
Fart more, you think it's a detox? Not necessarily, maybe it's the "code" issued by these 3 questions

author:Red Doctor Science

Farting is a very normal physiological phenomenon, in the four no-man's place unscrupulously put a stinky and loud fart, that is comfortable, it is almost indescribable, but if you fart in public, the embarrassing scene should want to change the planet to live.

Fart more, you think it's a detox? Not necessarily, maybe it's the "code" issued by these 3 questions

In real life, there are many people who fart a lot, so they feel very troubled, is this because I have too many toxins in my body? Farting, is it detoxifying the body? Let's take a look at it together.


How are farts produced?

Farting is also called exhaust gas, it is a normal physiological phenomenon, when people eat food, due to the normal flora of the digestive tract, more gas is produced.

These gases run downward with intestinal peristalsis, discharged by the anus, and sometimes produce a noise due to the action of the anal sphincter, so farting is a manifestation of normal intestinal operation, on the contrary, if you do not fart or fart too much, it is an abnormal phenomenon.

A scientist once found that a person has to put 14 farts a day, and the exhaust gas released by each person per day is about 500 ml. Farts stink, but farting is a normal physiological need, it is good for people's health. A person does not put a fart all day long, which is not good for health. People who never fart all year round are most likely to have a gastrointestinal problem.

Fart more, you think it's a detox? Not necessarily, maybe it's the "code" issued by these 3 questions


Fart more, you think it's a detox? Not necessarily, maybe it's the "code" issued by these 3 questions

So for those who fart more every day, are they detoxifying the body? In fact, such a statement is not scientific. Farting is exhaust, it and detoxification are two concepts, the main components of gas discharged by the human body are hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane.

Farts are produced because some of the food we eat is not decomposed. The undegraded part, which contains fiber and sugar, becomes food for coliform bacteria. Coliform bacteria exhaust after a full meal, and these gases accumulate in the body, creating a pressure of air. When the pressure is too great, it will be excreted from the body, forming a fart.

Fart more, you think it's a detox? Not necessarily, maybe it's the "code" issued by these 3 questions

Farting is a way of human metabolism, and it can also be said that it is a manifestation of exhaust. However, if a person often farts, although the same is exhaust, but more frequent than normal people, it is necessary to pay attention to this abnormal situation, which is not only a simple performance of exhaust, perhaps the "secret code" issued by these 3 problems.

1. Dietary problems

If you usually overeat, gobble up when eating, do not chew slowly, eat more gas will lead to abdominal flatulence, there is an increase in farting phenomenon. Or eating some foods with high gas production, such as eating onions, potatoes, soy products, yams and the like, will lead to flatulence and increased farting.

2. Enteritis

When there is enteritis, the bacterial infection in the intestine will cause flatulence in the intestine, or after eating some spoiled food and food contaminated by bacteria, it will cause flatulence in the intestine, resulting in increased farting.

3. Intestinal microflora disorders

Because the food eaten is not decomposed into normal carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, etc., but anaerobic fermentation, other odorous gases may be farted more, and there is a great odor.

Fart more, you think it's a detox? Not necessarily, maybe it's the "code" issued by these 3 questions


What should I do if I fart too much? How to alleviate it?

1. Pay attention to diet

If it is due to the diet caused by more farting, first of all, we must pay more attention to the diet, do not eat too greasy and too much protein food, eat more coarse fiber vegetables, although the taste is not good, but can clean the gastrointestinal tract, such as fungus and kelp are very good gastrointestinal sanitation workers.

In addition, in the usual time, we should also pay attention to drinking more water, which can not only replenish the water lacking in the body, but also promote blood circulation, accelerate metabolism, and help the elimination of toxins and garbage in the body.

Fart more, you think it's a detox? Not necessarily, maybe it's the "code" issued by these 3 questions

2. Massage the abdomen

If you often fart a lot in the usual situation, you may wish to massage the abdomen more. Every day before going to bed and before getting up in the morning, give the abdomen a set of fitness exercises, which is very helpful for the health care of the digestive system, not only smooth defecation, but also greatly improved digestion and absorption function, the body will also appear light, even the brain is refreshed, thinking agile.

For obese people, the massage of the abdomen also has the effect of slimming, but we must pay attention to not using too much force when massaging, and avoid massaging when eating.

Fart more, you think it's a detox? Not necessarily, maybe it's the "code" issued by these 3 questions

3. Exercise appropriately

As the saying goes, life lies in exercise, insisting on exercise can not only improve the body's immunity, but also help to promote gastrointestinal peristalsis, enhance the absorption of nutrients, and reduce the symptoms of farting.

Many people are because of lack of exercise, gastrointestinal digestion and absorption efficiency declines, causing symptoms of flatulence, there is always a fart problem. If physical exercise is carried out properly, it is believed that it will be improved.

Fart more, you think it's a detox? Not necessarily, maybe it's the "code" issued by these 3 questions

Conclusion: I don't know if you have ever learned about this knowledge in normal times? Do you usually belong to the crowd of people who have more farts or less farts? If you have any other questions about this, you may wish to leave a comment in the comments section below, and I will do my best to answer them for you.

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