
Traditional Classics - Health Care Monthly Book Background Author Profile Introduction Circulating Version

author:Appropriate techniques for traditional Chinese medicine
Traditional Classics - Health Care Monthly Book Background Author Profile Introduction Circulating Version

<h1>Book background</h1>

Zhou Shi collected about 60 kinds of previous works of the Tang and Song Dynasties, such as "Four Hours Compilation", "Moon Order Diagram Classic", "Trivial Record", "Seven Signatures of Yunji", "Qianjin Moon Order", "Mei Shifang", "Four Hours Health Care Record", "Mozi Secret Record", etc., and edited 507 articles on health care in the order of the moon order.

<h1>About the Author</h1>

Zhou Shouzhong was a native of Qiantang (present-day Hangzhou, Zhejiang) in the Southern Song Dynasty. A shouzhong, the character Rong'an (一作松庵). The extensive group of books, which has collected the medical affairs of the previous generation of doctors, compiled into 200 rhyming sentences, containing 202 characters, and compiled the book "Famous Doctors of Past Dynasties" (1220), which is an important material for the history of ancient medicine. He also wrote twenty-two volumes of "The Most Precious Treasure of Health Care of the Families of The Class" (or "Health Care Class"), and two volumes of the "Monthly Catalogue of Health Maintenance". There are still "Health Miscellaneous" and "Health Extension Book", which can only be found in the bibliography.


1. Adjust the yin and yang, when the four are righteous

Man and heaven and earth are related to each other, corresponding to the sun and the moon, and the four hours are the Yin and Yang Dafa, and the yin and yang are the Heaven and Earth Dali. "Su Qian, The Theory of the Whole Form of Treasure Life" Yun: "Man is born of the qi of heaven and earth, and the law of the four hours is accomplished." The qi of heaven and earth changes sometimes and in degrees, spring and summer are yang, autumn and winter are yin, so all things have spring birth, summer long, autumn harvest, and winter hiding season. The mortal body and the qi of the four hours of yin and yang in heaven and earth are the same, and the qi of the internal organs corresponds to and communicates with the four hours, so there is the normal qi of the liver and wood in the spring, the heart fire in the summer, the lungs in the autumn, and the kidney water in the winter. The saints nourish the yang in spring and summer, the yin in autumn and winter, and all things float in the door of growth. "Su Qing , The Great Treatise on the Four Qis of The Divine Tone" Yun: "Therefore, the four times of yin and yang, the end and beginning of all things, the origin of death and life, the opposite is born of disasters, and from it is harsh and diseaseless, it is said to be enlightened." ”

Conforming to the righteous qi of the four times in order to conform to the changes of yin and yang, the prosperity and decline of the internal organs, and according to the characteristics of the changes in the yin and yang of the four times, it has become an important guiding ideology for the cultivation of the ancients. The various health care methods compiled in this book are mostly based on this, and the original is based on the guidance of health maintenance at the four times, and the sources of its compilation involve the relevant medical theories and behavior contents of the literature such as "Su Qing", "Golden Essentials", "Qianjin", "Moon Order" and so on, and some of the behavioral norms have gradually evolved into conventional folk customs.

When the spring is the time when the liver is flourishing, it is necessary to raise the hair and disperse the order, and the method of health maintenance should be scattered and propagated, so that the liver wood can be soothed. Therefore, in the spring month, drink shallots to pass through the five internal organs. On the first day of the first month, five xin pans are made, and five xin are used to send five tibetan qi. Spring bathing in five-spice soup or Aoki incense, or boiling white root, peach peel, and Aoki incense bath in spring, published in spicy fragrance. In the spring of March, lie down early and get up early to meet the spring light. In February, the kidney qi is weak, the liver is thriving, it is advisable to purify the phlegm, vent the skin, make a slight sweat, in order to dissipate the winter warm qi. In February, burdock seeds and qiang are mashed alive, and in the morning, they are served with fresh water and spit, followed by a steamed yellow cake and spleen under the ginger honey soup. The spring moon of the season is blazing and yin, do not vent your sweat, in order to nourish the qi. In the spring month of the season, the liver is depressed, the heart should be prosperous, and it is advisable to benefit the liver and supplement the kidneys.

