
"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

author:Barcelona Films

Thousands of calls began to come out, "Yulou Spring" finally began to broadcast, this drama is Yu Zheng's screenwriter, since last August, the final file has been delayed again and again... Wanwan did not expect to parachute on the line, for fans who like costume dramas, there is a hope of chasing dramas

So what about the show?

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set


A memory kill brings back the past of the male protagonist Sun Yulou (Wang Yizhe) who was eighteen years old.

During the Longqing period of the Ming Dynasty, Sun Fu feasted on guests and hundreds of civil and military officials came to celebrate Sun Xun's birthday. For this reason, Sun Fu also specially invited Yu Niang, a member of the Hundred Opera Class, to play the pipa to help entertain. The male protagonist, Sun Yulou, has loved shadow puppetry since he was a child, and he rushed to the birthday banquet to witness the beauty of Lady Yu.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

When Sun Yulou saw the woman with the white veil on the stage playing the melodious piano tone, the moment the woman's white veil was raised, it can be described as a glimpse of the fall, which is the so-called one-eyed ten thousand years...

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

But at this moment, some officials stood up and identified Yu Niangzi on the stage as fake, in fact, the woman's name was Lin Shaochun (Bai Lu), shi chengbai opera class, she pretended to be Yu Niangzi just to prove the piano art.

In a hurry, Lin Shaochun lied that he was Yu Niangzi's apprentice, but the officials still did not spare, and Sun Yulou stood up and not only lifted the siege for Lin Shaochun, but also won a reward.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

The young master of the jade face encountered the ghost horse maiden's natural sparks splashing around, and Sun Yulou chased and beat Lin Shaochun. He personally went to yu niangzi to inquire about Lin Shaochun's whereabouts, but Yu Niangzi lied that Lin Shaochun was infected with wind and cold and died.

But on the way home at night, Sun Yulou met Lin Shaochun and thought he had seen a ghost, but he still had the courage to invite Lin Shaochun to have a drink, but he was teased by Lin Shaochun...

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

Sun Yulou did not give up, as the son of a large family, he made a generous offer, not only sending supplements, clothes and jewelry, but also coming to the drama class every day to support Lin Shaochun. Although Lin Shaochun had a good feeling for Sun Yulou, she obeyed master's instructions and did not want to be distracted, practiced hard, and went to Beijing to avenge her father.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set
"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

In fact, Lin Shaochun was the thousand gold of Lin Yuandao, the servant of the household department, and Lin Yuandao was framed and killed by the traitorous courtiers. The family feud is inexplicable, Lin Shaochun hangs the portrait of the official who framed her father in the room to warn herself, and the hatred always reminds her that she cannot be like an ordinary woman, she must take revenge.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

In order to get rid of Sun Yulou's desperate pursuit, Lin Shaochun thought of many ways. She pretended to disfigure and persuade Sun Yulou to retreat, but who knew that Sun Yulou did not care about Lin Shaochun's appearance, and the only person he cared about was Lin Shaochun.

Sun Yulou hit the wall with blood in order to get the white jade intermittent ointment used by the emperor's relatives and relatives. Lin Shaochun was shaken, and she pretended to be a piano company partner to send a piano to Sun Fu, but in fact she was sending medicine to Sun Yulou.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

In the end, Lin Shaochun still complied with his wishes and was with Sun Yulou. Lin Shaochun began to encourage Sun Yulou to participate in the scientific expedition and become a good official in the future, and asked Sun Yulou not to meet before the title of the gold list.

Lin Shaochun felt that perhaps after a long time, Sun Yulou's feelings would fade, and the two would disperse. Maybe when Sun Yulou became an official, she could overturn the case for her father.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

Living up to expectations, Sun Yulou became a magistrate of Dali Temple and wanted to marry Lin Shaochun. But Lin Shaochun wanted Sun Yulou to test whether he was incorruptible through a case, and the bond between the two became deeper and deeper, and the fateful fate could no longer be solved.


