
Country Past: Two Pillars and Apricots (125)

author:Butterfly dreams
Country Past: Two Pillars and Apricots (125)

The sound of kicking and stomping footsteps gradually went away, and Erzhu's nervous mood calmed down, he hurriedly got up from the kang, then opened the apricot door to go out, locked the door, and went to the apricot garden without showing his face.

Apricot and Xiaoling returned to the apricot blossom ditch, and it was almost afternoon. When she arrived at home, she uncovered the lid of the pot, and there was no food left for her inside, and she was a little unhappy, so she had to go and get a piece of steamed bun and nibble it.

Jia Cailan returned to the house with a look of displeasure on her face and said, "Apricot, where have you been?" Don't say a word when you leave? ”

Apricot said angrily, "The next time I go out, I'll give you a leave of absence, and then I'll leave after you approve it." ”

Jia Cailan was pushed back by the apricot and said at the moment: "I don't mean this, you have been out for such a long time, the family is worried about you." ”

Apricot said, "I went to borrow money, your son took someone else's money, and they came to me, do you think I can do it without borrowing money?" ”

Jia Cailan asked, "So, did you borrow money?" ”

Apricot said, "Borrow it, I'll send it to someone in a moment." ”

Jia Cailan sighed and said, "Alas, now that Dazhu has difficulties, they have all come to force us, Apricot, it is difficult for you." ”

Apricot also ignored her, took the remaining half of the steamed bun, opened her own door and went in, the careful apricot saw at a glance that someone had come into her house, the quilt and pillow were moved, and sat down on the edge of the kang to think about it.

Apricot thought, who would enter her room? When she left, the door was locked well, was it Jia Cailan? But she didn't have the key to her own door, yes, it was Erzhu, he had the key, but what did Erzhu come to his room for?.

Apricot looked at the imprints pressed on the kang, knew that Erzhu had lying on her kang, and was angry and funny, and said in her heart: "Erzhu, why are you bitter, I know what you are thinking, but I gave you the opportunity, are you unwilling?" ”

She sighed, re-flattened the sheets, sorted out the quilt, remembered the five hundred yuan in her pocket, for these five hundred yuan, he betrayed his personality, fortunately, only Xiao Ling knew about this matter, and it was not clear between Xiao Ling and that Feng Daniu, she would not say this matter, slightly relieved.

This money cannot be put on herself, and she must hurry up and send it to that person, so that she can find her own trouble again.

Apricot thought of going out, found the woman, gave her five hundred dollars, the woman got the money before she smiled, and the apricot sister Ya sister Ya set almost, apricot was not in the mood to tear her down, and went home.

In the evening, Apricot made a meal and brought a bowl to Li Gen, Li Gen did not want to eat, Jia Cailan ate it, and Apricot and Erzhu sat in the outhouse to eat.

Apricot said, "Erzhu, I borrowed money today, and I have already repaid it to others." ”

Erzhu sighed and said, "What are you doing with this?" She had the ability to go to my brother for money. ”

Apricot said, "Isn't it the same thing to ask your brother for money?" Your brother and I are not as angry as you and your brother. ”

Erzhu said, "He provoked me first." ”

Apricot said, "Then you can't do this either, you and your brother are against me, if you do this to your brother again in the future, you don't want to see a good face." ”

Country Past: Two Pillars and Apricots (125)

Erzhu exhaled, "In this life, if he wants me to forgive him, it is to hang a curtain on the gable wall, and there is no door." Want me to be nice to him, wait for the next life. ”

Apricot said, "Well, you have the ability, you will hit people, you dare to beat your brother, then you can also beat me." ”

Erzhu said, "You and my brother are two different things. ”

Apricot was a little angry with him, and thought of a way to cure Erzhu, so he said, "Erzhu, now our family has been robbed, someone stole into my house, you have the ability to catch this thief." ”

Apricot told the thief in his room about the thief, and also asked Erzhu to catch the thief, Erzhu panicked for a moment, knowing that he was too careless when he left Apricot's room, revealing traces for Apricot to see.

Erzhu tried to hide his panic and said, "Really? This thief is bold enough to dare to come into the house in the daytime, so what did he lose? ”

Apricot looked at his face and said, "If I lose something, I will go to the police station to report the crime, and as soon as I find that this thief dares to enter my room again, I will arrest him." ”

Erzhu smiled and said, "Yes, yes, it is time to arrest, sister-in-law, it's all right, I'm going to sleep." ”

Erzhu hurriedly put down the bowl and went to his room and closed the door. Apricot was so happy that she couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh, tears came out of her eyes, and her stomach almost laughed.

Apricot packed up the pots and pans, covered the outhouse door, turned off the lights, and took a basin of water to her room. Apricot looked at the door lock and tried it a few times, and there was a button on it that could unlock it from the inside, and she locked the door in reverse.

