
"Daddy we miss you"! A touching scene at the Dao'an Expressway toll station

author:Live broadcast Zunyi

Last night, the "Live Zunyi" video number and Douyin number released a short video titled "Daddy we miss you", in just a few hours, the number of views exceeded 300,000, rushing to the Douyin city hot list. Netizens have commented: Look at the cry!

At about 20:00 on October 25, 2021, at the epidemic prevention card point of the high-speed toll station in Xihe Town, Meitan County, Zunyi City, a pair of sisters missed their father because they had not returned home for half a month, so they accompanied by their mother to visit their father on duty that night. When the 2-year-old sister tried to rush over and hug her father, she was stopped by her father. In the end, the two children just said to their dad from a distance, "Daddy, we miss you."

"Daddy we miss you"! A touching scene at the Dao'an Expressway toll station

In the video, the policeman who is on duty is called Zhu Zhengfa, an auxiliary police officer in Wanxing Village, Xihe Town, Meitan County. He was on duty a week before the outbreak in Zunyi City, and he encountered this round of epidemic during the handover period, so he was sent to the Yinbai Expressway Xihe Toll Station to carry out the epidemic card point duty.

Since Xihe Town is the junction of Meitan, Suiyang and Zheng'an, in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, the Yinbai Expressway has closed the Meitan Horse Washing Toll Station along the way, and the Zheng'an Peace Toll Station has been closed, so the vehicles in these places can only get off the Xihe Toll Station, and the workload is very large.

In order to ensure the orderly development of the inspection work during the epidemic period, but also for the safety of epidemic prevention, Zhu Zhengfa did not go home during this duty, and he used telephone and WeChat to contact his family for half a month. Because the two daughters of the family missed their father too much, the family Lou Fangqin took the two daughters to see her father and recorded the scene with her mobile phone.

"Daddy we miss you"! A touching scene at the Dao'an Expressway toll station

Seeing this scene, many netizens said that they were in tears, and they expressed their most sincere thanks to these front-line workers who gave up their small families to take care of everyone.

"Daddy we miss you"! A touching scene at the Dao'an Expressway toll station
"Daddy we miss you"! A touching scene at the Dao'an Expressway toll station
"Daddy we miss you"! A touching scene at the Dao'an Expressway toll station

In this battle without the smoke of gunfire, every worker who is struggling in the frontline has silently dedicated themselves to ordinary posts with perseverance, love, mission and responsibility, they have fought day and night in the frontline of the fight against the epidemic, built a solid defense line with responsibility and responsibility, and fully guarded the health and safety of the broad masses of the people.

What years are quiet and good

But someone is carrying the weight for us

Tribute to the staff on the front line of epidemic prevention

You've worked hard!

"Daddy we miss you"! A touching scene at the Dao'an Expressway toll station

Reporter: Wu Yun Han Lu Some of the content is integrated into the Meitan Rong Media Center

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