When the summer is the heart is strong, the long-term nourishment, warm and hot order, the heart is strong and the kidney water is weak, and the method of health maintenance should calm the heart fire and warm the kidney water. Therefore, do not be extremely hot in April, do not sweat when the wind blows, do not expose the stars; Meng Xia, lie down at night and get up early, think without forgiveness, do not sweat. In the summer and March, lie down at night and get up early, tirelessly in the sun, so that zhi is not angry. Midsummer yin and yang, death and life, gentleman fasting, silence, abstinence lust. On the summer solstice, a yin is born, and the bait is sulfur yellow to break the yin qi. In June, the kidney qi is weak, the spleen is strong, it is advisable to lose weight and thick things, it is advisable to help the kidney qi, it is good to strengthen the bones and bones, and it is prudent to be cautious of the evil qi of thieves. It is advisable to take kidney drainage soup (dry ground yellow, astragalus, white poria, schisandra, antelope horn, mulberry mantis, ground bone skin, guixin, wheat winter, windproof, magnet, white sheep kidney) on three volt days, to cure the husband's weakness, five labors and seven injuries, rheumatism, kidney exhaustion, deafness and dark mouth.

When autumn is the time when the lungs are strong, convergence and purification of the order, the method of health maintenance should be beneficial to yin and yang. Or cloud: mid-autumn liver less qi, lungs alone, should help liver qi, strengthen the spleen and stomach. Ji Qiu liver qi is weak, lung gold is used, it is advisable to increase acid to benefit liver qi, help tendons and blood replenishment, and then. Therefore, in the autumn of March, I lay down early and got up early, and I was happy with the chickens. After the autumn, it is advisable to take Zhang Zhongjing's eight-flavor dihuang pill to cure all kinds of diseases and tolerate old age and longevity. In August, the yin qi begins to flourish, and the cold patients should take precautions. On the day of the autumn equinox, the gentleman will fast and meditate on self-examination. In the middle of September, it is advisable to enter the ground yellow soup.

When the kidneys are strong in winter, the cold and closed are in place, and the method of health maintenance should be warm and solid. Therefore, Meng Dong, lying down early and getting up late, will wait for dawn, so that it is warm, no sweat, do not commit freezing. Cultivate the spirit qi and do not let the evil qi come out. Winter and March, lie down early and get up late, and wait for the sun. In mid-winter, the kidney qi is strong, the heart and lungs are weak, it is advisable to help the lungs calm the nerves, supplement the spleen and stomach, do not be obedient, do not be warm, and be careful of the evil wind of the southeast thief. On the festival of November, you can bait tonics, you can not bait hot medicines, and it is advisable to eat cooked meat early. Winter solstice day one yang fangsheng, do not say more. On the day of the winter solstice, the yang returns. The moon of midwinter, the days are short, to the yin and yang contention, the gentleman fasts, and the heart hides himself to wait for the yin and yang to be determined. In December, all the suns are breathing, the water and air are alone, be cautious of evil winds, do not hurt the bones, and do not prick in vain. Winter moon should take stalactite wine (dry ground yellow, sesame, beef knee, five plus skin, ground bone skin, guixin, windproof, fairy spleen, stalactite, licorice, milk soaking wine), the main bone marrow, qi force, moisture.

The righteous qi of the four o'clock is slightly insufficient although it is done in meng yue; the mid-moon is when the order is prosperous, and there is a risk of too much kefa; the season is when the order wants to retreat and return to decline; at the end of the eighteenth day of the quarter month, it is easy to be tempered, the soil is really water, the spleen is strong and the kidneys are weak, so the four hours are based on the prosperity and decline of the dirty qi, and the deficiency and diarrhea are replenished, and the dirty qi is helped to be peaceful and correct by health care methods.

2. Choose food to avoid killing, diet is in line with the times

Diet is in line with the times, follow the four seasons of the right order to choose the right seasonal food to reconcile the internal organs, improve health, and try to avoid eating false, real products.

