
Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

author:Pet home aquarium world

I have long had no logical illusions about the names of domestic ornamental fish. The so-called crown, likewise, has no logic at all. From the body color, its yellow skin is densely covered with black deformed body circles, which is a bit chaotic at first glance, and it is somewhat visual sense of the maze map.

Over time, the pattern becomes more and more complex. In this connection, it seems more appropriate to call it a maze dog head.

Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

Photography 丨 Big Mushroom Head

It is the largest fish in the Nile River basin of West Africa, said to be up to 70 cm old, has a common name, called: giant dog head, and even some people call it the king of freshwater pufferfish. Some aquarists think that such a large dog head is worthy of the title of "crown", so the name of the crown dog head should come from this.

Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

The scientific name of the Crown Dog's head is the Mbu pufferfish, a standard bottom fish that carries poison like other pufferfish. But it's not always lazy like most pufferfish. It is very active in the fish tank, likes to swim around, and it is easy to interact with the owner. Whenever I can see the crown dog head video shared by aquarists, I always have a face full of envy, and after watching it several times, I can only sigh and continue to raise those small fish.

Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

Photography 丨Au9ust

The interactivity of Crown Dog's Head is an obvious plus, but it's not something you can raise as long as you like it enough. First of all, the size of the Crown Dog's head is too large to be raised in a small fish tank. Even if you start with fry, friends around you will suggest that you use a fish tank of more than one meter. Of course, you can use 60 small fish tanks to raise more than 30, and then change to large tanks to continue to raise. I've been talking to a lot of pufferfishers lately, and whether or not these people have a crown, most of them think it's best to get in place in one step and save the need to change the tank later.

Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

Another reason I don't have a crown is because of its huge amount of food. I was under the impression that most freshwater pufferfish ate surprising amounts. The crown relies on its body shape and eats much more than other pufferfish. Crown dog head only eat live food, so the family must always prepare crab, snail, lobster and other fish food, adult crown at one time to eat more than a dozen small snails can not eat enough, so you have to buy a large, the cost of which will be raised to a higher level. Secondly, you need to clean up food scraps regularly, otherwise the more and more snail shells accumulate, it will not only affect ornamentality, but also cause water quality fluctuations. I am used to fish farming in Buddhism, and my hands-on ability is weaker than other aquarists, so I thought about it for a long time and decided not to keep a crown.

Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

Photography 丨 Wasabi sauce

The unit price of crown doghead fry is about 350 yuan or more, most of the larger ones are more than 1,000 yuan, the price difference between the e-commerce platforms is not large, and the second-hand between aquarists may be cheaper, but most of them are the same as the price of the e-commerce platform. For most aquarists, the price of Crown Dog Head is high, and in the long run, the ration of a Crown Dog Head can almost feed a tank of small tropical fish.

Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

The teeth of the Crown dog's head are large and pointed, similar to the rabbit teeth, but thicker than the rabbit teeth. Such teeth grow every day, and it bites open the shell of the snail and indirectly plays the role of teeth grinding. According to inertial thinking, the crown must be a bad fish, relatives smaller than it are already very violent, the huge size of it should be more aggressive, want to mix, may have to work harder.

Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

Photography 丨 Duckweed returns to the sea

In fact, Crown Dog Head has a mild personality, is not aggressive, and is mostly a bit timid before adulthood. It can live in small fish, successfully polyculture in three-lake tanks, and can also be polycultured with most medium-sized ornamental fish. Some people even mixed it with three rooms, and there was no friction. So we don't have to worry about how many kinds of polyculture schemes there are, just prepare a large enough fish tank for it, adjust the water temperature to 25 ° C, the pH is neutral, and can fluctuate up and down slightly. In addition, it has relatively high requirements for dissolved oxygen and requires continuous oxygen.

Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

Photography 丨ma 123cq

If you don't consider the cost, having a Crown Dog Head is really a good experience. It likes to swim around in the fish tank and run with your fingers. As you approach the fish tank with food, the mouth of the Crown Dog's head changes in color, sometimes as if talking, sometimes grinning. This feature sets it apart from other fish. Because many fish only have one expression, or a sad face, or a look of infatuation, or a fixed smile. In contrast, Crown Dog head is really a likable fish.

Large doghead fish, much more fun than small doghead fish

Photography 丨 West Wind A

Each ornamental fish has its own style. After seeing too many ornamental fish that rely on body color to attract attention, the crown dog head is even more unique. If you are really interested in it, but still have some unavoidable concerns, you can read everyone's sharing online and make plans.

The article was originally created by the "YEE Pet Experience Officer" under Yipin. Unauthorized reproduction is prohibited