely and without fear. I remember that I was very unconfident before, I felt that I was not good-looking, and I did not have any special skills, but after experiencing so many things in the past two years, I gradually understood that self-confidence did not come from the beauty of appearance, or the extreme excellence in a certain aspect, let alone being the first in the grade once or twice. It is a temperament from the heart, a deep understanding of one's own shortcomings, and confidence in the future that efforts will change one's future. I think this is probably the most valuable growth that Hua Shiyi has brought me in addition to his learning habits.

Having said all this, in fact, everyone's heart may be anxiously worried about their children's examinations. Whether there is a quota for students is actually not so important. The important thing is that this place is the place where our dream begins. Firmly go towards it, there will be no regrets. Choose Hua Shi Yi, this is the most correct choice I can think of.

Source: New Parents Online

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