
Something that shouldn't have happened happened

author:Li Xuelin, the owner of the golden ant

Bought a new house, moved from the big ravine into the county seat,

Should feel lucky, fulfilled, and feel warm.

But since you moved into the county with your two children,

It is often noisy in the morning and noisy in the evening, and even noisy until the middle of the night.


The reason for this: you work on the construction site and work in the factory,

I worked hard day and night, but I was still tight on my hands.

Children in primary school are not picked up, children in middle school are not accompanied or have money to make up lessons.

The elderly father and mother who stay at home are even less concerned about filial piety.

All afternoon, you stand on the bridge to the north,

There was a lot of quarrels, quarrels to the point of no return, and even passers-by felt that the situation was not good.

You quarrel for the elderly who have no one to take care of, you quarrel for the unaccompanied children, you quarrel over the overwhelmed burden of education,

You quarreled until sunset and the moon rose.

The wife said that her husband was useless, and he could only earn small money and big money.

The husband was insulted, shouting back: I think I am useless, you will find a new one.

The wife became angry and jumped into the arms of the turbulent torrent,

The husband did not hesitate in the slightest, and a fierce son went down to try to fish back the wife who had been in love with each other.

The next afternoon, two coffins contained corpses,

Walk slowly along the winding mountain road through the time and space tunnel to your hometown.

The road was covered with the cries of two underage children,

The elderly father and mother looked at the village mouth in a daze: crying can't be made!

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