
Why is ant nesting so complicated, and what is hidden behind it?

author:Calf animal odd said

Ants as a household name insect is certainly not unfamiliar, how much do you know about ants? Today we will take a closer look at the kingdom of ants.

Why is ant nesting so complicated, and what is hidden behind it?

At present, the world's known ants have reached more than 9,000 kinds, and the number of ants that have been determined in China has reached more than 600 kinds, and their number is very large, and they have their footprints in any corner, and their reproductive ability is extremely strong.

Why is ant nesting so complicated, and what is hidden behind it?

Think about how hard we work day and night, and end up with a two- or three-room house for decades. Look at the ant, worthy of the "architect" of nature, the ant nest generally covers an area of 3 square meters or larger, the division of labor in each location is clear, not only has a living area, but also has a drainage and drainage system, which is simply an underground castle. And such a huge project, ants can roughly build a complete structure of the home in just a month or so, I feel that it is not as good as the ants.

Why is ant nesting so complicated, and what is hidden behind it?

In addition to the work of continuous improvement underground, ants will also build a military fortress outside the nest. Not only can it resist the invasion of foreign enemies, but it can also prevent the nest from being flooded. Why the surface of the nest can be so porcelain, this is because the fine sand used in the external structure and the unique saliva of the ants can solidify together and can shield the wind and rain.

Why is ant nesting so complicated, and what is hidden behind it?

Someone once poured a ton of cement into an ant's nest, and then after washing it to obtain a world-class work of art, it can be seen that the complexity of the ant's nest is no simpler than our human living environment. The various gullies confirm the title of the strongest architect in the ecosystem. The intelligence of animals is also endless.

Is ant nesting good or bad for the soil?

Why is ant nesting so complicated, and what is hidden behind it?

Ant nesting is actually very important for the improvement of the land, after scientists found that ant nesting for the improvement of soil physical and chemical substances, improve the soil water retention capacity, fixed quicksand and so on have played an important role. I don't know if you have noticed, many places where ants nest will grow in some lush grass plants from time to time, because ants often bring the seeds of herbs back to the nest to prepare food. Ants also play a very important role in the ecosystem.

Why is ant nesting so complicated, and what is hidden behind it?

Ants are not only masters of architecture in the ecosystem, but also the presence of Hercules, who can lift things that weigh more than 400 times their own weight, and can also transport objects that are 1700 times more than their own weight. If ants can be as big as humans, then what an invincible existence.

So why are ant nests so complex?

As a social animal, the internal hierarchy of ants is also quite strict, generally divided into queens: their main is to breed offspring, also known as queens, is the most important member of ants. Male ants: mainly can only mate with queens; worker ants: also known as working ants, the main responsibility is to build and expand nests, collect food, feed young ants and queens, etc.; soldier ants: mainly responsible for defending the home of combat weapons. Such a complex hierarchical division is also the reason why the ant nest is so complex. As the most important member of the ant colony, the queen is also in the deepest part of the nest, surrounded by ants for protection. The complex nest is also difficult for predators to find the location of the queen, mainly to protect the queen, ensure the reproduction of offspring, and prevent the extinction of the population.

What other good uses do ants have? Do you know?

Why is ant nesting so complicated, and what is hidden behind it?

Ants actually have the magic of suturing wounds, and the long-standing example of ants suturing wounds in Africa makes many people unbelievable. In Africa, a place where everything is backward, African residents are also brain holes, after the injury, the use of the ant's sharp mouth, in the moment when the ant bites the wound, the ant head is separated from the body, so that the head remains on the wound, which is equivalent to suturing the wound to achieve the effect of hemostasis and recovery. Ants are simply a precious resource that nature has given us.

There are many magical places where nature can be used, all waiting for us to explore and discover. Nature brings us endless, and the calf here is also calling on everyone to protect nature, protect animals, and protect the home on which we live!

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