When there is a shortage of the original qi or the essence, choose a diet that conforms to the dirty qi of the season. Such as spring food five spices to help raise hair. On the first day, enter the pepper cypress wine. On a spring day, eat less lettuce, take the meaning of welcoming the new, and feed the porridge to guide the harmony. On the March Festival, it is advisable to drink pine blossom wine (glutinous rice, divine comedy, pine flower fine wine). On the Festival of April, it is advisable to take new clothes, warm food, warm medicine, and sheep kidneys. On April 8, do not eat grass, do not kill grass and cut down trees. On the April Festival, it is advisable to take soup and eat bamboo shoots. Summer moon should eat bitter mushrooms to benefit the heart. On the seventh day of July, take the bitter white stranded juice, stain it with sorrel and ancient money, fry it over low heat, and apply it to the canthus to cure the darkness of the eyes. On the first day of October, pick the locust seeds and serve them. In the winter month, the sheep are not sick, and he cannot eat the moon.

When Ling Zhisheng or the Qi is already abundant, avoid choosing a diet that supplements the Qi of the Viscera, or choose a diet that helps the Visceral Qi to be too dirty to reduce the adverse effects of the Devated Qi. For example, spring cannot eat the livers, summer cannot eat the hearts, autumn cannot eat the lungs, winter can not eat the kidneys, and the season months (March, June, September, December) do not eat the spleen, because the season and the moon are strong in the spleen, and the spring, summer, autumn and winter are prosperous. In June, you can drink ume pulp to quench your thirst. In July, the heat stroke will be low, it is advisable to take a little cold as the reason, and it is advisable to eat bamboo leaf porridge (light bamboo leaves, gardenia, japonica rice boiled porridge, salt flowers). On the seventy-second day of spring, the province increases acid and sweetness to nourish the temper and cultivate the soil and wood; on the seventy-second day of the summer, the province increases the bitterness and increases the hardship to nourish the lungs; on the seventy-second day of the autumn, the province increases the acid to nourish the liver; in the mid-autumn, it is advisable to increase the acid and reduce the spice to nourish the liver; on the seventy-second day of the winter, the province increases the bitterness and increases the bitterness to nourish the heart. On the 18th day of the month of the season or the end of the four seasons, the province increases the saltiness to nourish the kidneys.

The choice or avoidance of some dietary items is also in line with hygiene norms or ecological awareness, and can be regarded as a supplement to the idea of the four righteous qi. For example, in February, do not eat raw and cold. On February 9, avoid eating all fish and turtles. In February and August, do not drink the yin and flowing springs between the journeys, which makes people feel miasma and damage their feet and make them soft. On The third day of March, do not eat the heart of a hundred herbs, do not eat birds and animals, five internal organs, all fruits and vegetables, five spices and other things. On the April Festival, you can drink rye wine (rye juice, white honey, crisp, ginger juice, salt, su, etc. and wine mixing) to manage 100 kinds of wind diseases. In the summer and March, every hollow heart eats less onions and wine, so that the blood and qi are smooth. On the 5th of May, after the eclipse of rice dumplings, they were thrown with calamus wine. In June, you can drink papaya pulp. Do not eat assel in July, make a pinworm. On September 9, Peggy, bait, chrysanthemum wine, cure the wind. In September, the frost will be under the melon, and the blood will be winter. In December, do not eat shrimp and mussels. Or take the seasonal substance in time for conditioning, or avoid the source of intestinal pollution, or can help animal and plant breeding. In addition, the same is true of the important time to choose cold food, Duanyang and Wax moon as healing drugs.

3. Bath and sprinkle, abide by the rules of hygiene

Sanitation is about health. "Health Care Monthly List" attaches importance to the sprinkling and cleaning before and after the Waxing Moon, the First Moon, and the Qingming Dynasty, which can improve the environmental hygiene of the residence. For example, when the chickens chirp on the first day of the new month, the fire is all over the five fruits and mulberry trees, and there are no insects. Before the first day of the month, the reed fire shone in the well and the toilet. On the day of the sting, the lime grits threshold is outside, and the insect ants are free. On the night of the second day before the Qingming Dynasty, when the chickens are chirping, the rice is cooked, the kettle soup is taken, and the wellhead and the urn are washed all over the place, then there are no horse bugs, and the insects are not close to the well urn. At the end of the night, the firewood is accumulated in the court, and the fire is burned to ward off disasters and help the yang qi.

