
Should the garlic broccoli be blanched first? The head chef tells you the recipe, crisp and refreshing, emerald green in color

author:First cuisine

Today to share with you a very simple home-cooked side dish "garlic broccoli" approach, is a very light health dish, broccoli is rich in dietary fiber, vitamin C and other nutrients, with the treatment of laxative, improve immunity and other effects.

The following is to introduce the detailed steps for everyone, and if you like it, you can quickly learn it.

Should the garlic broccoli be blanched first? The head chef tells you the recipe, crisp and refreshing, emerald green in color

Ingredients: Broccoli

Accessories: garlic, red pepper

Seasoning: salt, sugar, chicken powder

【Garlic broccoli】—— Crisp and delicious

1. Let's start preparing the ingredients

Prepare two fresh broccoli, remove the rhizomes, cut the broccoli into evenly packed pieces, put them in clean water and wash them twice more, wash them and set aside.

Should the garlic broccoli be blanched first? The head chef tells you the recipe, crisp and refreshing, emerald green in color

2. Start preparing the excipients below

Prepare a few garlic grains, pat them apart and cut into minced garlic.

Should the garlic broccoli be blanched first? The head chef tells you the recipe, crisp and refreshing, emerald green in color

Prepare half a red pepper and cut into red peppercorns, which are mainly used for color matching.

Should the garlic broccoli be blanched first? The head chef tells you the recipe, crisp and refreshing, emerald green in color

3. Blanch the broccoli below

Boil water in the pot, add a little salt, pour in the broccoli after the water boils, cook for about a minute, pour out the broccoli after it returns to green, quickly rinse with water, so as not to make the broccoli soft.

Adding salt when blanching water can make the broccoli more emerald green and bright.

Should the garlic broccoli be blanched first? The head chef tells you the recipe, crisp and refreshing, emerald green in color

4. Start cooking below

Heat the oil, pour in the minced garlic and sauté for a while, sauté the garlic flavor, pour in the broccoli, stir-fry evenly, let the broccoli absorb the aroma of garlic, add 2 grams of salt, a little sugar to freshen, 2 grams of chicken powder.

Should the garlic broccoli be blanched first? The head chef tells you the recipe, crisp and refreshing, emerald green in color

Turn the heat to stir-fry the seasoning, and then hook a little water starch to allow the seasoning to better adsorb on the broccoli, stir-fry evenly to get out of the pot and plate.

Broccoli is stir-fried over high heat when cooking, and quickly out of the pan so as not to be crisp enough.

Should the garlic broccoli be blanched first? The head chef tells you the recipe, crisp and refreshing, emerald green in color

Well, a very simple garlic broccoli is ready.

Should the garlic broccoli be blanched first? The head chef tells you the recipe, crisp and refreshing, emerald green in color

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