
Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

author:The sun shines here

Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine Award

On the morning of October 30th, the entrance of the Municipal Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine was crowded, and the small square of the hospital was full of citizens and medical staff who came to participate in the "Fourth Zhuhai Traditional Chinese Medicine Culture Publicity Week". At the launching ceremony of the Cultural Publicity Week, the "First Zhuhai Famous Chinese Medicine Awarding Ceremony" became a highlight and attracted the attention of countless people.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

The launching ceremony of the 4th "Chinese Medicine Culture Publicity Week" in Zhuhai

Chai Hongliang, director of the Health and Health Bureau, read out the document "Zhuhai Municipal Health Bureau's Decision on Commending the First Zhuhai Famous Chinese Medicine Practitioners". This is a collective freeze-frame and commendation for a group of Chinese medicine practitioners who have emerged in the work of traditional Chinese medicine in our city, who have high morality, love their posts and dedicate themselves to their work, and have outstanding performance. It is understood that a total of 20 famous Chinese medicine doctors were selected in the first zhuhai city, of which folk Chinese medicine also occupies 1/3 of the seats, which shows that the government has great attention and recognition of folk Chinese medicine, and also shows that folk Chinese medicine is an indispensable and important force for the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine and the integrity and innovation.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

The leaders of Zhuhai Municipal Health Bureau awarded President Chen Dengke the title medal of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine"

Chen Dengke won the title of Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chen Dengke, president of Zhuhai Hejia Medical Phase Chinese Medicine Clinic, also won the honorary title of "The First Zhuhai Famous Chinese Medicine", and when he received the medal from the health leader, there was a warm applause at the scene. Among the 20 "Zhuhai Famous Chinese Medicine" team, only Chen Dengke, the youngest dean, has won this honor as a post-80s generation, which is inseparable from his family status as a Chinese medicine family.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

The personal style photos of 20 "Famous Chinese Medicine Practitioners in Zhuhai" were projected on the outer wall of Zhuhai's landmark building, Riyuebei

Chen Dengke inherited Nanyamen medicine, and its genre traces back to the Qing Dynasty physician Nanyatang Chen Xiuyuan. Chen Xiuyuan (1753-1823) was a Chinese physician of the Qing Dynasty. In addition to studying the history of the classics, he also studied medicine and concentrated on the study of ancient medical classics, which was quite experienced. Seeing the profound words of the original book, he made a shallow note, or compiled it into a song recipe, and wrote "A Shallow Note on Typhoid Fever" and "Changsha Fang Song Kuo" passed down to the world. In 2021, Chen Dengke and his father Chen Dunyi co-authored "Tang Liquid Sutra - Fifty Years of Clinical Evidence" was recommended by China Traditional Chinese Medicine Publishing House as a key series of books for Chinese medicine practitioners.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

Dean Chen Dengke and his father Chen Dunyi jointly compiled a special edition of the professional book of traditional Chinese medicine "Tang Liquid Classic"

Ten years ago we heard about Chen Dengke's name only because he was well ill. Therefore, zhuhai traditional Chinese medicine community has a lot of evaluation of him, unanimously believe that he is accurate in seeing a doctor, fierce in his medication, magical in his hand, miraculous in using needles, and good at orthopedic acupuncture, and medical forest praises "Heavenly Eye Bergamot Hand Divine Needle", which is known as magic hand, X-ray eye, B super hand, flying needle.