Apricot climbed on the kang, closed the curtains, lay on the kang, thinking that the second pillar was really not out of breath, taking advantage of the fact that he was not at home, and secretly entered his room, his own people were not there, what could it mean to come in? Couldn't help but laugh.

Erzhu had already waited at the small opening in the wooden wall, looking at the apricot side, and when she lay down on the kang, she saw her smiling with her mouth, I don't know what happy thing I remembered, and I also laughed a little.

After waiting for a while, the apricot got off the kang, squatted on the side of the water basin on the ground, dipped the towel in the basin and began to wash it, this night the apricot side was facing the wooden wall, and the second pillar could only see her side, but it was also very good to have this eye blessing.

The apricot was quickly washed, pulled a thin quilt over it, and lay down, her eyes wide open, thinking about her thoughts.

Erzhu looked at it for a while, thinking that there was nothing special in it, so he stuffed the small cork into the small hole and left the wooden wall to his kang.

Country Past: Two Pillars and Apricots (125)

Erzhu lay on the kang, remembering the hair found on the apricot kang today, he wanted to take a look, so he turned on the electric light, took out the book from under the pillow, looked at it carefully, straightened it with both hands, put it down and bent it again, looked at it for a while, smiled again.

He remembered what Apricot had said just now, and it seemed that he knew that he had sneaked into her room, and he would say that, thinking that she was careful enough, that he was so careful, and finally let her find out, it seemed that he would be more careful in the future, don't let her find out again.

Finally, Erzhu closed the book, pressed it under the pillow again, turned off the electric light, thought more about apricots before going to bed, maybe dreamed of her in his dreams, smiled and slept.

In the blink of an eye and a few days later, the wheat in the sun has been yellow, everywhere is the sound of counting yellow and cutting birds, someone has begun to cut wheat, Jia Cailan let Erzhu go to his own field to see, Erzhu said it was still early, Jia Cailan was a little uneasy, and personally went to the field, after reading, it is estimated that one day will be able to cut wheat.

Jia Cailan returned home, found the sickle, let Erzhu sharpen the blade, Erzhu ignored her, and went out, Jia Cailan had no choice but to sharpen the blade himself.

Erzhu was concerned about his apricot orchard, the apricots in the apricot orchard were already the size of core apricots, if they did not go to the apricot orchard to watch, the little hairy children in the village would go into the apricot orchard to pick apricots.

Erzhu wanted to go to sleep in the apricot garden, but he thought of being so far away from the apricots for one night, and he was a little reluctant in his heart, but he was not worried about not seeing the apricots, and he could wait until he saw the apricots every night to go to the apricot garden.

Erzhu packed up his futon and prepared to carry the futon to the apricot orchard.

Apricot saw it and said, "Erzhu, what are you doing?" ”

Erzhu said, "The apricots are big, some hairy children steal apricots to eat, and I want to live in the apricot garden." ”

Apricot said, "Do you go to the apricot orchard every year?" Can't you go without going? ”

Erzhu said, "No, I'm going to stay in the apricot orchard for several months until I'm done selling the apricots, so I'll go." ”

Erzhu finished speaking and walked away with the futon, and Apricot looked at the back of Erzhu leaving, and suddenly there was a sense of loss in her heart, and she didn't know why it was like this.

Erzhu carried the futon to the apricot garden, as soon as he entered the apricot garden, Kuroko ran around wildly to spread joy, Erzhu opened the door of the hut, cleaned up the hygiene inside, laid out the futon, he packed everything up, he went out of the hut door and turned around in the apricot garden.

Kuroko barked a few times at a place, and then she rushed over, and Nizhu heard the cry of a small child, hurriedly drank Kuroko loudly, and ran over.

Country Past: Two Pillars and Apricots (125)

A child hid in a tree, still holding an apricot in his hand, and his pocket was bulging with apricots, and Kuroko surrounded the tree to show his teeth to scare the child.

When Nizhu came over, Kuroko quieted down, and Nizhu lowered the child from the tree and said, "Can apricots be eaten so small?" Aren't you just spoiled? This one apricot is a dollar, you count the number of, and then ask your mom your dad for money to go. ”

The child was too frightened to cry, and his eyes looked timidly at Erzhu and said, "I don't dare to ask for money." ”

Erzhu said, "Then will you dare to steal apricots in the future?" ”

The child said in a loud voice, "Don't dare, don't dare." ”

Erzhu said loudly, "In the future, if you still come to steal apricots, I will let Kuroko bite you, did you hear me?" scram! ”

The child crawled away with a rolling belt, and Erzhu smiled and said, "Dog Day, if you don't learn well for a day, you will know that you will harm people, and the little one will learn to be blind, and when you grow up, you will get it." ”

(To be continued)

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