
Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

author:Nanjing House Buying Pass

The recent Nanjing property market makes people a little "unable to understand", and the big hits such as Jiangnuo and Hexi are "cool" to varying degrees, but as a general sense of existence, the North City property market has ushered in a lot of heat for a long time.

Just this week, the north of the city of Baolong City, four seasons of heaven and earth respectively ushered in the push, it is worth mentioning that in the "cool and cool" Nanjing property market, the attention and registration of these two real estate is not small, the four seasons of heaven and earth is ushered in a long-lost thousand groups of registration, full of heat!

On the other hand, there is also a pure new market in the north of the city this week that also received sales permits:

Pure new disc star Ye Yu Shangfu received a total of 230 units in buildings 1 and 5 of the project, with a floor area of about 88, 110 and 118 square meters, fine decoration delivery, standard fresh air system, central air conditioning, floor heating three major pieces!

According to the "Ning Xiaotong" public data, as of nine o'clock this morning, a total of 638 people have registered, including 48 talents, 152 without rooms, and 438 ordinary applications.

Since the end of Jinlin Rongyu Mansion in May this year, the entire Maigao Bridge has fallen into a state of housing shortage for half a year, during which although there are many real estate projects including Xingye Yu Shangfu from time to time, the blank period of the entire plate is still more than half a year.

What is even more gratifying is that after Yujing Shangfu, a number of projects in the plate have also come from the latest progress, and the price of some projects can be described as a very surprise (expected at 30,000 / ㎡), which is very good news for buyers who seek mature supporting facilities and convenient transportation.

It is worth mentioning that the biggest value of this batch of real estate entering the market is that it has sent an option to stay in the real main urban area of Nanjing to buyers with a particularly tangled budget of about 3 million yuan.

But on the other hand, we also keenly found a problem: I thought that half a year would not open, coupled with the fact that the property market in the north of the city has always been stable, there should be no big splash, but I did not expect that half a year would not see, and it was expected to become the latest "meat grinder" when we met!

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

Half a year does not open, the opening of the inner volume, the second half of this year's Maigaoqiao property market, it is estimated that it will soon be lively!

At present, the entire Maigao Bridge plate has gathered 5 real estate projects, namely:

Hoshiba Yogi Sangfu, Kokomai Shangpin temple, Tomien Kiwangfu, Gimpo Royal Dragon Bay and Dadi Iliat Bay.

The reason why the "inner roll" and "meat grinder" of Maigao Bridge have been revealed is because according to the on-site investigation, we found that there are still many highly similar products:

First grade: affordable, comprehensive coverage

The biggest feature of these properties is that the unit type and total price are "rolled up".

Taking Xingye Yu Shangfu as an example, the project will create a three-bedroom, two-hall and one-bathroom apartment with a minimum construction area of about 88 square meters, with a total price of as low as 3.1 million, and hardcover delivery.

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

When we visited other projects, Gimpo Royal Dragon Bay said that the third phase of the project is expected to be pushed in December, and the same will create a small three-bedroom from 88 square meters, And the Gimpo Royal Dragon Bay Real Estate Consultant especially said that this time, the apartment type of Gimpo Royal Dragon Bay is rebuilt, especially the 88 ㎡ apartment, compared with the Xingye Yoga Shangfu, it will create a double balcony, which is more in line with the requirements of buyers and has a sense of quality.

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

Xingye Yoga Shangfu is about 88㎡ small apartment single balcony, which is indeed slightly cramped

And it is reported that Gimpo Royal Dragon Bay will be launched in a rough blank with a high probability, plus the previous current price, the unit price may be controlled within 30,000, the staff said: "The total price of the 110㎡ apartment type of Xingye Yushang House can be asked to win about 120㎡ units in Gimpo Royal Dragon Bay." ”

At the same time, the staff of Iliad Bay also said that the project is expected to be pushed again at the end of the year, with a construction area of about 108 square meters, limited price impact, and the total price may be less than 30,000 yuan / ㎡!

At present, the listings for sale are under intense construction, and the probability of opening at the end of the year is high.

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

We summarized three projects, from the type of apartment to the total price of the comprehensive PK, from the buyer group, the corresponding buyer group similarity is very high:

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

It is basically based on just need or local improvement, with high price sensitivity and more concern for the total price of the buyer group.

Compared with these three real estates, it may be that for most buyers, if they are in a hurry to move in, the only option is Yoga Shangfu, existing house sales:

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

Xingye Yoga Shangfu has been presented in the existing house

After all, the staff of Gimpo Royal Dragon Bay and Dadi Iliad Bay have clearly stated that the project is off-plan, and it is expected that the delivery time will be relatively long.

However, if you are not in a hurry to move in, the total price of the latter two projects will be more friendly, but at the same time, the staff reminds that with the previous opening experience of the project, if the price is indeed upside down, the probability of the lottery will certainly be relatively low.

The second grade: improvement-oriented, low-density small volume products front PK

During the investigation, we found that the "improved cover" of Maigao Bridge, the progress of Gao Ke Mai ShangpinYuan, is quite fast, and compared with half a year ago, it has entered a state of full construction:

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

Gao kemai shangpinyuan construction site real shooting

The project dynamic information is less, is expected to be listed this year, from other projects in the sector to understand, this disk will be public, but the time is not determined.

From the planning diagram displayed on the project site, it can be seen that:

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

Mai Shang Pin Yuan plans to build 4 8-9 storey low-density bungalows, including 2 8+1F residences, 2 9+1F residences, supporting commercial and community centers, low-density residential products, the volume is very small, it is reported that it will be listed in the fourth quarter, will be liquidated.

