
The Bible and the Western Regions (110)


In addition to the common iris, there is also a species of iris that is very important in Chinese culture.


Xu Shen's "Sayings": "Yu, Yerba Buena also... A depressed beard, the combination of hundreds of grasses and the wine to séance, is the distant Yu people tribute so called yu. ”

Tulips are combined with wine to form a tulip, which has been used as sacrificial wine since the Zhou Dynasty. "Zhou Li Chunguan Yu Ren": "Yu Ren holds the vessel, and all the rituals that sacrifice the guests and the Yu People are chen in the form of a solid Yi." ”

Yu Yu is known as 秬鬯 in the Book of Shang, the Book of Poetry, and the Records of History. Shang Shu. Luo Zhen (羅诰) "Give the two of you, the Ming Dynasty, the worship of the hand, the rest of the enjoyment." The Book of Poetry. Daya. Jiang Han": "Li Er Gui Zhan, Zhi Yu Yi Jie, sued the literati."

Yu Yu is also known as 秬鬯 in the Western Zhou Jin text. "Mao Gongding" "Give Ru Zhi Zhi Yu", "Forty-two Years of Kui Ding" "Li (from Bei) Ru Ling Yi Jie".

Tulip is a yellow or amber wine. "Shijing Daya Dry Foothills" "Serpeda Yuzan, yellow stream in the middle." "Yellow stream" should refer to depression. Li Bai's "Guest in the Middle" "Lanling fine wine tulips, jade bowls filled with amber light." "Song Dynasty Yang Wanli's "Goose Yellow Like Wine" will be golden and lush, try to compare chrysanthemum clothes. ”

Jin Wang Xizhi's "Orchid Pavilion Collection Sequence" "Huifeng and Chang" also implicitly uses the allusion of mixing incense with mane (Chang). Hui should refer to Jasmine, and The Mane refers to the part where the tulip is mixed with the tulip wine.

Before Tang Xuanzong, when the emperor traveled, he would often sprinkle tulips and other spices on the ground. The Old Book of Tang and the Book of Xuanzong reads: "In the old days, the Yellow Gate first used the dragon brain and the Yujin to go to it. ”

Because the "Silk Road Landscape Map" shows that Lucheng should be a Western Region Lu fan, should be ancient Rome, so the ancient Roman emperor traveled, the fragrant flowers of the land should be the tulip in traditional Chinese culture. Nero, the famous tyrant of ancient Rome, when touring the city of Rome, asked for the streets to be covered with saffron.

The ancient Greek capital city of Athens should be "Adan City" in the "Silk Road Landscape Map", and "Athens" is the opposite of "Adam". The Silk Road Landscape Map shows that before the Ming Dynasty, Samarkand was located near present-day Yanqi, and Alexander the Great should march west from the southern Frontier route. The final place of stationing in Bactria should be near present-day Bachu County in Xinjiang, and Bakchur should be the counterpart of Bactria. Bachu County is a place name that has remained unchanged for at least 2500 years since Alexander the Great's Western Expedition.

The Bible and the Western Regions (110)

Japanese scholars have argued that the tulips in buddhist scriptures should be saffron, not the famous flower of the Present-day Netherlands, the tulip (Tulipa gesneriana). The famous book "The Golden Peach of Samarkand" by the American sinologist Edward H. Schafer (also translated as Xue Aihua) verifies the tulips dedicated to China by the Kapi Kingdom as saffron, and interprets the word yujin in Tang poems as saffron.

I have to say that the research of some scholars in Japan and the United States is very strong.

In ancient Greek mythology, crocus, a handsome young man, met the beautiful fairy Smilax in the forest near Athens and fell in love with her, but eventually fell out of love and was transformed into saffron. Therefore, saffron represents lost love.

Saffron symbolizes loss of love in the ancient Shule (Greek) culture, and it can be inferred that "Xiao" in the Book of Verses is the name of the saffron whole grass in the Western Zhou Dynasty, and "mane" is the three pistils of saffron. "Li Ji • Suburban Special Animals" "Xiao He Huang Ji, stinky yang reached the wall house", "Xiao" here refers to saffron. Tulip/Straw mane should refer to the mixed saffron pistils, showing a yellow sacrificial incense.

The Bible and the Western Regions (110)

"Poetry Sutra Caige" "Pi Cai Yi Xi. A day is not seen, such as three autumns. Among them, "Shaw" should refer to the purple saffron, allusioned to the ancient (Greek) Crocas, symbolizing the loss of love.

Same poem "Peter Ge Xi." A day is not seen, such as March Xi. Combined with the "Book of Poetry, Ge Sheng" "Ge Sheng Mengchu, The Wild Man." "Ge" should refer to white saffron, which symbolizes funeral, and contains the Western Zhou custom of bathing corpses with tulip wine.

The Bible and the Western Regions (110)

White saffron should be the "kudzu" in the Book of Poetry

"Zhou Li Chunguan Man" "鬯鬯" Han Zhengxuan Note: "The corpse of the corpse is made beautiful with wine. ”

Sun Yi let justice: "The wine is the wine of the straw, take its fragrant strips to provoke the corpse, and take the bath soup, remove its stink, make it fragrant and beautiful... Whoever bathes with a corpse is called a provocation, and is called a provocation with blood, and it is said to be a provocation with blood. ”

The Biography of Mu Tianzi shows that the water (weak water) is the present-day Ejina River, and Kunlun is the present-day Anima Qingshan. The "Monument to the Popular Chinese Of the Great Qin Jingjiao" shows that the Great Qin State that produced Christianity was west of the long wind and weak water, so the Great Qin State should be near the present-day Hamiqin city and countryside, "Qin" through "Qin". Then in the Bible, when Jacob died, the Egyptians smoked his corpse for forty days, and it was supposed to be made of saffron wine for his corpse.

The "Silk Road Landscape Map" shows that ancient Rome should be "Lu City", so the Persian "Chronicle of Kings" records that when the ancient Iranian hero Rustam defeated the battle and returned to the Dynasty, the people went out of the city to greet them, threw gold coins to the team, and sprayed the hero with saffron water, which should be the ancient Chinese custom of sprinkling land with tulips.

Fortunately, at present, tibetan Buddhism still preserves the relics of the western Zhou Yu's corpse. In the Tibetan Buddhist rituals, after the death of the Dalai Lama, the Panchen Lama and other masters, they must carry out a long period of meticulous and strict anti-corrosion drying treatment of the living Buddha's Dharma body, that is, there are various precious medicines such as salt and saffron, and the liquid of the essence and blood of the Dharma body is soaked and replaced many times until it is dried, and then the golden body is reshaped, so that the master's Dharma body can be stored in the gold and silver stupa forever.

If the yuju is saffron wine, then the body of MaWangdui Xin chai should have been treated as yuhua, hoping that technology can prove it. Judging from the preservation status of Xin Chai's body, the saffron wine corpse can indeed be preserved for thousands of years.