Today, Dean Chen Dengke has shifted the focus of his work from treating the disease to inheriting the disciple and carrying forward the culture of traditional Chinese medicine. It is understood that he has successively accepted more than 100 apprentices, and pioneered the academic system of "Chen's Fragrant Mountain Female Branch" in Zhuhai, and the elegant names of "Xiangshan Fu Qing Lord" and "Sending Son Guanyin" came from this. Co-founded the "Zhuhai Ancient Chinese Medicine Development Research Association" with Ms. Cai Mengke of Hejia Medical College, comprehensively sorted out and excavated Chen Xiuyuan Nanyamen Medical Book, and promoted the Inoue Caotang Nanyamen Medical System nationwide.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

Dean Chen Dengke led the parent-child students of the "Little God Doctor Class" to recite "Great Doctor's Sincerity"

The "Little Divine Doctor Parent-Child Class" was opened

It was really no coincidence that the book was not written, and it was still on the morning of October 30, when President Chen Dengke finished the "Zhuhai Famous Chinese Medicine" awarding ceremony, he rushed to today's second event. After coming to the Hejia Medical Clinic, we saw a pair of parent-child families waiting for the appearance of Dean Chen Dengke, and it turned out that the opening ceremony of the "2021 Autumn National Temple Small Divine Doctor Parent-Child Class" was held here.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

Parents of the "Little Doctor Parent-Child Class" interact with their children

This is for children to feel and inherit TCM culture and Chinese etiquette, so that parents and children can participate in the "Little Divine Doctor Parent-Child Class" to recite TCM classics, learn TCM science knowledge, and experience the solemnity and sacredness of Chinese etiquette. Although it is a small divine medicine class, the process of the opening ceremony is not simple at all, and there are links such as straightening out the clothes, praying to the doctor, presenting the precepts, cinnabar point wisdom, great doctor sincerity, tea respect for parents, and opening the pen to break the mask.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

Dean Chen Dengke is the cinnabar point wisdom for the children of the "Little Divine Doctor Parent-Child Class"

Zhuhai Shude Youth Public Welfare Development Center and Zhuhai Xiangzhou District Ethics Promotion Association are the organizers of this "Little Divine Doctor Parent-Child Class", and Director Hong Shuhui of Shude Center was also invited to participate in the opening ceremony. She was pleased to tell the author that the chinese medicine culture into the campus, into the classroom, into the teaching materials has been in full swing in our city. Children are the future of the motherland, let children accept the culture of traditional Chinese medicine from an early age, and our great motherland medicine can be followed by someone.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

Director Hong Shuhui of Zhuhai Shude Youth Public Welfare Development Center and President Chen Dengke paid homage to the pioneers of Chinese medicine

After completing the whole day of TCM parent-child reading courses, a parent excitedly told the author that he thought that TCM culture was obscure and difficult to understand, and really did not expect that TCM culture could be taught in such a simple and simple way. Especially in the experience of making pills, it is easy to identify several Chinese herbs and understand their efficacy. The most impressive thing is that the traditional ceremony of Chinese medicine has a very solemn etiquette specification, and it is of far-reaching significance to regulate children's behavior through this specific etiquette, so that children can accept the profundity of traditional Chinese culture in their hearts.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

"Little Divine Doctor Parent-Child Class" The small students write the word "human"

Dean Chen Dengke said that the prerequisite for learning Chinese medicine is to practice "Chinese medicine tong zi gong", and the reason why he has achieved this meager achievement in chinese medicine is inseparable from his own father's strict requirements for him to memorize and read the classics of Chinese medicine when he was a child. Winning the honorary title of "Zhuhai Famous Chinese Medicine" this time is a heavy mission and responsibility of reviving Chinese medicine.

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

President Chen Dengke led all the students of the "Little Divine Doctor Parent-Child Class" to worship the first saints of Chinese medicine

The future of Chinese medicine does not only depend on us "old Chinese medicine", but to be inherited and carried forward by generations of "future little sun", and I hope that the seeds of Chinese medicine can take root and sprout from an early age in children, and I hope that they can continue to learn for the saints, open up peace for the world, continue to inherit Chinese culture, for the revival of Chinese traditional medicine, self-improvement, and struggle unceasingly!

Chen Dengke won the title of "Zhuhai Famous Traditional Chinese Medicine", and the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine has a long way to go

Group photo of all the students at the opening ceremony of the "Little Divine Doctor Parent-Child Class"

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