Improvements in the environmental conditions of the dwelling are also reflected in the retouching of the dwelling, some of which are beneficial to health or disease prevention. Such as the first day, make a peach board to the household. On the first day of the moon, a willow branch is inserted into the house. On the fifteenth day of the first month, make an anointing porridge to open the temple. In the spring, the spring cow mud is sprinkled under the eaves, and the worms cannot be snuck. On the ugly day of February, take the mud silkworm house. On the first day of February, take the middle earth, the mud portal. On february, take the four corners of the mud house. On March 3, the ai was collected. On the 5th of May, the five-color peach print is collected and decorated as a portal to stop the evil qi. On the 5th of May, the Jingchu people hung Ai as a human being on a portal to dispel the poisonous gas.

The emphasis on personal hygiene is reflected in a large number of records about bathing, which is both a method of cleaning the body and a certain anti-disease effect. For example, on the first day of the first lunar month, take Aoki incense or Goki to boil soup for bathing. Those who go to school, when the Qing Dynasty is on the day of the spring, boil baizhi, peach peel, and Aoki incense to bathe in the east. All fasting and bathing should be bathed in five-spice soup (orchid, wattle, lingxiang, Aoki incense, white sandalwood). In the spring and March, comb your hair one or two hundred times every morning, and wash the hot salt soup from under your knees until you lie down. In summer and February, it is advisable to bathe with five branches of soup (mulberry branches, locust branches, branches, willow branches, peach branches, and hemp leaves), and the bath is covered with incense powder, which can dispel miasma, loosen the wind, and nourish the blood veins. On the 5th of May, bathe in orchid soup. At noon on the Dragon Boat Festival, it is not advisable to bathe in well flower water, and the epidemic gas does not go for a year. Do not bathe in June when the wind, do not use cold water to soak your hands and feet. Autumn days, not bathable, make people rough skin, because of the white dust. Taken from goji berry vegetables cooked as a soup bath, shiny, not sick and not old, suitable for mid-December, its health benefits deserve further study.

The seasonal adjustment of clothing, clothing, bed mats, etc., also reflects the hygienic point of view of this book. If the first month can not be released. In the spring, it is advisable to take off cotton clothes late, which makes people feel typhoid and choleray. On the festival of the first month, it is advisable to add cotton socks to warm your feet. Spring is a good day. Jackets are available in mid-February. Summer does not use pillow cold objects, iron stones, etc., which is eye-catching. Single clothes are available in mid-March. It is customary to avoid exposing the bed in May. Do not lie open during the summer months. On the seventh day of July, the sun is exposed to leather fur, no insects. The Festival of July should be made of clothes and books. Autumn is a time to freeze your brain. After the first of August, warm your feet with a slight fire, do not let it get cold. When you live in August, do not commit the evil wind of thieves, do not increase fat and make cholera. Do not get up on September 9. Stretching out on a winter night is warm. In winter, it is advisable to warm up the brain. Winter does not pillow cold objects, iron stones, etc., making people dark. In November, the yin and yang fight, and the winter solstice is five days before and after each other. Wax moon water sun sunning mat, can go to the fleas.

In addition, there are records of complete sets of hygiene behaviors such as medicine, bathing, decoration, easy clothes, and huangu. Some natural plants or drugs to ward off insects and insects, but also for the ancients to pay attention to, such as March 3, take the cauliflower, spread on the stove and under the bed mat, can ward off insects and ants; harvest neem flowers and leaves under the recommendation of the table, can ward off fleas. Pick cauliflower branches when the sun is not out, and make a lantern pole in the summer, which can dispel mosquitoes. On the fifth day of May, take duckweed, dry the smoke in the shade, and remove mosquitoes; burn a date with an iron under the bed to ward off dog fleas; lettuce into pieces, put it in the cupboard, and remove insects and moths; take wax water to wash under the house and repel mosquitoes and flies. At noon on the Dragon Boat Festival, the word "tea" was written in cinnabar and pasted upside down, and the snake and scorpion did not dare to approach it; the word "Yi Fang" in the book was pasted upside down on the foot of the pillar to ward off insects. In July, artemisia is harvested, and in felt bedding and books, moths are repelled.

