
The most inconspicuous cookie in the eyes of boys, Wahua biscuits on the list, the first girl is regarded as a representative of romance

author:Yimu loves life

The snacks that Xiaobian wants to introduce to you today are not potato chips with various flavors, nor are they pleasant Cokes, but some small cookies. Because in our lives, the existence of cookies is actually controversial, for example, there are many small cookies that boys do not like and do not want to see, and girls regard it as a treasure. For example, today's Xiaobian wants to introduce you to such content.

The most inconspicuous cookie in the eyes of boys, Wahua biscuits on the list, the first girl is regarded as a representative of romance

Fourth place, caramel cookies

The first thing we're going to talk about is the caramel cookie. This caramel cookie may be very familiar to everyone, because in normal times we will eat a lot of names about caramel, such as caramel melon seeds, etc., which make us have an inexplicable good feeling for caramel. In particular, girls love it more intensely, but in the eyes of boys, caramel cookies do not seem to be a good choice. Because it is not only cheap, but also a little sweet to eat, people want to give up after eating two bites.

The most inconspicuous cookie in the eyes of boys, Wahua biscuits on the list, the first girl is regarded as a representative of romance

Third place, Wafer biscuits

For wafer biscuits, Xiaobian does not need to give you too much introduction, because when I was a child, most people grew up eating Wafer biscuits, it is not like other biscuits, we also need to chew ourselves, bite a bite, put it in the mouth for a little while and then it will automatically melt. However, the grade of wafer biscuits is relatively low, and the appearance value is not very high, so it may not be a good choice for boys, so it is naturally unremarkable.

The most inconspicuous cookie in the eyes of boys, Wahua biscuits on the list, the first girl is regarded as a representative of romance

Second place, Bear Cookies

This cookie is loved by most female friends and children, because its bear cub's appearance is so cute that people can't help but want to get it. But in the eyes of boys is different, boys eat snacks pay attention to the real taste, and do not care about those cute appearances, sometimes the appearance is too cute, but also let them some unacceptable.

The most inconspicuous cookie in the eyes of boys, Wahua biscuits on the list, the first girl is regarded as a representative of romance

First place, White Lovers Cookies

Compared with the previous three kinds of biscuits, this kind of biscuit not only has a good looking face, but also has a very romantic name called White Lover. The main reason why it will become the most inconspicuous cookie in the eyes of boys is because of its name, which makes many single men uninterested. Whether its edges are white or the middle part is the normal color of the biscuit, with white embellishments make girls more optimistic about it. Coupled with the fact that there is such a romantic name, girls love it even more. Therefore, we will also have girls who regard it as a representative of romance.

The most inconspicuous cookie in the eyes of boys, Wahua biscuits on the list, the first girl is regarded as a representative of romance

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