
The soldier shouted in a desperate situation, fell three times in the body, but staged a miracle of life

In the years of the revolutionary war, there were countless cadres and fighters in our party and our army who spilled their blood on the battlefield and made heroic sacrifices, but there were also a very few soldiers who did not die in great difficulty, and their vitality and willpower were impressive.

Founding Colonel Qin Guang is such a legendary soldier, he once shouted in a desperate situation to lead his comrades to escape, fell after being shot three times, but staged a miracle of life that was difficult not to die, and lived to the age of 102.

It was in the middle of January 1941, when the Japanese army mobilized heavy troops to carry out a large-scale "sweep" in an attempt to eliminate the head organ of the Luxi Military Region of the Eighth Route Army.

In the process of leading his troops to break through, Yang Yong, commander of the military region, decided to block a group of Japanese troops that were trailing in the area of Sucun in Xinxian County.

The Ninth and Tenth Companies of the Special Service Battalion of the 3rd Brigade of the 15th Division were tasked with blocking the attack, and under the leadership of the battalion commander Zhong Mingxin, they began to fight the enemy for many days from January 17. This is the "SuCun Blockade Battle" in the history of the famous military.

The soldier shouted in a desperate situation, fell three times in the body, but staged a miracle of life

The fierce battle between the enemy and us until noon on January 17 paid a great price of casualties, and the Eighth Route Army, while killing countless enemies and trying to ensure that the position was not lost, only more than 20 fighters, including Qin Guang, were left.

Although the Japanese army had surrounded the village, a land of bullets, and the ammunition carried by the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army was almost exhausted, they had no fear, never flinched, and relied on a small courtyard in the west of the village to vow to fight the enemy to the end.

The commander of the Japanese army saw that he could not attack for a long time, and he was so angry that he used the means of exterminating humanity - to cast poison gas bombs.

Although Qin Guang and the others took some simple protective measures, the attack on the poison gas was useless, and the more than 20 fighters quickly fainted to the ground.

After a long time, the warriors woke up and found that they had all been tied by the enemy.

The soldier shouted in a desperate situation, fell three times in the body, but staged a miracle of life

Subsequently, the Japanese army carried the shining bayonets and escorted the more than 20 Eighth Route Army soldiers to a wheat field in the southeast direction of the village, constantly insulting and beating them along the way.

Qin Guang, a 24-year-old soldier from Hong'an, Hubei Province, knew that the Japanese army was planning to take them all to the front and shoot them, and a strong thought rose in his heart: No! A soldier of the Eighth Route Army should be killed in battle with great vigor, and he must not be executed silently, but must resist to the end!

Thinking of this, and seeing the devils in front of him one by one, Qin Guang's blood veins suddenly opened. He looked at the timing and suddenly shouted at the comrades next to him: "Comrades, you can't just die like this, run!" ”

The other Eighth Route Army soldiers understood and immediately scattered in all directions to pull out their feet and run wildly.

The soldier shouted in a desperate situation, fell three times in the body, but staged a miracle of life

Their hands are still tied behind their backs, obviously knowing that they can't run fast, but everyone has a common idea: spread out and run, so that the devils don't know which side to chase, even if I can't run, I can attract the attention of the enemy and create an escape opportunity for my comrades!

Incredibly, this seemingly clumsy approach actually had the effect of rescuing some of the warriors.

Faced with the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army, who were scattered like fried fish, the Japanese army was panicked and had to shoot in a hurry.

Qin Guang, who was walking at the end, was unfortunately hit by bullets in his left shoulder and right lung, and suddenly lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground. But he endured the sharp pain of the wound, clenched his teeth, and struggled to get up again and continue to run.

The soldier shouted in a desperate situation, fell three times in the body, but staged a miracle of life

At this time, a ghost chased after him, blocked in front of Qin Guang's neck and fired a shot, the bullet actually penetrated from his back, and Qin Guang immediately passed out.

Seeing that Qin Guang's entire upper body was covered in blood, the devils concluded that he would undoubtedly die, so he hurried to chase after the other Eighth Route Army soldiers.

Qin Guang was hit three times, two of which hit the key parts. According to common sense, even if you are not killed on the spot, you are very likely to die due to excessive blood loss.

But what is strange is that Qin Guang was not killed like this, but was found by the soldiers of the Eighth Route Army who arrived later and sent to the rear hospital. In addition, seven other comrades-in-arms were saved by this desperate survival operation launched by Qin Guang.

At first, the doctor saw that Qin Guang was so badly injured, and he could only hold the idea of trying it out for rescue.

The soldier shouted in a desperate situation, fell three times in the body, but staged a miracle of life

Treating such a seriously injured person with the medical conditions at that time can be said to be very small. However, Qin Guang was actually out of danger of life, and after a period of treatment, he miraculously recovered.

The medical staff all felt incredible, and lamented that Qin Guang's resurrection from the dead was simply a miracle of life! This is truly a true predator!

Of course, from the perspective of modern medicine, this phenomenon of recovery after serious injury is indeed theoretically valid, but to achieve this, two basic conditions must be met: one is that Qin Guang's physical function is strong enough, and the other is that his willpower is particularly tenacious.

Qin Guang's strange experience of dying soon spread among the anti-war soldiers and civilians in the Luxi area. Ordinary people praised him as a "living martyr" and "national hero", and some people said that Qin Guang was a "soldier of the Eighth Route Army who could not die".

The soldier shouted in a desperate situation, fell three times in the body, but staged a miracle of life

In the Eighth Route Army, Qin Guang was selected as a model of the "Three Modes Movement" and became the object of study for cadres and fighters throughout the region.

Interestingly, Qin Guang was like being covered with the aura of "not dying", and he encountered danger countless times in the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, but he was safe and sound.

He became a founding colonel in 1955, and after transferring to the local government, he successively served as a departmental and bureau-level cadre in Henan and Hebei provinces, and was also elected as a deputy to the 15th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The legendary predator died on April 9, 2019, at the age of 102.

If you want to evaluate the life of General Qin Guang, perhaps there is no language more general than these eight words, that is: great difficulty does not die, there will be a blessing.

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