The volume and reputation of "Yulou Spring" are still fermenting, and everyone is denouncing Yu Mom while lamenting the "law of true incense", and has to admit that Yu Ma does have a set in the production of costume dramas.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

The antique of "Yulou Spring" is obvious to all. The most intuitive is the costume, although the costume has a sense of déjà vu of the Ming and Qing dynasties, but it is exquisite enough, using a variety of intangible embroidery techniques such as sprinkled thread embroidery, velvet embroidery, Gu embroidery, etc., the costumes in Lin Shaochun's opera class, as well as the clothing of people of different classes and statuses of the Sun family.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

The hundred children's clothes of the eldest sister-in-law Wu Yuehong (Spicy Yoko) refer to the paintings of the Ming Dynasty, which not only shows the daily dress of the rich families in the government, but also implies the desire to pass on the lineage and the descendants of the family.

If you zoom in to see the embroidery on the costume, the child's eye pattern is vivid, and the production team deliberately found an expert to embroider. The cultural significance of this flow in a needle and a thread far exceeds the work itself.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

I believe that the excellence of details is not only for the effect of "Yulou Spring", but also for the audience to truly feel the significance of promoting traditional culture carried by this drama.

More obviously, intangible cultural heritage elements such as opera and shadow puppetry have been integrated with the emotional experiences of male and female protagonists. The reunion of the male and female protagonists begins with a shadow puppet play, sun Yulou behind the curtain directs the shadow puppet to sing the story of Wang Baojun's bitter defense of the cold kiln for eighteen years, a history about the rise and fall of a large family, and the sadness and joy of love slowly unfold.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

Audiences who have watched "Yulou Spring" will feel that it more or less has the shadow of "Dream of the Red Chamber". The prototype of Sun Yulou is suitable for Jia Baoyu, who is the younger son of the son of the first assistant of the dynasty, who is loved by the family and has a pure heart, but what is different is the plot direction.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

"Yulou Chun" is a residential comedy, although the Sun family is facing disintegration, but the heroine Lin Shaochun with her wisdom and kindness to save the family, experienced prosperity - decline - prosperity changes.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

The tragic background of "Yulou Chun" is in the fate of the characters, Sun Yulou's father Sun Xun is the culprit who forced Lin Shaochun's family to die, and how Lin Shaochun should get along with his lover, how to face the enemy family, and how to achieve self-salvation has become the main contradiction.


The market determines the output, and female audiences have increasingly become the main force of domestic dramas, especially in recent years, women's ideological trends are stronger, and female characters are becoming more and more exciting.

Lin Shaochun is a woman with a lot of ideas. She is stoic and very brainy, and she is an advanced woman among ancient women. Being harassed by the third grandmother, Xu Fengqiao, she chose to face the battle head-on rather than expect sun Yulou's protection.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

Lin Shaochun obeyed Xu Fengqiao's teachings, learned the daily etiquette of large households, learned a good look, and quickly mastered the essence. But the other party asked her to practice all the etiquette a hundred times, and Lin Shaochun directly resisted.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

Such a female protagonist setting is very unique, she is no longer oppressed, attached to the image of the male protagonist. And the screenwriter did not overemphasize the big heroine, but showed her independence in the form of a group portrait, avoiding the deliberateness of the fake big space.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

Even the villain in the play, Xu Fengqiao, is a feminist representative. Husband Sun Jinge is delicious and lazy, and loves to find flowers and ask for willows, and in order to punish him, let him eat a whole plate of chili peppers. This is a funny and pleasing plot, and it also confirms that the thinking of this group of women is not like that of the ancients, and it is not obedient.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

There is also Yao Dizhu, who has always admired Sun Yulou, who dares to love and hate. At first, she was unwilling to be a show girl, and tried her best to escape from the palace, and then she promised Sun Yulou to bravely pursue love, but she resolutely withdrew after learning that Sun Yulou had a crush. But regaining happiness for yourself doesn't back down.

"Yanxi Raiders" is going to explode after word of mouth again? Yu Zheng is doing costume dramas, and he really has a set

The supporting characters are not used as pure auxiliary tool people, nor are they women under the male gaze, which is a little progress in the portrayal of the characters in this play.

"Yulou Spring" has found a good way - to deconstruct the tradition with modern thinking, so as to get out of the characteristics of the times. This also provides new ideas for the creation of costume dramas, which are now used in ancient times and are in line with the current aesthetic.