On August 7, 2019, after 8 rounds of bidding, the G41 plot of Maigaoqiao was bid by Nanjing Hi-Tech Real Estate Co., Ltd. for a total price of 520 million yuan, and the transaction price was 16268 yuan / ㎡, which shows that the unit price of the project after listing exceeded 30,000 yuan, basically no suspense.

Considering the low density and the tone of the products that Gaoke has always created, I believe that the low-density products that are rare in the main city will be in the courtyard, and the starting area will not be small and the unit price will not be low.

On the other hand, another low-density product, Fuyuan Qiwangfu, has also recently received product news:

The project plans to build 4 9-11 storey small high-rise residential buildings, of which 1 residential building is 9 floors, and the rest of the residences are 11 floors, creating a building area of about 115 square meters, 126 square meters, 143 square meters of products, positioned as the most high-end "fu system" products of Fuyuan, and is expected to be listed in the fourth quarter.

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

Renderings of Fuyuan Qiwangfu

In the soil auction on May 20 this year, after the Maxao Bridge G42 plot reached the maximum price limit, the final lottery was won by Jiangsu Fuyuan with a total price of 620 million yuan, the transaction floor price was 26724 yuan / ㎡, the rough limit price was 32907 yuan / ㎡, the full decoration limit price was 34907 yuan / ㎡, according to the convention plus "upgrade package", the ceiling of the Maigao Bridge plate may be him!

From the perspective of product and time to market, the two major improved low-density products in the Maigaoqiao plate also have highly similar characteristics, and they are basically small-volume residential communities, which are very rare as improvement products.

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

Moreover, from the perspective of products, it is inevitable that the total price of the two major projects in the future will be relatively closer to the positive PK.

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

In addition to the highly similar price factors and the product line that tends to be integrated, the Maigaoqiao plate also has a major feature, which makes the internal competition of the plate highly concentrated: that is, supporting sharing.

Compared with other new city plates, the current 5 buildings in the Maigaoqiao plate are not only not far apart, but also the distance to the major important supporting facilities is not much different, and the supporting sharing is truly achieved:

Subway: Line 1 that is in operation is currently a heavy rail transit that the 5 buildings rely on for travel, and at present, in addition to the maigaoqiao station of line 1, which is about 800 meters away from the Maigaoqiao Station of line 1, which is the closest subway disk, the remaining buildings to Line 1 take little time;

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that Metro Line 6 and Line 7 will also become the supporting facilities of the plate, and the overall travel of various communities will be more convenient in the future.

School: Educational resources have always been the "killer" of the plate, for now, only Gimpo Royal Dragon Bay is expected to correspond to the 29th middle and junior high schools, which is the only educational resource blessing real estate in the plate.

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

The Yogi Shangfu and Fuyuan Qiwangfu are adjacent to jinlin Rongyu house, and it is very likely to enter the diocese of the educational land next to jinlin rongyu house, which is said to build a nine-year school, and according to our on-site visit, construction has not been started so far, and the introduction of schools is not known:

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

The current situation of education land is actually filmed, and the site clearance has not yet been carried out

Living facilities: It should be said that the entire Maigao Bridge is a typical plate of Nanjing's "new and old mixed", the plot is relatively concentrated, the urban interface is a combination of new and old, and it is difficult to create a consistent overall urban interface like Yanziji and New Xuanwu.

In terms of life, the original living facilities are full of "fireworks", and you may be able to enjoy daily life by going out of the community:

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

But on the other hand, there is a lack of high-grade, concentrated large-scale commercial squares, for example, at present, the 5 buildings, the only commercial center that can be shared is Wanguhui Life Square:

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

To truly enjoy a more high-end and more mainstream business experience, it is still more dependent on several major brand commercial centers in Yanziji New City, or the high-end commercial supporting facilities of the future New Xuanwu.

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

Based on this, the buyers and residents of the entire plate are mainly the surrounding improvement crowds, and we have encountered many house watchers when we stepped on the plate, and they almost all said:

"Buying a house wants to live by yourself, mainly feel that the place is close to the original place of residence, and the key is that the house price is relatively cheap, and today, when the house prices in Nanjing are rising, I feel that Maigao Bridge is still very affordable."

On the other hand, we also communicate with sales and surrounding intermediaries, who said that only in the case of Yoga Shangfu, the current group of buyers, many of whom are buyers who have not shaken the previous lottery Jinlin RongyuFu and Vanke Yanyu light-year, and the investor group is relatively small.

Because of this, some sales said that although the plate is still upside down in principle, but the hardness of the upside down is doubtful, taking Gimpo Royal Dragon Bay as an example, although in principle and Yoga Shangfu upside down nearly 2000 yuan / ㎡, the future and their own new push listing upside down nearly 8000 yuan / ㎡, but 90 days no deal:

Absent for half a year, at the end of the year 5 plates piled up, the property market is cold, will the meat grinder mode be opened here?

In fact, if the market is hot, for buyers, just need, just change 3 to choose 1, low density improvement 2 to choose 1, shake which is which (if you need to shake the number); if the market is down, for buyers, 5 choose 1, buy which is to buy, depending on whose product is good, or which price is low.

However, everyone knows that Nanjing has "cooled" a lot in the second half of this year, for a plate such as Maigao Bridge, which is highly dependent on self-occupation and geography, is it to concentrate on launching multiple similar listings in a time period, is it firm to the end, let the market see the power of "real residence", or enter a weak state and become a new generation of "meat grinders" in the main urban area?

What do you think about that?

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