
Hibiscus flower tea drove away drying

author:Health Reference HD

Winter climate is dry, human body moisture is easy to lose, many people are prone to itchy cough, dry mouth and nose discomfort, the following is recommended to everyone a good-looking and healthy tea, suitable for the dry season to help you drive away the discomfort.

Hibiscus flower tea drove away drying

Roselle Pear Tea

Roselle Pear Tea:

Expert prescription: 3 roselle flowers washed, chopped; 1 sydney pear, cut into small pieces with skin, a little rock sugar; all the ingredients into a pot with water to boil, simmer for 10 minutes.

Expert comments: Roselle flower (also known as rose ashwagandha): acid, cool, return to the kidney meridian, has the role of coughing, lowering blood pressure, relieving alcohol, blood replenishment, beauty and beauty. Sydney pear: sweet and cold taste, with the effect of moisturizing and drying, clearing heat and phlegm, nourishing blood and muscle, the "Compendium of Materia Medica" records, "Pear, Li Ye, its sex downward fluency." "It has a good effect on dry throat, itching, pain, hoarseness, thick sputum, constipation, and red urine in patients with acute tracheitis and upper respiratory tract infections." This tea is especially suitable for patients with chronic pharyngitis, dry cough of chronic bronchitis and patients with hypertension and constipation.

Tips: People with spleen deficiency and diarrhea should not drink more, and people with excessive stomach acid cannot drink for a long time.

Guidance Expert / Tang Liang, Chief TCM Physician, Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nansha Branch, Guangzhou First People's Hospital

Text/Health Reference All-Media Reporter Cai Weiyang

Correspondent/Chen Yaoxuan

Editor/Zhang Xun

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