
The people's police have been making unremitting efforts for three consecutive months

author:Qianjiang News Network

Qianjiang News Network News (reporter Zeng Junwei correspondent Lan Kun) was originally a brother, but because of a piece of land against the eyes for fifteen years. For many years, the two sides have been reluctant to give in, and this contradiction and dispute has become a local "hot potato". In July this year, the city's public security organs took the "three police and one auxiliary" mechanism as the starting point to promote diversified mediation, which lasted more than three months of unremitting efforts, and finally let the brothers put aside their years of grievances and shake hands and make peace.

Recently, Qiu Moucai, a mass member of a certain village in Jiyukou Town, came to the Municipal Public Security Bureau, tightly held the hand of the police, and said: "Through your work, let our brothers and sisters reconcile as before, I really see the perseverance and warm dedication of the people's police, thank you." ”

The people's police have been making unremitting efforts for three consecutive months

It has been learned that Qiu Moucai and his brother Qiu Moulong have been arguing for many years over the ownership and use of a piece of land, and both sides have their own opinions and are unwilling to give in, and the persuasion of relatives and neighbors has no effect, and the contradictions are getting deeper and deeper. After the local police station understands the situation, it attaches great importance to it, and the person in charge of the police station, as the first responsible person for the resolution work, has visited the door many times, carefully listened to the difficulties and demands of the parties on both sides, and visited the informed masses to understand the situation. It also reported to the local party committee and town government, launched a diversified mediation mechanism, promoted the active participation of relevant township departments and village group cadres, and mobilized the relatives of the village, group and parties on both sides to participate.

In the process of mediation, the Jiyukou police station held analysis meetings and supervision meetings many times, clarified the work ideas, asked the participating police to listen more, comfort more, and understand more, try to solve practical problems for both parties, and win the trust of the parties through the hard work of the police, and the two sides gradually cooperated from the initial resistance.

The people's police have been making unremitting efforts for three consecutive months

After more than three months of hard work and coordination from many parties, the two brothers finally agreed to give up one step each. Under the witness of the police and village cadres, the two sides clarified the boundaries of the land, signed a mediation agreement on the spot, and a fifteen-year-long grudge was successfully resolved.

"Solving the urgent problems and anxieties for the masses is the direction of our hard work." The head of the Jiyukou police station said.

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