
Guilin Osmanthus Cake: Lips and teeth leave a fragrance, refreshing the heart

author:GX Guangxi good

Osmanthus is one of the top ten famous flowers in Chinese tradition, integrating greening, beautification and food, and even Yi Anjushi also admired the osmanthus flower, "Why should it be light blue and light red, it is the first class among the flowers." "Today we are going to approach Guilin's local snack made of osmanthus flowers - osmanthus cake.

Guilin Osmanthus Cake: Lips and teeth leave a fragrance, refreshing the heart

Guilin, a city of landscapes, carries the affection of too many people, the simple and clean streets are planted with small and exquisite osmanthus trees, in mid-autumn, the breeze sweeps by, the osmanthus flowers are like a golden butterfly falling, paved with silver-black streets, adding a touch of color to this monotonous ground, the so-called "guizi moon falls, the sky is fragrant clouds floating outside." Push open the window ledge, the dull room will be full of rich and fragrant osmanthus fragrance, cinnamon orchid fragrance, refreshing.

Guilin Osmanthus Cake: Lips and teeth leave a fragrance, refreshing the heart

Osmanthus cake has a history of more than 300 years, its origin can be traced back to the end of the Ming Dynasty, according to legend, there is a vendor named Liu Jixiang, from the Gui Lake poolside osmanthus fragrant study to get inspiration, the fresh osmanthus flowers are collected, squeezed out of bitter water, macerated with sugar, pickled into honey osmanthus flowers, added steamed rice flour to make cakes for sale, named osmanthus cake. As soon as the pastry was born, it was loved by customers and became famous in one fell swoop.

Guilin Osmanthus Cake: Lips and teeth leave a fragrance, refreshing the heart

Osmanthus is the key factor in the success of osmanthus cake production, osmanthus flowers like moist, warm climate, in the spring began to sprout, summer continues to grow, autumn osmanthus flowers bloom successively, the flowers are yellow, the flower buds are a faint yellow, the flower bones are very small and small, like a small star, and the aroma is strong, is the best time to collect osmanthus flowers and dry and make osmanthus cakes. Osmanthus flowers can be directly made of osmanthus cake, can also be processed and dried to make osmanthus tea, can also be used as a condiment sprinkled into ice powder to make osmanthus ice powder, etc., a variety of methods.

Guilin Osmanthus Cake: Lips and teeth leave a fragrance, refreshing the heart

The production process of osmanthus cake is very simple, made by steaming, mixing, rolling and other processes, preparing sugar, glutinous rice flour, honey osmanthus flower, cooked oil, milk and other main raw materials, the pastry can be sprinkled with sun-dried osmanthus pollen after baking, the entrance is soft and gentle, delicate slag, fine chewing, sweet and not greasy, fragrant and delicious with a slight coolness, between the lips and teeth is filled with the aroma of osmanthus flowers, long and long, evocative, if in the hot summer with a West Lake Longjing or a cup of ice cold sour plum soup, The cold and cold tea flavor coupled with the sweet and refreshing taste of the osmanthus cake can melt the artistic conception of "last night's West Pond was full of dew, and the osmanthus flowers blew off the fragrance in the moon" into the mouth.

Guilin Osmanthus Cake: Lips and teeth leave a fragrance, refreshing the heart

Osmanthus cake is a witty choice as a simple and easy-to-store pastry, whether as a Tribute Cake for the New Year or as a souvenir. You can also choose to go to Guilin in person, while enjoying the beauty of this "water as a green belt, the mountain is like a jasper hairpin", while tasting soft glutinous and refreshing, fragrant and pleasant osmanthus cake, is also a great joy in life.

Guilin Osmanthus Cake: Lips and teeth leave a fragrance, refreshing the heart

Guilin osmanthus cake, looking forward to your careful tasting.

Image source: Network

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