4. Prevention and control of plague, a variety of methods at the same time

Plague because of its rapid spread, urgent disease, critical illness, many harms and serious health, is the ancients value and fear of the disease, and because the occurrence of plague has the characteristics of seasonality, plague evil gas and four times of the rebellion is closely related, so the prevention and control of plague has become an important part of the four times health care, "Health Monthly List" contains a variety of methods of prevention and control of plague.

The clean environment law, such as the grass burning atrium before the toilet on the first day of the first lunar month, makes people not have a natural journey. On the day of the winter solstice, drill flint for fire, you can go to the temperature disease. The cobblestones were buried in the corner of the house, mixed with seven peach cores, and there was no ghost disease.

Firecrackers and smoke methods, such as firecrackers in front of the yuan day court, to clear the mountains (to make people cold and fever), evil ghosts also. At noon on the fifth day of May, juxian stored medicine to burn it, ward off the epidemic qi, or stop the burning. In the night of the year, the crowd gathered in the empty house, burned the soap horn, so that the smoke could not come out, the tears were limited, and the epidemic gas was dispelled. At night, the family did not use medicine and burned the atrium to ward off the epidemic.

Wear a law to dispel impurities, such as the first day, hanging on the peach stick portal, but the plague is also. When the first day of the day was not out, Zhu Shubai was sick and hung on the house. On the first day of the first month, the young lady is pounded, the triangle seam is full, and the front account can ward off the plague.

The method of changing the water in the dredging well, such as the first day of the first month and the half of the first month, with two or seven pieces of hemp seeds and red beans, placed in the well, is very effective in dispelling the plague. On the summer solstice, the dredging well is changed to water, and it can go to the temperature disease. Hold three or seven peppers at night and throw them into a well to remove the warm plague. In the first month of drinking Tu Su medicinal liquor three dynasties after the medicine is still placed in the well, the year drinking is disease-free. In the twilight of the year, the family was thrown into the well to ward off the five plague ghosts. In addition to the four changes in the night, take two or seven grains of hemp seeds and small beans, send a little to the family, throw them into the well, and do not suffer from typhoid fever and warm disease all year round. Hair can adsorb dirt, and medicine can improve water quality.

Dietary adjustment methods, such as the diet of the first month of the five spices (garlic, green onions, leeks, herbs, ginger) to ward off furunculosis. Year Dan took two or seven red adzuki beans, and the east under the juice, a year without disease. In the autumn of the season, save raw and cold to prevent furuncles. On March, I take koji and vegetables as a soup to suppress the air. In June, the sun is made into soup cakes to ward off evil. On July 7, red beans are taken, and men swallow one or seven grains and women swallow two or seven grains, which makes people sick-free. On the winter solstice day, the red bean porridge is tired of the epidemic ghost, and the legend that "there are no talents in the Gonggong clan who die on the winter solstice day as an epidemic ghost and fear the red bean" is interpreted.

Medication and diet, such as the day of Gengzi after the spring, the warm turnip juice is taken together with the size of the family, no limit, and the epidemic can be rationalized. After the spring equinox, it is advisable to serve the gods (Cangshu, Orange Stem, Cannon Appendage, Cannon Wu, Fine Spice), and the sac is filled with square inch daggers, and those who have the qi of the time are newly drawn to take the sweat. On the day of the wax, the soap horn is burned to the end, and when the epidemic occurs, it is served with well flower water in the morning. In the obscure day of December, the sun in the middle of the day to hang Tu Su (rhubarb, white art, platycodon, Shu pepper, guixin, aconitum, sarsaparilla) sinking well, the first moon Shuo Day Ping Xiao out of the medicine, put in the wine, fry a few boils, drink it in the eastward household, from childhood and growth.

Although there are many methods of preventing and controlling plague, the ancients were limited to the understanding at that time, and some were explained by ghosts and evils, but combined with modern knowledge, they can be summarized as: improving the small environment, inhibiting the growth of the source of the disease, reducing the contact of the source of the disease; enhancing the body's resistance to disease, taking corresponding medicines and foods in a timely manner, and curbing the development of the disease.

<h1>Circulating versions</h1>

There are extant engravings of Xie Xi of Qiaoyang in the tenth year of Ming Chenghua (1474), the "Shouyang Series" in the twentieth year of the Ming Wanli (1592), and the "Gezhi Series" in the thirty-first year of the Wanli Calendar.